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Capable Producing facts

While investigating facts about Capable Of Producing Desired Results and Timpani Are Capable Of Producing An Actual Pitch, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There is a fungus, which when smelled, is capable or producing spontaneous orgasms in females.

how many amino acids is the body capable of producing?

Sperm from fire ant populations is capable of eliminating DNA from female ovum, essentially producing a clone of the male.

What are magnets capable of producing?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what percentage of bacteria are capable of producing disease. Here are 50 of the best facts about Which Drug Is Capable Of Producing Hallucinations And Flashbacks and Producing Or Capable Of Producing Offspring I managed to collect.

what percent of bacteria are capable of producing disease?

  1. Project MARAUDER, a coaxial plasma railgun powered by the SHIVA STAR capacitor bank, was designed by the USAF and capable of "[producing] doughnut shaped rings of plasma and balls of lightning that exploded with devastating effects when hitting its target." It was classified in 1993.

  2. Bananas naturally produce a small amount of ionizing radiation, equaling 0.1 microsieverts. Large shipments of bananas are capable of setting off nuclear weapons radiation monitors at shipping ports.

  3. The mangrove killifish, a type of fish that live in trees. They're also hermaphrodites capable of producing offspring alone.

  4. There are species of tiger moths capable of jamming bat ecolocation by producing their own clicks, up to 4500 per second.

  5. Breeding couple has only one egg. Both parents take care of their offspring. They produce oily substance to feed the chick until it becomes capable for eating fish and other sea creatures.

  6. If people stop producing ozone-destroying substances the ozone layer may be capable of recovering by 2050.

  7. A robot has been created that uses bacteria-filled fuel cells. The robot is capable of producing electricity from dead flies to power its battery. It can also use rotten apples to create fuel.

  8. The Soviets made "monkey models", simplified versions of their tanks, airplanes and ammunition produced exclusively for export to third-world countries. Despite being sold with the same or similar designations as the originals, export variants had greatly reduced capabilities in comparison.

  9. Biodiesel is capable of powering engines while producing 60% less carbon dioxide emissions.

  10. It is possible to use potatoes as a source of battery power, although they are not capable of producing a lot of it.

capable producing facts
What microorganisms are capable of producing disease?

What is the heaviest element stars are capable of producing and why?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Canadian province of Quebec has been building hydroelectric dams on the rivers that feed into James Bay since 1971. These dams are capable of producing about half of the provinces power each year.

There is a rare tumor, Teratoma, which appears in humans and is capable of producing the tissue types of hair, teeth, bone and complex organs such as eyes and brain-matter, and in rare cases it develops an internal cyst containing a structure that resembles a fetus. - source

Chlorine is capable of joining with practically every element, producing a chloride.

Cultured meat is meat produced in vitro, in a cell culture, rather than from an animal. In production, cultured cells are capable of multiplying so many times in culture that, in theory, a single cell could be used to produce enough meat to feed the global population for a year.

Bumble bees are capable of producing their own body heat, and so can live in climates as cold as the Arctic Circle. - source

When microorganisms capable of producing disease invade the body?

Biodiesel can be produced by any plant that is capable of producing oils and fats.

How motown was capable of producing so many hits?

An average horse is actually capable of producing 14.9 horsepower, and an average human is capable of producing about 5 horsepower.

Photodiode-based pyranometers are equipped with a photodiode that is capable of converting the solar spectrum frequency into high speed current. As the temperature rises the current produced also rises.

Several species of tiger moth produce an ultrasonic click capable of 'jamming' bat sonar. Researchers noticed that bats caught clicking moths 20% of the time but once the organ that produces the clicks was removed the figure rose to nearly 100%

Owls are solitary creatures. Although they do not live in groups, name for the group of owls is parliament. They are territorial animals which hoot to announce their territory. Not all owl species are capable for hooting. Other than hoot, owls produce variety of other sounds used for communication, such as screeches, hisses, and screams.

Captive orcas are capable of learning and producing dolphin vocalizations.

Interesting facts about capable producing

During sexual reproduction, males and females release millions of sperm and eggs in the water, where they mix together to form a fertilized egg that develops into new starfish. Female is capable of producing millions of eggs at once. This is important because small portion of the eggs survive to become adult starfish.

Canola produces small yellow flowers that are rich source of nectar which attracts bees - main pollinators of the flowers. Flowers contain both types of reproductive organs (stamens and pistil) and they are capable for self-pollination (when cross-pollination is not possible).

The bass guitar is used to produce much lower tones than the regular electric is capable of creating.

The world's largest solar-powered hospital is in rural Haiti and it's capable of producing more than 100 percent of its required energy

The domestic dog is only a sub-species of the wolf, and wolves can interbreed with any type of dog, with their offspring capable of producing offspring themselves.

The Stoplight Loosejaw belongs to a genus of fish that produce red bioluminescence, and as most of their prey organisms are not capable of perceiving light at those wavelengths, this allows them to hunt with an essentially invisible beam of light.

In the 1980s Saab secretly tried to produce a 280 HP V8 engine, capable of a 250 km/h top speed in a Saab 9000. On a test drive, a higher than normal speeding fine was received because of refusing to open the hood. The engine was canceled due to poor fuel efficiency and Saab being bought by GM.

About the Pistol Shrimp. Using its claw it is capable of producing a bubble "bullet" that travels 100km/h. The pressure exerted by its claw snapping is equivalent to 190dB from 1 meter away. The collapsing bubbles also reach a temperature of 4,700 celcius and emit a burst of light.

A common pet reptile, the bearded dragon is actually capable of producing a mild venom.

Ball Lightning - a natural phenomenon produced during storms. It has been well documented, and it is typically described as a ball of electricity capable of passing through walls and other barriers. Often believed to be ghost fires or apparitions in the olden days.

Hydrogen powered scooters capable of reaching 30mph were invented in 2003 by AQWON but lacked funding and are no longer produced.

Capsaicin in hot peppers is responsible for releasing endorphins, and is capable of producing an effect similar to a "runner's high"

The Titanic's electrical plant was capable of producing more power than an average city power station of the time.

Capable of mach2, the MiG-21 was the most-produced supersonic jet aircraft in aviation history, & still serves many nations 6 decades after its maiden flight. It was also very cheap, eg the F-4 Phantom's cost was several times higher than MiG-21.

In 17th century Iceland they had a ritual of creating "necropants" by flaying the skin of a corpse, which were believed to be capable of producing an endless supply of money

Mexico is one of a few countries that has the technical capabilities to produce nuclear weapons.

A horse is capable of 14.9 horsepower. Usain Bolt produced 11.4 horsepower during the 100 meter dash in 2009.

Nazi scientists developed plans for a “sun gun,” a 3.5 square mile mirror in outer space covered in metallic sodium capable of burning a city or boiling an ocean producible in as little as 50 years

Boeing is producing a liquid hydrogen fueled, 150ft wingspan surveillance drone capable of flying at 65,000ft for 10 straight days.

About Cosmological Natural Selection. CNS posits that our universe is capable of self-replication by creating black holes, which are new baby universes. Our universe has survived due to its ability to produce numerous black holes (probably 100 billion in the known universe).

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Capable Producing. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Capable Producing so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor