Santa Fe facts
While investigating facts about Santa Fe New Mexico and Santa Fe College, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Santa Fe, New Mexico a nameless stranger came out of nowhere, built a mysterious staircase in a church out of foreign wood and primitive tools. It is thought by the nuns of that church that the carpenter was Saint Joseph.
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Santa Fe, New Mexico is the oldest capital city in the US. It is also older than Plymouth, NYC, and Philadelphia
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's the weather in santa fe new mexico. Here are 31 of the best facts about Santa Fe Weather and Santa Fe New Mexican I managed to collect.
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In 1988, a helicopter landed in the workout yard at Santa Fe Prison, picked up three prisoners, and flew away in a barrage of gunfire.
Santa Fe, New Mexico is the highest capital city in the United States at 7,198 feet. It beats Denver, Colorado by 1,918 feet.
In 1984 he helped found the Santa Fe Institute to support research into complex adaptive systems and complexity.
It was at the Santa Fe Institute that he established the Evolution of Human Language project.
New Mexico's capital city is Santa Fe and its largest city is Albuquerque.
The main islands of the Galapagos Islands include Baltra Island, Bartolome Island, Darwin Island, Espanola Island, Fernandina Island, Floreana Island, Genovesa Island, Isabela Island, Marchena Island, North Seymour Island, North Seymour Island, Pinzon Island, Pinta Island, Rabida Island, San Cristobal Island, Santa Cruz Island, Santa Fe Island, Santiago Island, and Wolf Island.
George RR Martin once called up "Ready Player One" author Ernest Cline asking to borrow his DeLorean for a "Back to the Future" screening at his theater in Santa Fe. Cline agreed but asked for a dragon egg in payment. Martin obliged.
Santa Claus, Indiana was originally called Santa Fe, but the USPS rejected the town's initial application for a post office because there was already a town called Santa Fe.
Since the site was in a relatively isolated location - south of Albuquerque and Santa Fe and northeast of Las Cruces and El Paso - radiation fallout was not a major concern of the government. With that said, few studies were done about the long term effects of the test, unlike those done about the atmospheric nuclear bomb tests in Nevada.
The Rio Grande's major tributaries include Red River, Rio Hondo, Rio Pueblo de Taos, Embudo River, Santa Fe River, Galisteo Creek, Alamito Creek, Terlingua Creek, Pecos River, Devils River, Conejos River, Rio Chama, Rio Conchos, Rio Salado, Rio Alamo, and San Juan River.
Santa Fe data charts
For your convenience take a look at Santa Fe figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Santa Fe is the oldest state capital in the United States. It was founded in 1610.
About Zozobra, also known as Old Man Gloom. Zozobra (which means anguish, anxiety, gloom in Spanish) is a 50 foot tall marionette who is the enemy of all that is good. Every year, residents of Santa Fe get together to burn the effigy and restore their hopes and dreams. - source
Wagon ruts from the Santa Fe Trail, used from appx 1821-1880, are still visible in some areas due to the high volume of wagon traffic along the trail. The most prominent being "Ralph's Ruts" in central Kansas. - source
Santa Fe is the second oldest city in America, founded between 1607 and 1610.
A 1963 plan by the US Atomic Energy Commission, Caltrans, and the Santa Fe Railway would have used 22 nuclear explosions to excavate a massive roadcut through California's Bristol Mountains to accommodate the construction of Interstate 40. - source
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The Forrest Fenn, a Santa Fe, New Mexico art dealer who has hid a chest filled with $1 million worth of gold nuggets, rare coins, gemstones, and jewelry in the Rocky Mountains. 4 people have gone missing searching for the treasure which has yet to be recovered.
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Santa Fe, NM is nearly 2000 feet higher in altitude than Denver
Major cities in the United States along the Rio Grande include Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Mesilla, Las Cruces, Truth or Consequence, El Paso, Presidio, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, Laredo, Rio Grande City, Brownsville, and McAllen.
Prisoners in Santa Fe are using the Aztec language to start gangs and communicate with the outside.
About Jose Melena, who was pressure cooked to death inside an industrial oven at the Bumblebee Tuna Santa Fe Springs plant in 2015
Santa Fe Railroad passengers food orders were telegraphed to the Belen Harvey House so their food would be ready when they arrived