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Founder Mormonism facts

While investigating facts about Mormonism Founder And Date and Mormonism Founder And Origin, I found out little known, but curios details like:

One of the Books of Mormon was translated by its founder from an Egyptian scroll, purportedly written by Abraham himself, that was presumed lost in a museum fire. The scroll was rediscovered in 1966 and was shown to be a common funerary text.

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Mormon founder Joseph Smith said that people lived on the moon, and the second Mormon prophet, Brigham Young, taught that people lived on the Sun

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 37 of the best facts about Founder Of Mormonism and Founder Of Mormonism Polygamy I managed to collect.

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  1. The founder of Mormonism was shot several times, fell out of a window, died, and proceeded to be shot more.

  2. Mormonism founder Joseph Smith along with his following Brigham Young believed that Moon as well as Sun is inhabited by Men and Women who lived as long as 1000 years with men all being 6 feet tall dressed uniformly like Quakers.

  3. The Founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, successfully evaded arrest for attempted murder by raising an army of 5,000 men after illegally declaring martial law, only to be convinced to return by supporters and subsequently murdered by a mob.

  4. Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, "admitted to defrauding citizens by organizing mad gold-digging expeditions and also to claiming to possess dark or 'necromantic' power" 4 years before discovering "The Book of Mormon"

  5. In 1826, Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism) was brought before a Chenango County court for "glass-looking", or pretending to find lost treasure.

  6. Mormon Church Founder Joseph Smith promised salvation for the entire family of a 14 year old girl he was grooming.

  7. Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, was the Lieutenant-General of an authorized state militia that enlisted at least 2,500 men while the the United States army at the time consisted of 8,500.

  8. The founder of Mormonism practiced polygamy *and* polyandry and one of his wives was 14 years old when he married her.

  9. In 1842, Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, became a Mason. Shortly thereafter, he introduced a "sacred" temple ceremony to the Mormons (still in use today) which borrowed heavily from the Masonic initiation ceremony.

  10. In 1831, Mormon founder Joseph Smith claimed to find an altar that Adam had sacrificed animals on 6000 years ago. It would have survived Noah's flood. The Mormons have since lost it.

founder mormonism facts
What are the best facts about Founder Mormonism?

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Joseph Smith, founder of Mormon church, secretly married his teenage step-daughter, Lucy Walker, and at least 6 other teenage girls. Canonized Mormon scripture, Doctrine & Covenants is still used today and justifies this practice. Link to Mormon site. Read verse 61.

Joseph Smith (Mormon founder) added verses prophesying himself in his translation of the Bible (Genesis 50:33) - source

Brigham Young's (founder of the Mormon university named after him) son, Brigham Morris Young, was a female impersonator (Drag) who performed under the stage name of Madam Pattirini and had a falsetto so convincing that many were shocked to find out they weren't a woman. - source

Mormonism founder Joseph Smith was the first American presidential candidate to be assassinated while running for office

Joseph Smith, Mormon founder, claimed that unlike Jesus, he was the only person in history to keep a church together: "I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet." - source

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The first American Presidential candidate to be assassinated was Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon church

Joseph Smith founder of the LDS (Mormon) church was given fake plates to translate to prove he wasn't divinely inspired, the trick worked, yet this is somehow still a religion!

Helen Mar Kimball, who was married to Mormon Church founder Joseph Smith at age 14. Her father arranged the marriage, but she only agreed to it after Smith told her that her sacrifice would ensure her family's eternal salvation.

In 1928, the body of Mormon founder and prophet Joseph Smith was exhumed from Nauvoo, IL, and his skull was photographed.

Many of the "scriptures" written by Mormon founder Joseph Smith say that people are black because they are cursed. (See verse 8)

Mormon founder Joseph Smith told some men in his church that God had commanded him to marry their wives. Most of the men gave him permission to carry out the polyandrous wedding.

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One of the canonized books in the Mormon faith was divinely translated from an ancient Egyptian papyrus by the Mormons' founder, Joseph Smith. The document still exists, and modern translations do not agree.

Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church, was arrested approximately 30-42 times.

Joseph Smith (the founder of mormonism) believed there were 6 foot tall men that lived for a thousand years and dressed like Quakers living on the moon.

William Hooper Young, grandson of Brigham Young, the president of the LDS Church and founder of Salt Lake City. Was convicted of the murder of Anna Pulitzer in 1903. It was speculated that Pulitzer was killed for the Mormon principle of "blood atonement"

Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon church, wed more than 40 wives, including some who were already married and two 14 year old at the time of marriage.

Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, ran as a third-party in the 1844 US Presidential Election.

Joseph Smith (Founder of the Mormon Church) ran for president in 1844

Joseph Smith Jr. (Founder of Mormonism) was secretly married to dozens of women, many of them already married to some of his close friends or teenagers.

Mormon Founder, Joseph Smith lied about translating the "The Book of Abraham" from the Mormons canonical "The Pearl of Great Price."

On This Day, 1847, Mormon Founder Joseph Smith's Wife, Emma, Married a Lutheran named Lewis Bidamon on, What Would Have Been, Joseph's 42nd Birthday. Lewis Believed Joseph Was a Good Man Who Had Been Deceived.

Until the 1930s the Mormon Church had its members recite in their temples an Oath of Vengeance. The oath was that they would pray for God to take revenge against America, and teach their kids to do the same, due to the founder of the church being killed by a mob while was in jail.

Joseph Smith, founder and prophet of the Mormon Church, had up to 40 wives including a 14-year-old

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Founder Mormonism. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Founder Mormonism so important!

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