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Vending Machine facts

While investigating facts about Vending Machine Business and Vending Machine Hack, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Japanese vending machines are operated to dispense drinking water free of charge when the water supply gets cut off during a disaster.

how vending machine works?

Along a lonely stretch of highway in Awa-shi, Japan, a rare vending machine sells homemade meals of fresh curry over rice. The vending machine owner, Tadashi Yoshimoto, grows the rice in every meal just down the road on his own farm!

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a car vending machine. Here are 50 of the best facts about Vending Machine Locations and Vending Machine Business For Sale I managed to collect.

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  1. In 1999 Coca Cola invented a vending machine that could adjust its prices based on the temperature, allowing it to hike up the price of a Coke on a hot summer day. Customers denounced the idea, while even Pepsi accused Coke of exploitation

  2. There is a pecan pie vending machine in Cedar Creek, Texas. The machine is open 24/7, is stocked daily, and contains full-sized pies and other sweet pecan treats.

  3. In 1999 Coca Cola invented a vending machine that could adjust its prices based on the temperature, allowing it to hike up the price of a Coke on a hot summer day. Customers denounced the idea, while even Pepsi accused Coke of exploitation

  4. The price of a bottle of Coca-Cola stayed at a nickel for over 70 years. As a result, vending machines only took nickels, and before raising prices to a dime the president of the company asked President Eisenhower to mint 7.5 cent coins to keep the increase reasonable.

  5. Ancient Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria invented the first vending machine which dispensed holy water after you put in a coin. He also invented the first steam engine and the first wind powered machine, 2000 years before the industrial revolution.

  6. In 1955, cigarettes were sold in vending machines that only accepted quarters, but a pack of cigarettes cost only 23 cents. Instead of raising the price, cigarette manufacturers included two pennies in the package.

  7. Istanbul has a vending machine that releases food and water for the city's stray dogs in exchange for recycled plastic bottles.

  8. Vending machines kill more people per year than sharks. Vending machines kill an average of 13 people a year, sharks 5.

  9. Using facial recognition software, an airport's vending machine dispensed free coffee for anyone who yawned

  10. Japan banned beer vending machines from public sidewalks, not to prevent public drunkenness or sales to minors but because liquor store owners didn't like the competition.

vending machine facts
What is a reverse vending machine?

Vending Machine data charts

For your convenience take a look at Vending Machine figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

vending machine fact data chart about Type and number of vending machine in Japan
Type and number of vending machine in Japan

vending machine fact data chart about My School Gym's Vending Machine sells Starbuck Coffee for le
My School Gym's Vending Machine sells Starbuck Coffee for less than any other vendor I could find

Why vending machines?

You can easily fact check why should schools have vending machines by examining the linked well-known sources.

There are over 5.5 million vending machines in Japan that turn over almost 7 trillion yen annually

In France they have short story vending machines in public locations. You can select 1, 3, or 5 minutes, and the machine prints a story on a strip of paper for free. - source

In the late 90's, Coca-Cola tested vending machines that would automatically change prices based on the temperature outside. The higher the temperature the higher the price. - source

The first vending machine was invented 2000 years ago in Roman Egypt and sold Holy Water. When the coin was deposited, it fell upon a pan attached to a lever which let some water flow out. A counterweight snapped the lever up and turned off the valve once the coin was tilted off the pan.

There is an annual conference on boring things. In the past people have given talks on barcodes, sneezing and the sounds of vending machines. - source

Did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine?

Coca-Cola made a vending machine exclusive to India and Pakistan called a "Small World Machine" where users in opposite countries are rewarded with a drink for cooperating with each other

How vending machines make money?

In Istanbul, there is a Vending Machine takes bottles and gives food to stray dogs in exchange

Japan is the vending machine capital of the world and that machines can dispense free supplies in the event of disasters

Coca-Cola created a campaign to promote unity between India and Pakistan by using high-end vending machines which allowed people in both countries to communicate with each other in real-time.

The the first vending machine, invented in the first century, dispensed holy water.

The coin-operated vending machine was invented about 2,000 years ago by Hero of Alexandria, an engineer and mathematician in first-century Roman Egypt. Users inserted a coin, which fell onto a pan that was attached to a lever that opened a valve and dispensed holy water.

When was the first vending machine?

The Virgin Hotel in Chicago has no check-in desk; it uses a smartphone system in which you scan a QR code and retrieve your room key from a vending machine. The personal comfort assistant app named Lucy can order more pillows, control room temperature, and coordinate messages with hotel staff.

There was a vending machine in Seattle, WA, that vended random sodas, but no one knew who owned it, stocked it, or took the money, and now, it has randomly disappeared with a note indicating "Went for a walk."

When Coca-Cola wanted to raise the price of the drink in the 1950s, they avoided moving to a price that required the use of more than a single coin (5¢), so they created vending machines where one in every nine bottles was empty so some people would have to pay 10¢ to get a drink

The vending machine was invented in the 1st century. In exchange of a coin it dispensed holy water

There are "marijuana vending machines" in the United States which allow prescribed users to scan their fingerprints to acquire a medicinal dosage of marijuana.

How vending machine is used?

In 1999, the New York Times was sold in over 13,300 "Honor Box" vending machines. Now only 39 remain.

There's an old vending machine in Seattle that has been spitting out sodas on the corner of John and Broadway for up to 15 years, but no one seems to know who re-stocks, maintains, or collects money from the thing. Some flavors include Mountain Dew White Out and Black Cherry Frescas.

In '53, Coca Cola attempted to boost vending machine profits by asking the US Treasury to mint a 7.5 cent coin; that failing, they then briefly implemented "official blanks" where 1 in every 9 vended bottles would be empty

Swaziland's 1 Lilangeni coin is identical in weight and dimensions to the £1 coin and can be used in vending machines. It's worth £0.06

People in Norway have used Syrian 10-pound coins in place of Norwegian 20-krone coins in vending machines because they are similar in size but are worth much less than the Norwegian coins

After being stuck charging $5c/bottle for various reasons, the Coca-Cola Company approached the U.S. Treasury Department asking them to mint a 7.5 cent coin in 1953, as a method to increase their prices without requiring two coins for vending machine sales

In 1999, a company in Japan installed vending machines selling live kabutomushi (horned beetles) so that children in cities away from the beetles' natural habitat could collect them as pets. The machines were so popular they sold out each day.

In Soviet Union there were beverage vending machines which used one single 'communal glass' that was cleaned after each use automatically.

There was a job called “tea lady” who would go around in big office companies serving tea and drinks. Very popular around the 40’s till 80’s. Died out mainly due to coffee trucks and vending machines. Still happens in some hospitals.

Teachers at a Florida elementary placed books inside the school vending machine. Students can buy books using tokens earned from doing good deeds or working hard in class

In 1999, Coca Cola adapted a vending machine so that it would charge more for drinks in hot weather.

The first vending machine was invented in Ancient Egypt in 215 BCE and sold holy water. It worked by the use of levers meaning a coin would open a tap, letting water out.

To get around anti-gambling laws, early slot machines masqueraded as vending machines. They gave out things like chewing gum as prizes which could be redeemed for money. This origin is why we see fruit symbols on slot machines to this day.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Vending Machine. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Vending Machine so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor