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Book Mormon facts

While investigating facts about Book Mormon Tickets and Book Mormon Brisbane, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A devout Mormon set out in 1955 on an archaeological expedition to prove the Book of Mormon's claims. After 15 years instead he found nearly every claim in the BOM was wrong and the papyrus J. Smith claimed written by Abraham was actually just a page ripped out of the Egyptian Book of the Dead

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The Book of Mormon tells of things like cattle, donkeys, steel, silk, elephants, and wheat in Pre-Columbian America. None of them existed in America before the 1500's.

What is the book of mormon musical about?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the book of mormon play about. Here are 50 of the best facts about Book Mormon Manchester and Book Mormon London I managed to collect.

what is the book of mormon?

  1. 1816 was called "The Year Without a Summer" after the eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia. Crop failure forced Joseph Smith to leave Vermont, and his journeys resulted in "The Book of Mormon," the dreary rain in Switzerland drove Mary Shelley to stay indoors, where she wrote "Frankenstein."

  2. Trey Parker & Matt Stone were inspired to make 'The Book of Mormon' after seeing the Broadway musical 'Avenue Q'. Robert Lopez, creator of 'Avenue Q', was inspired to make it after seeing Trey Parker & Matt Stone's movie 'South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut'

  3. Mark Twain called The Book of Mormon "Chloroform in Print"

  4. One of the Books of Mormon was translated by its founder from an Egyptian scroll, purportedly written by Abraham himself, that was presumed lost in a museum fire. The scroll was rediscovered in 1966 and was shown to be a common funerary text.

  5. A man who would later become the president of Mormon church once declared, "We will never get a man into space. [...] The moon is a superior planet to the earth and it was never intended that man should go there. You can write it down in your books that this will never happen"... in 1961.

  6. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints purchased advertisements in many playbills for the musical "The Book of Mormon", with phrases like "The book is always better" and "you've seen the play, now read the book."

  7. Not only did the Mormon church not oppose the Broadway musical "The Book of Mormon", they used the extra attention to promote their religion and even took out ad-space in the playbill

  8. Robert Lopez, co-writer of Let It Go from Frozen, co-created and co-wrote Avenue Q and The Book Of Mormon, guest wrote a South Park episode, wrote four songs for the Scrubs episode My Musical, and is one of 12 people to have ever won EGOT: an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony.

  9. Thomas W. Murphy, a Mormon anthropologist, set about to prove that Native Americans descended from the "lost tribe of Israel" (as posited in the Book of Mormon), only to prove that their DNA descended from those of Siberian origin. His research nearly led to his excommunication from the church.

  10. Although many Evangelicals oppose the 'Harry Potter' series, prominent leaders of the Latter-day Saints (Mormon) church have recommended the series and spoke of being fans because the books teach morality and show good being victorious over evil

book mormon facts
What is the story of the book of mormon?

Why is it called the book of mormon?

You can easily fact check why is book of mormon offensive by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 2013, Jeremy Runnells, a 6th generation Mormon, compiled a list of concerns he had about Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, and church history. The church never responded to his questions, but his research went viral and has caused many to question and subsequently leave the church.

The songwriter Robert Lopez is responsible for co-writing the songs in both Book of Mormon and Frozen. He is the youngest person to ever receive an EGOT and is the only person to achieve an EGOT twice. - source

According to the book of Mormon, Jews travelled to the New World in 2500 BC with a bunch of livestock in a freely rotating wooden submarine with a pluggable hole in the top and bottom to let in air to breathe. - source

Trey Parker and Matt Stone have made nearly 200 million dollars from Book of Mormon, approximately 19 million per month, which was enough money to start their own production company.

The Book of Abraham", a book supposedly translated by Joseph Smith for The Book of Mormon, was debunked by Mormon and non-Mormon Egyptologists as ancient funerary texts - source

When was the book of mormon written?

Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, "admitted to defrauding citizens by organizing mad gold-digging expeditions and also to claiming to possess dark or 'necromantic' power" 4 years before discovering "The Book of Mormon"

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has advertised in the playbill for the “The Book of Mormon” musical. One advertisement says “You’ve seen the play…now read the book.” Another reads “The book is always better.”

Thomas Stuart Ferguson, a devout Mormen, lost his faith looking for evdience of the Book of Mormon in Central America, but jumpstarted archaeology in that region

Mormon prophet Joseph Smith claimed to have transcribed The Book of Abraham from ancient Egyptian papyri, which experts later determined was actually common Egyptian funeral text.

In 2013, Jeremy Runnells, a 6th generation Mormon, compiled a list of concerns about Joseph Smith's 34 wives (as young as 14), anachronisms and 1769 KJV errors in the Book of Mormon and various other issues. After initially vowing to respond to the letter, the Church itself never responded.

The LDS (Mormon) Church bought advertising space in the program/playbill for Matt Stone and Trey Parker's satirical musical "The Book of Mormon" to promote the real Book of Mormon.

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Matt Stone & Trey Parker had people warn them that there would be Mormon protests surrounding their musical "The Book of Mormon", but the church has had a great sense of humor about it, even advertising in some BOM playbills with phrases like "the book is always better"

Over dinner after seeing a Broadway showing of Avenue Q, co-author Robert Lopez told Trey Parker and Matt Stone his idea to make a musical about Mormon prophet Joseph Smith. Parker and Stone, stunned, revealed they had had the same idea. Soon later, The Book of Mormon was born.

The Book of Mormon claims that the earliest Native Americans were people from Israel that came across the ocean in wooden submarines 4000 years ago.

The Salamander Letter, a forged religious document that stated that an albino salamander had presented Joseph Smith with the golden plates from which the Book of Mormon is transcribed.

The co-creator of "Book of Mormon" and "Avenue Q" is the composer of the songs in Disney's "Frozen" and "Coco" & even has an EGOT!

How long is the book of mormon play?

The Mormon prophet Joseph Smith tried to sell the copyright of the Book of Mormon in Canada

By 1982 After Repeated Requests by Mormon Archaeologists, the Smithsonian & The National Geographic Society Issued Formal Statements Denying that the Book of Mormon was Being Used for Archaeological Research and Stating that the Book is Not Historical.

The most expensive manuscript ever is a handwritten copy of the Book of Mormon, which sold for $35 million.

"General Butt Fucking Naked" from the Broadway musical "The Book of Mormon" was based on a real life Liberian general of the same name.

When the Mormon church viewed the musical "The Book of Mormon", they didn't protest it, but instead bought advertisement space.

The Mormon church will send a book of Mormon anywhere in the world for free at your request.

According to accounts by those close to Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon was not read from gold plates as is commonly believed, but was instead quite literally pulled out of a hat.

A big data literary study of 100k+ books published prior to 1830, found that 'The Book of Mormon' shares many story elements, text structure, and unique phrases in common with 'The late war..' published 21 years prior.

In 2012 Jeremy Runnells, a 6th generation Mormon, was asked by a Church Education System director to share his concerns about church history, origins and practices. He wrote a book of concerns and sources, Letter to a CES Director, and was promised a response. No response ever came.

General Butt Naked in Book of Mormon is a real warlord who converted and became a preacher

One of the canonized books in the Mormon faith was divinely translated from an ancient Egyptian papyrus by the Mormons' founder, Joseph Smith. The document still exists, and modern translations do not agree.

In 2011, Matt Stone and Trey Parker wrote an episode of South Park about Broadway musicals, stating that they give subtext for women to perform oral sex on their male friends. They then ended the episode with an advertisement for their Broadway musical, The Book of Mormon.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Book Mormon. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Book Mormon so important!

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