Cinematic Universe facts
While investigating facts about Cinematic Universe Phase 3 and Cinematic Universe Marvel, I found out little known, but curios details like:
When casting the first Marvel Cinematic Universe film 'Iron Man', Marvel did not want Robert Downey Jr cast as the title character. The film's director 'would not take no for an answer' as he knew the character lined up perfectly with RDJ's life.
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Conan the barbarian is part of the Marvel comics universe and could potentionally be part of the cinematic universe, his world was created when Atlantis sunk and was later forgotton when Thor and Hercules arrived on earth
What cinematic universe is deadpool in?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what cinematic universe is venom in. Here are 38 of the best facts about Cinematic Universe Edition and Cinematic Universe Phase 1 I managed to collect.
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Toho Studios actually employs a man whose official title is "Chief Godzilla Officer." His name is Keiji Ota, and he's currently laying plans for a Godzilla Cinematic Universe.
The Air Bud cinematic universe consists of 25 movies to date, five more than the MCU. This includes the MVP (Most Valuable Primate) series.
Marvel Entertainment made little profit from its licensing deals, so they created MARVEL STUDIOS. Kevin Feige envisioned creating a shared universe similar to Stan Lee's comic book universe. They obtained a $525 million revolving credit and thus the "Marvel Cinematic Universe" was born.
Quentin Tarantino suggested to writer/director Frank Miller that Deadly Little Miho's swords were made by Hattori Hanzō. Miller enthusiastically agreed, thereby making Sin City and Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For, part of the Tarantino cinematic universe.
Transformers (2007), and the remake of Friday the 13th (2009), both exist in the same cinematic universe. Both films are connected by a character named Trent DeMarco, who is portrayed by Travis Van Winkle in both films.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe takes place in Earth-199999, a multiverse different from the original comic book universe, Earth-616.
The tv shows Scorpion, (the new) MacGyver, (the new) Hawaii 5-0, JAG, and the three NCIS shows are all in the same cinematic universe
Long before the creation of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel recreated Nick Fury to intentionally look like Samuel L Jackson without his knowledge, and even had Nick say that he would want SLJ to play him in a movie
Samuel L. Jackson, who is most famous in recent years for his role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, first appeared on screen in 1972 as a character named "Stan Lee"
The Marvel Cinematic Universe actually falls in one of the several Realities in the Marvel Universe: Earth-199999.
Cinematic Universe data charts
For your convenience take a look at Cinematic Universe figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is spiderman not in the marvel cinematic universe?
You can easily fact check why is the marvel cinematic universe so successful by examining the linked well-known sources.
Universal is recreating classic black-and-white monster movies as part of one shared cinematic universe starting in 2017 with The Mummy. Notable casting includes Russell Crowe as Dr. Jekyll, Johnny Depp as The Invisible Man, and Javier Bardem as Frankenstein's Monster.
All the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe cost $4.5b to make, and combined they grossed over $22.5b worldwide. - source
Tom Hiddleston, who plays Loki in the Thor films and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, originally auditioned to play the role of Thor - source
Pokémon is the highest grossing media franchise in the world with an estimated $95 billion in total revenue. Hello Kitty is second ($80 billion). Star Wars is fifth ($65 billion). Marvel Cinematic Universe is tenth ($34 billion).
The body of Mark Ruffalo's Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is modeled after a New York male stripper. - source
When will the marvel cinematic universe end?
Since 20th Century Fox owns the movie rights for X-men, Marvel can't use the word "mutant" in any of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies.
How many movies are in the marvel cinematic universe?
Universal Studios is developing a cinematic universe based around their old horror properties
The Marvel Cinematic Universe made half of the top ten highest-grossing films worldwide.
In 1998 Sony was offered the film rights to all of the Marvel comic universe. They turned down the offer, choosing only to buy the rights to Spiderman for 10 million. The Marvel cinematic universe has since made billions of dollars.
The Monsters Cinematic Universe, which is starting with a reboot of The Mummy in 2017 (with no Brendan Frasier)
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the highest grossing franchise of all time.
Cinematic universe infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Cinematic Universe numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Critic and User Review Aggregations of Marvel's Cinematic Universe. Black Panther marks the first time an MCU movie's user scores were lower than critic scores