Black Widow facts
While investigating facts about Black Widow Spider and Black Widow Trailer, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In the United States, there hasn't been a reported death due to a black widow bite in 100 years.
how black widow died?
In 1975, a man died of laughter watching the "Kung Fu Kapers" episode of The Goodies. The skit featured a kilt-clad Scotsman with bagpipes battling a man with a black pudding. His widow later sent The Goodies a letter thanking them for making the final moments of her husband's life so pleasant.
What's black widow's power?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's black widow's superpower. Here are 50 of the best facts about Black Widow Cast and Black Widow Bite I managed to collect.
black widow's real name?
In 'Avengers' Loki called Black Widow a "Mewling Quim". The rough translation is "Whiny Cunt".
There exists a less venomous, invasive Brown Widow Spider that is slowly replacing the Black Widow
Despite its reputation, the black widow spider's bite very rarely kills humans and has accounted for 0 deaths despite nearly 2,000 bites annually.
To produce black widow spider antivenom, horses are injected with black widow spider venom, then bled and antibodies are extracted.
In 1933, a University of Alabama professor voluntarily allowed a black widow spider to bite him as scientists recorded him suffering in agony for three days. Before this there were skeptics who believed black widows were not dangerous to humans.
Black Widow merchandise was blocked by Marvel's Ex Marvel Studios CEO because he thought girls superhero toys wouldn't sell.
A 37-year-old injected herself with a crushed black widow spider and water with the intent of "getting a high." She survived after a brief stay in the ICU.
There is a spider that hunts black widow but its venom only would cause mild burning sensation to human.
The black widow spider's bite is almost never deadly, despite ~2000 bites a year.
A male black widow will use his sense of smell to determine if a female black widow has fed recently, in order to reduce his risk of being cannibalized
Black Widow data charts
For your convenience take a look at Black Widow figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why black widow dies in endgame?
You can easily fact check why black widow is called black widow by examining the linked well-known sources.
That, despite their infamy, black widow spiders are not particularly dangerous or aggressive and most people who get bit do not need medical attention. Since the venom is not likely to be life-threatening, antivenom is mostly used for pain relief and not to save lives.
The male version of a Black Widow (a woman who kills multiple husbands) is called a Bluebeard - source
Black widows are solitary creatures, except during the mating season which takes place during the spring.
Only three cases of deaths associated with (black) widow spiders have been reported in the world medical literature.
Black widow silently waits for the prey in the upside-down position. Once the prey is in the web, spider uses comb-like feet to wrap it into the silk. Like all other spiders, black widows do not chew their prey. They inject digestive fluids into the victim and consume (better say drink) already digested (liquefied) meal.
When black widow coming out?
Black widow attacks humans only when it is threatened. People rarely die after bite, but they experience nausea, abdominal and muscle pain, sweating, hypertension and difficult breathing. These symptoms may last from 8 hours to few days. Luckily, antivenom (which prevents all these negative effects) is available in most hospitals.
How black widow will return?
A 37-year-old woman with a history of using heroin crushed a whole Black Widow spider, mixed it with distilled water, and injected it into her vein. She said that she had given herself the injection with the intent of getting a high.
Emily Blunt was chosen to play Black Widow in Marvel's Iron Man 2, but declined the role to finish Gulliver's Travels, resulting in Scarlett Johansson being accepted
Black widow is the most poisonous spider in the North America. It produces toxin that is 15 times stronger than the venom of rattlesnake.
Females have shiny black body and hourglass-shaped, red marking on the belly. Males are lighter in color and have pink or red spots on their backs.
Scott brought his case to trial three times: the first two times in Missouri state court against his owner's widow, Irene Emerson, in 1846 and 1850, and the third time in federal court against what was at the time his final owner, John Sanford.