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Grey Goose facts

While investigating facts about Grey Goose Vodka and Grey Goose Price, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Costco's Kirkland Signature Vodka is made in the same region, using the same water, as Grey Goose and scores higher in blind taste tests. It costs less than 1/2 the price.

how grey goose is made?

Almost exclusively in Minnesota the game "Duck, Duck, Goose" is called "Duck, Duck, Grey Duck"

What's grey goose?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's grey goose made from. Here are 14 of the best facts about Grey Goose Gilmorton and Grey Goose Vx I managed to collect.

what grey goose vodka made from?

  1. In Minnesota, the game "Duck, Duck, Goose" is called "Duck, Duck, Grey Duck".

  2. There is a cocktail known as a "Sully," named after the pilot of US Airways Flight 1549, which consists of two shots of Grey Goose and a splash of water.

  3. Goose can be completely white or covered with brownish-grey plumage with dark markings, just like the wild geese.

  4. Smirnoff was the hands-down favorite at a New York Times Vodka tasting, beating out Grey Goose and CÎroc despite being one of the most affordable vodkas on the market.

  5. Bacardi is the largest private spirits company in the world and owns Grey Goose, Dewar's, and Bombay Sapphire gin

  6. Emperor goose has bluish grey plumage with black and white markings on the tips of the wings. Head and nape are white colored.

  7. There is a cocktail named the "Sully", after Hudson River pilot Chesley Sullenberger, that consists of two shots of Grey Goose vodka and a dash of water.

  8. Instead of "Duck, Duck, Goose," Minnesota children usually say "Duck, Duck...Grey Duck" when playing the eponymous game.

  9. On any given day during the year it is possible to see at least 150 different bird species in Gorongosa National Park, which may include the olive thrush, bearded woodpecker, red-chested cuckoo, Egyptian goose, little stint, African fish eagle, weaver, grey crowned crane, lilac-breasted roller, or woodland kingfisher.

  10. Sidney Frank, the creator of Grey Goose, created Lil Jon's "Crunk Juice" energy drink

grey goose facts
What to mix with grey goose?

Why grey goose is good?

You can easily fact check why is grey goose vodka so expensive by examining the linked well-known sources.

How Grey Goose Semen is Manually Collected.

There is an invisible goose on the Grey Goose bottle - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Grey Goose. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Grey Goose so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor