Cabin Pressure facts
While investigating facts about Cabin Pressure Bbc and Cabin Pressure Episodes, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2005 an engineer did a cabin pressure test & forgot to put the system back to auto. 115 passengers & 5 crew later passed out mid-flight through oxygen hypoxia. When 2 F16s made visual contact they saw the last conscious air-steward wave out the window before the plane crashed into a mountain.
how cabin pressure is maintained?
The pressurization of an airplane cabin alters the function of taste buds, causing a decrease of up to 30% in the ability to taste saltiness or sweetness. This is one of the reasons so many people dislike airline food.
What's cabin pressure?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what cabin pressure altitude. Here are 29 of the best facts about Cabin Pressure Podcast and Cabin Pressure Cast I managed to collect.
when operating an aircraft at cabin pressure?
That--although he is better known for inventing the pressurized cabin and collapsible landing gear--Howard Hughes also invented and patented the push-up bra.
Due to altitude, your tastebud sensitivity to salts and sweets are reduced 30%. And because 80% of what people think is taste is actually smell, the 12% humidity in a pressurized airplane cabin causes odor receptors not to function, food tastes twice as bland than on the ground.
A predominant cause of jet lag is the lack of available oxygen in airplane cabins. Airlines only pressurize cabins to levels equivalent to 8000 ft. above sea level to extend the lifespan of the plane.
About TUC ( Time Of Useful Consciousness) the amount of time a pilot or astronaut has before passing out when there is a cabin pressurization problem.
The Tesla Model X Bioweapon Defense Mode actually pressurizes the cabin, not just a fancy name because it has a HEPA filter.
Payne Stewart, two time U.S. Open winner and 1989 PGA Champion, died when the airplane he was on lost cabin pressure and oxygen. The plane was on autopilot, so even though the two pilots and four passengers were dead, the plane continued for 1,500 miles.
A woman once got "glued" to an airplane toilet seat as she "became the cork that maintained cabin pressure" after a valve failed in a Lockheed Constellation
Tesla cars have a "bioweapon defense mode" utilising positive cabin pressure to protect occupants from the dangers outside.
Shooting a gun on an airplane and knocking holes in the cabin would not cause the plane to depressurize, since the plane's pressurization system could compensate. However, shooting a window WOULD cause explosive depressurization.
Cabin Pressure data charts
For your convenience take a look at Cabin Pressure figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do planes lose cabin pressure?
You can easily fact check why is cabin pressure important by examining the linked well-known sources.
Planes pressurize their cabin using air the engine compresses.
Airplane Windows Have Tiny Holes to allow pressure to equilibrate between the passenger cabin and the air gap between the window panes, so that the cabin pressure during flight is applied to only the outer pane of the window . - source
Tomato juice on planes is so popular because the cabin pressure, humidity changes the flavor from 'earthy' to 'acidic' - source
The hole at the bottom of all airplane windows is called a 'breather hole' and was patented by Daimler Chrysler Aerospace Airbus in 1997. The holes are necassary to equalize the cabin pressure between the window panes.
People are more gassy on airplanes because of changing cabin pressures. - source
What happens when cabin pressure is lost?
Airline food tastes so bad because the cabin atmosphere—pressurized at 8,000 feet—combined with the cool, dry cabin air "makes your taste buds go numb, almost as if you had a cold."
How cabin pressure works?
Tomato juice actually tastes better at 30,000ft due to cabin pressure lowering the amount of oxygen in your blood resulting in most foods tasting bland. Tomato juice holds its flavor and that’s one reason why we drink it on planes!
Helios Airways flight 552 went unresponsive after a cabin pressurization malfunction, though the plane continued to fly. When fighter jets approached the plane, they found the pilot slumped over in his seat. The plane continued to fly on autopilot until it ran out of fuel killing 121 people.
The Tesla Model S comes with "Bio-Weapon Defense Mode." The feature pulls air into the vehicle through a medical grade HEPA filter and creates positive pressure inside the cabin to protect occupants.
Your ears hurt in flight because airplane cabins are under-pressurized. Airlines do this because pressurizing a plane causes metal fatigue, and the more the cabin is pressurized, the shorter the life span of a plane
The in flight cabin pressure of many modern airliners is actually of a lower altitude than some areas of Denver, Colorado.