Bruce Springsteen facts
While investigating facts about Bruce Springsteen Songs and Bruce Springsteen Tour, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Bruce Springsteen's classic, Born to Run, almost became the official song of New Jersey until legislators listened to the lyrics and realized the song was about wanting to get out of New Jersey.
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Before fame, Bruce Springsteen acquired his nickname "The Boss" because he took on the task of collecting the band's nightly pay from their club gigs and distributing it amongst his bandmates. Springsteen is not fond of this nickname, due to his dislike of bosses, but has tacitly accepted it.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's bruce springsteen worth. Here are 50 of the best facts about Bruce Springsteen Movie and Bruce Springsteen Wife I managed to collect.
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Bruce Springsteen stopped a walk out at the We Are The World recording. A few of the rockers felt the song was too pop and singing with non-rockers would hurt their image. They changed their minds when the boss said, "I'm here to save lives and feed people, and I'm staying."
Bruce Springsteen's 1980 hit "Hungry Heart" was originally written for the Ramones. He had written it in five minutes after seeing one of their concerts, and only recorded it himself after the band turned it down
Adam West wrote and tried to produce a Batman movie featuring zombies, students brains being sucked out and mutilated cattle carcasses. Oh and Dick Grayson as a superhero Bruce Springsteen!
Bruce Springsteen's 'Born in the U.S.A.' was the first CD manufactured in the United States for commercial release.
Bruce Springsteen was original nicknamed "The Doctor" but switched to "The Boss" in the late 1960's, because he took on the task of collecting the band's nightly pay and distributing it amongst his bandmates.
Blinded by the Light was originally written and recorded by Bruce Springsteen in 1972. It did not become popular until four years later when it was covered by Manfred Mann's Earth Band and reached no. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Bruce Springsteen played in East Berlin 1988. 300,000 east germans, isolated since 1961, sang 'Born in the USA'.
When Bruce Springsteen dissolved the E Street Band in 1989 he gave each member $2 million severance pay
Bruce Springsteen and Steve Van Zandt got thrown out of Disneyland in 1984 because their bandanas were considered "gang wear"
Neither Bob Dylan nor Bruce Springsteen have reached number one on Billboard Hot 100, but Mark Wahlberg has!
Bruce Springsteen data charts
For your convenience take a look at Bruce Springsteen figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Bruce Springsteen is a famous singer and songwriter who became known as "The Boss" throughout his career.
The Clash released a triple album as their way of mocking CBS for resisting their desire to release London Calling as a double album, then releasing Bruce Springsteen double album The River less than a year later. They agreed to a decrease in royalties in order to release the album at low price - source
Bruce Springsteen's third grade teacher, (A NUN) stuffed him into a garbage can claiming that's "where he belonged." - source
Alfonso Ribeiro's famous dance "the Carlton" in Fresh Prince was inspired by Bruce Springsteen and Courtney Cox in the "Dancing in the Dark" music video.
The first CD pressed in the United States was Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA." - source
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Bruce Springsteen wrote "Fire" specifically for Elvis Presley and sent him a demo but Elvis died before hearing it
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The Bruce Springsteen song “Nebraska" is sung as a first person narrative of Charles Starkweather, who along with his 13 year old girlfriend Caril Ann Fugate murdered 11 people over an eight-day period in 1958.
Bruce Springsteen, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, The Who, and James Brown have never had a single top the Billboard Top 40.
Ireland's oldest Fish and Chip shop or ''Chipper'' known as Leo Burdock is frequently visited by high profile celebrities such as Naomi Campbell, Nicole Kidman, BB King, Snoop Dogg and Bruce Springsteen whom they refer to as a regular
"Bat Out of Hell" was intended by producer Todd Rundgen to spoof Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run"... and Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman weren't in on the joke.
Blinded by the Light was written and originally recorded by Bruce Springsteen