Chess Pieces facts
While investigating facts about Chess Pieces Names and Chess Pieces Moves, I found out little known, but curios details like:
First game of chess against a computer was played in 1952 by Alan Turing. Because there were no computers powerful enough to actually run the program Alan Turing "ran" the program manually on a piece of paper
how chess pieces move?
About Chess960 - a game created by Bobby Fischer which uses the same board and pieces of regular chess, but randomly shuffles the home row to prevent players from relying on memorized strategies and instead rely on their own creativity
What chess pieces can jump?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what chess pieces can take the king. Here are 47 of the best facts about Chess Pieces Crossword and Chess Pieces Crossword Clue I managed to collect.
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One of the oldest chess strategy books, from 1561, recommends playing with your back to the sun to blind your opponent. If playing at night by a fire, it advises you to cast a shadow over the board with your hand, so your opponent "will not be able to see where to play his pieces."
Before 1600, a game of chess could be won by capturing all of the opponent's pieces, leaving a bare king; a style of play known as "annihilation". In Medieval times, players considered it nobler to win by checkmate, so annihilation became a half win for a while, until it was abandoned.
In chess, the queen used to be a relatively weak piece that reflected moral inferiority; that changed around 1500 with the rise of Queen Isabella of Spain.
About a variant of chess called Dunsany's, or Horde chess in which one player's pieces are set up identical to regular chess, while the other player starts with a horde of 32 pawns.
There is a game called Tamerlane chess which is similar to chess, with a different board, and includes elephants, camels, generals, war machines, 11 types of pawns, and several other pieces.
There’s a version of chess called "quantum chess" where the pieces are in a state of superposition; the player doesn't know what a piece will be until it is selected for play. Once selected, it behaves as any one of the conventional pieces and returns to its state of superposition after the move
Ray Charles, not only played the piano blind, but was also a keen chess player. His white and black squares had different elevation, and the pieces were shaped differently depending on the color.
Due to a loophole in official chess rules it used to be possible to promote your pawn into an enemy piece. In one chess puzzle the winning move for White is to promote its pawn into a black knight.
Surrealist/Dadaist master Marcel Duchamp quit the art world, moved to Argentina, carved his own chess pieces and devoted the rest of his life to playing chess.
Magnus Carlsen is possibly the best chess player in history, he remembers over 10,000 of his past games and can play against 10 people simultaneously without looking at the boards, just remembering where all the pieces are in his minds eye
Chess Pieces data charts
For your convenience take a look at Chess Pieces figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why chess pieces is important?
You can easily fact check why are chess pieces black and white by examining the linked well-known sources.
Marcel Duchamp, renown artist and chess enthusiast, relentlessly studied chess problems during his honey moon to the point that his wife glued the pieces to the board in the middle of the night in retaliation. They were divorced 3 months later.
Non-standard chess pieces are called “fairy chess pieces” and pretty much every type of movement has been classified and given a name - source
The names of pieces in Chess have changed over time. Queens were viziers or advisors, bishops were elephants, and rooks were chariots. - source
Kriegspiel is a variant of chess where players play blindly (players can see their own pieces but not the opponents).
The most expensive chess set in the world is valued at over 9.8 million dollars. One king piece alone weighs 165.2 grams of 18 carat yellow gold and has a spiraling mid-section graced by 73 rubies and 146 diamonds. - source
Stage in chess when few pieces remain?
White wood of yaupon is used for production of white pieces used in chess.
How chess pieces move pdf?
Boxwood has strong wood that can be used for carving and manufacture of chess pieces, decorative boxes, wooden spoons and various pieces (tailpieces, tuning pegs...) for the stringed instruments.
The surrealist artist Marcel Duchamp was so devoted to chess that, after he stayed up all night studying one game, his first wife glued the pieces to the chessboard.
The word for the chess piece 'rook' is derived from the Persian for 'chariot', which is why they can move long distances even though they're now depicted as castles.
12th-century chess pieces carved from walrus tusks and whale teeth inspired the chess set in Harry Potter and are the most impressive Norse objects ever found in Britain. They were discovered on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland but were probably made in Norway, and are full of Viking imagery
Chess pieces have different titles in other languages. Alternative names for the bishop include: tortoise, camel, elephant, shooter, hunter, runner, and jester.
Chess pieces infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Chess Pieces numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Most frequent paths of chess pieces giving mate