Amino Acids facts
While investigating facts about Amino Acids List and Amino Acids Benefits, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Murchison meteorite, which fell to earth in 1969. It contained high levels of organic compounds, came from a parent body that had liquid water, and the amino acids it contained could not have been synthesized on earth because they consisted of both left- and right- isomers.
how amino acids form proteins?
Tea has a less jittery and more calming caffeine experience than coffee because the amino acid L-theanine and high antioxidants have a calming effect.
What amino acids are essential?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what amino acids are hydrophobic. Here are 50 of the best facts about Amino Acids Chart and Amino Acids Foods I managed to collect.
what amino acids do?
The RNA Tie Club was a scientific gentleman's club created to "solve the riddle of the RNA structure and... how it built proteins".The motto was "do or die; or don't try". The 20 members each had a designated amino acid and a tie. They would exchange ideas over cigars and alcohol. 8 won Nobels.
Cheese is high in tyramine, an amino acid linked to migraines. Monterey Jack and mozzarella have low tyramine, making them preferable substitutes for migraine sufferers.
Moringa tree leaves contain all of the essential amino acids, more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk, more Vitamin A than carrots, and their seeds have been shown to purify water!
A daily diet of nine baked potatoes would contain all the essential amino acids (i.e. a complete protein) and calories for a 136 lb adult
Gender can now be determined from the concentration of amino acids in a fingerprint (levels are significantly higher in the sweat of women than that of men). The testing method can be performed at the crime scene and works in a manner similar to pregnancy strips or glucose meters.
there are taste buds on testicles and anuses. they seem to be part of the chemical sensing of sugars or amino acids but for the most part their full function is unknown.
An amino acid found in protein rich foods called Tryptophan is converted into serotonin and can help lessen symptoms of withdrawal in addicts. Addicts can literally be aided in recovery with cold turkey.
A meteorite that fell contained many organic compounds, one of which is a novel amino acid similar to mammal neurotransmitters and can treat chronic pain
Bacon might cure hangovers. British researchers from Newcastle University say that Bacon may actually help alleviate hangovers because it contains amino acids that help replace neurotransmitters that become depleted during heavy drinking.
There is a rare disease called "Maple Syrup Urine Disease" where the body can not process some amino acids resulting in the urine having a maple syrup odor. It can be fatal.
Amino Acids data charts
For your convenience take a look at Amino Acids figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why amino acids are amphoteric in nature?
You can easily fact check why amino acids are amphoteric by examining the linked well-known sources.
The "essential" in Essential Oils means "essence of" and not "indispensable to humans" like it does in essential fatty acids or essential amino acids.
Most energy drinks contain Taurine. The same amino acid that cats require in the diet to prevent them from going blind. - source
Scientists think cockroach milk could be the next superfood. It's 4 times more nutritious than cows milk, contains all the amino acids, and is time released. - source
Nitrogen is required to build amino acids.
Mushrooms breathe oxygen. They also require the same basic building blocks humans do, such as all the essential amino acids, nucleotides, transition metals, vitamins, including B12, C, niacin, D, L-ergothioneine and a large contingent of enzymes. - source
When amino acids combine to form the protein of the hair?
1 cup of raw avocado contains 240 calories, 3 grams of protein, 12.8 grams of carbohydrates, 21.99 grams of fat, 10.05 grams of fiber, water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids.
How amino acids are formed?
All living things contain nitrogen, mostly in amino acids, DNA, and RNA.
Between 1899 and 1908 Fischer greatly expanded our understanding of proteins and their amino acid components.
In 1943 he was awarded a doctorate and the title of his thesis was "The metabolism of the amino acid lysine in the animal body".
Watermelon rind is edible, and it contains more of the amino acid citrulline than the flesh. The rind is also high in chlorophyll which is a blood building compound.
About alkaline hydrolysis, an alternative cremation method where the body is placed in a pressure vessel where a heated mixture of water and lye breaks down the body into its chemical components (i.e. amino acids, peptides, sugars, salts, and calcium phosphate)