Incredible and fun facts to explore

Bottle Vodka facts

While investigating facts about Bottle Vodka Song and Bottle Vodka Units, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The world's most expensive bottle of vodka was stolen and found empty at a construction site

how many units in a bottle of vodka?

In 2018, the world's most expensive bottle of vodka (worth $1.3 million USD) was stolen and found empty on a construction site.

What happens if you drink a bottle of vodka?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens if you down a bottle of vodka. Here are 25 of the best facts about Bottle Vodka Price and Bottle Vodka Calories I managed to collect.

what happens when you chug a bottle of vodka?

  1. There is a bottle of vodka that costs $3.75 million, and is filtered through sand made from crushed diamonds and gems.

  2. White Coke a highly illegal substance in the Soviet Union. It was regular coca-cola disguised in a vodka bottle and it was given to Field Marshall Gregory Zhukov by US general Eisenhower. Zhukov could not drink coke in public as it was a symbol of capitalism so the vodka bottle disguised it.

  3. A man named Alexander Pichushkin, known as "The Chessboard Killer",targeted elderly homeless men by luring them with free vodka. After drinking with them, he would kill them with a hammer and then push the vodka bottle into the open wound in their skulls.

  4. In 2014 it was determined that the cause of 40% of working age deaths in Russia was due to alcohol. The risk of dying before 55 was 35% for those who drank 3 bottles of vodka a week.

  5. When an inaugural flight from the US landed in Magadan, Russia in the 1990s, the airport had no de-icing service. The pilot rounded up every bottle of vodka around, and sprayed it on the wings with a garden hose.

  6. A Russian man once drank 3 bottles of vodka. He then jumped out of a 5 storey window. Walked backup, and jumped again.

  7. The most expensive vodka in the world costs $3.7 million a bottle, it is filtered through diamonds to remove impurities.

  8. When Sylvester Stallone was filming a nude shower scene with Sharon Stone for 1994's "The Specialist," she was hesitant to do the scene. Stallone claims he then "brought back a bottle of Black Death vodka that was given to me by Michael Douglas and after half-a-dozen shots we were wet and wild."

  9. Bartex’s Red Army Vodka gift pack features a gun-shaped bottle of vodka and a glass grenade filled with a Russian herbal liqueur and six shot glasses typically retailing at around £100. It was banned and found in breach of UK alcohol marketing laws for its association to violence and aggression

  10. About Alexei Roskov,a Russian man who drank 3 bottles of vodka and, to combat his wife's nagging, jumped out of a window of their 5th storey apartment....TWICE!

bottle vodka facts
What happens if you chug a bottle of vodka?

Bottle Vodka data charts

For your convenience take a look at Bottle Vodka figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

bottle vodka fact data chart about Vodka purchases, broken down by bottle size and brand
Vodka purchases, broken down by bottle size and brand

What is true about bottle vodka?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Lemmy from Morörhead appeared in the music video "I Want To Be A Cowboy" by Boys Don't Cry in exchange for a bottle of Vodka.

There are bottles of vodka being made with ghost chilies. The hottest bottle weighing in at 500,000 Scoville. - source

Alcohol sales in Scotland were 20% higher than in England and Wales in 2015 averaging 10.8 litres of pure alcohol sold per adult - equivalent to; 41 bottles of vodka, 116 bottles of wine or 477 pints of beer. - source

After WWII; Georgy Zhukov, a Russian General who played a major role in defeating Nazi Germany, loved Coca Cola so much that after it became a sign of American Imperialism, he had foreign scientists develop a unique, clear Coke bottled to look like vodka

How vodka bottles and medicine bottles get there metal tops put on. - source

What happens when you chug a bottle of vodka?

What happens to a plastic bottle with vodka in it when thrown in a campfire

How many calories in a bottle of vodka?

Dan Aykroyd is responsible for that crystal skull vodka bottle that I always see in liquor stores

It Costs More To Produce A Vodka Bottle Than The Vodka Itself

About White Coke, a clear version of Coca Cola produced for Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov. Unwilling to be seen drinking Coca Cola, Zhukov contacted the US military and arranged for a clear version bottled to look like Vodka.

There is vodka that costs 3.700.000$ per bottle.

What happens when you drink a whole bottle of vodka?

GNR bassist Duff McKagan drank so much alcohol that his pancreas burst causing third-degree burns inside his stomach. Before that, he had cut off his drinking from a daily half-gallon vodka to 10 bottles of wine per day.

The world's most expensive bottle of vodka ($3.7million per bottle), is passed through "crushed diamonds and gems"

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Bottle Vodka. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Bottle Vodka so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor