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Beer Bottle facts

While investigating facts about Beer Bottle Cooler and Beer Bottle Holder, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Jack, a baboon, was employed to change rail signals. After initial skepticism, the railway decided to officially employ the baboon once his job competency was verified. He was paid twenty cents a day, and 1/2 a bottle of beer each week. In his nine years of employment, Jack never made a mistake.

how beer bottles are made?

There is a type of Australian beetle which is threatened with extinction because the male beetles try to have sex with beer bottles instead of females

What are beer bottle caps made of?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the diameter of a beer bottle. Here are 50 of the best facts about Beer Bottle Caps and Beer Bottle Opener I managed to collect.

what beer bottles are pop top?

  1. In 1914, British WWI soldier Thomas Hughes tossed a beer bottle with a letter to his wife into the English Channel. He was killed two days later. In 1999, a fisherman dredged up the bottle in the River Thames. Although Hughes' wife had died in 1979, it was delivered to his 86-year old daughter.

  2. Beer Labels In The United States Are Approved Or Rejected By A Single Bureaucrat, Kent "Battle" Martin, Who Has Been Called The "Beer Bottle Dictator"

  3. In the 1960s, Heineken proposed a novel idea: rectangular "World" beer bottles that could double as bricks for affordable housing.

  4. Beer bottles are brown because brown glass blocks harmful UV sunlight, preserving the taste. However due to a shortage during WWII most beer companies were forced to use clear glass and higher quality beer makers chose green to distinguish themselves.

  5. In 1963, Alfred Heineken created a beer bottle that could also function as a brick to build houses in impoverished countries.

  6. In 1968, two boys playing in a deserted and rat-infested tenement found the body of a 31yo drug addict, surrounded by religious pamphlets and empty beer bottles. Not until 19 months later was the body identified as that of child actor Bobby Driscoll, Academy Award winner and voice of Peter Pan

  7. Heineken created a brick-shaped beer bottle to help build houses in impoverished countries.

  8. The song "99 Bottle Of Beer" ends with "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer. You go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall"

  9. In the 1880s, a South African railroad employed a baboon as a railway signalman, paying him 20 cents a day and a half bottle of beer a week. He made no mistakes in 9 years.

  10. Immediately after Winston Churchill's 'We shall fight them on the beaches' speech during WWII, he told a colleague, "And we’ll fight them with the butt ends of broken beer bottles because that's bloody well all we've got!"

beer bottle facts
What is bottle conditioned beer?

Beer Bottle data charts

For your convenience take a look at Beer Bottle figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

beer bottle fact data chart about I analyzed 5 months of beer sales data from my bar and bottl
I analyzed 5 months of beer sales data from my bar and bottle shop to show how consumer style preference changes each month

beer bottle fact data chart about UPDATE: I analyzed 12 months of beer sales from my bar & bot
UPDATE: I analyzed 12 months of beer sales from my bar & bottle shop to show changes in consumer preferences by month

Why beer bottles are brown?

You can easily fact check why beer bottle shape by examining the linked well-known sources.

In the 80's, Australian beer companies had to change the design of their bottles so a species of beetle would stop trying to mate with them - source

During the Korean War, a British soldier led a series of grenade-hurling assaults against waves of Chinese soldiers attacking his post. When he ran out of grenades, he began hurling beer bottles, giving his unit enough time to retreat, and stood his ground until he ran out of things to throw. - source

The glass of a beer bottle is brown or green to reduce spoilage from light, especially UV.

During the thunderous applause following his famous 'We shall fight on the beaches' speech to the to the House of Commons in 1940, Winston Churchill whispered to a colleague, "And we’ll fight them with the butt ends of broken beer bottles because that's bloody well all we've got!". - source

Will frozen beer bottle explode when thawed?

While shooting The Princess Bride, Andre the Giant racked up US$40,000 at the bar Hyatt in London, where he was staying. According to some estimates his average daily consumption of alcohol was a case of beer, three bottles of wine, and a couple of bottles of brandy.

How beer bottles are recycled?

Clarence Earl Gideon after being arrested in 1961 for stealing $5 in change and a few bottles of beer, appealed to the US Supreme Court which established the right to an appointed attorney.

Heineken developed squared beer bottles to be used as bricks. The plan was to eliminate waste on beaches and provide building materials to the Caribbean market.

The portrait on Sam Adams beer bottles isn't Sam Adams, but Paul Revere.

Pabst Blue Ribbon is considered a luxury beer in China, with some of its products costing around $44 per bottle.

Beer bottles used to be kept in clear glass bottles in the 19th century until brewers realized UV rays from the sun were altering the flavor and making the beer smell "skunky". This is why most beers are kept in brown glass bottles now, it blocks the UV rays from the sun; preserving taste.

Beer bottle infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Beer Bottle numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

beer bottle fact infographic about Collected beer bottle caps during my semester in Italy

Collected beer bottle caps during my semester in Italy

beer bottle fact infographic about beer cap "bar" chart - the distribution of bottled beers I'v

beer cap "bar" chart - the distribution of bottled beers I've consumed over the last 2.5 years

Why does a beer bottle fizz when hit?

The deepest mine in the world, Mponeng in S. Africa, has rock faces 140-degrees due to proximity to Earth's core, and is inhabited by "ghost minders" -- pale criminals armed with AKs and beer bottle grenades who reside in the shafts for months at a time to steal gold.

Alfred Heineken proposed the creation of rectangular Heineken beer bottles, so that people in poor places could use the empty bottles as bricks to build structures. The company rejected the designs for a number of reasons, saying that the first prototype looked "too effeminate."

The war between Israel and Egypt in 1967 ended up trapping 14 unlucky Cargo Ships in the Suez Canal for eight years. During this period crew members drank so much beer, they speculated there must be five feet of beer bottles on the lake's floor.

There is a Buddhist Temple complex in Thailand made out of over 1.5 million empty beer bottles.

How beer bottle caps are made?

When Australian beer companies learned that their bottles were having an observable impact on the jewel beetle population—because male beetles were confusing the "stubbies" for females, and ended up dying in the hot Australian sun, leaving no heirs—the companies changed their beer bottles.

Jack, a baboon operated the railway signals for a South African railway operator under supervision of his paraplegic owner. He was paid with half-bottle of beer each week and never made a mistake in nine years of employment.

Over 30 years ago Judas Priest was banned from Madison Square Garden after a rambunctious crowd threw firecrackers, M-80s, Cherry Bombs, beer bottles and ripped out over $250,000 worth of seating. The ban is still in effect.

Captain Hazelwood was widely portrayed as as a drunk captain who steered the Exxon Valdez aground in 1989. He was in his berth at the time of the collision, the drug test with his name was mishandled, and a search of the ship only turned up two beer bottles.

Green beer bottles (Stella Artois, Heineken, etc.) greatly damage the beer inside

In 1963, Alfred Heineken created a beer bottle that could also function as a brick to build houses in impoverished countries.

Male jewel beetles often prefer to mate with beer bottles instead of female jewel beetles due to the beer bottle's large size and attractive coloring.

On average a bottle of domestic beer in a supermarket is ~333% more expensive in Australia than in Germany.

In Australia there is a type of beetle that is known for trying to reproduce with beer bottles

An Australian beetle almost went extinct because the males couldn't stop trying to mate with discarded brown beer bottles, thinking they were totally hot female beetles.

In 2014 a message in bottle arrived after 101 years after being recovered by a German fisherman in the Baltic Sea. Researchers then sourced the postcard inside the beer bottle to baker's son Richard Platz and tracked down his 62-year-old granddaughter.

The worlds strongest beer was 67.5% ABV. It was created by Brewmeister and was named Snake Venom. It retailed at £50 for a 275ml bottle. Brewmeister stated it "tastes like a liquor and has a whole host of different flavors, ranging from bubblegum to caramel".

In 1914, British WWI soldier Thomas Hughes tossed a beer bottle with a letter to his wife into the English Channel. He was killed two days later. In 1999, a fisherman dredged up the bottle in the River Thames. Although Hughes' wife had died in 1979, it was delivered to his 86-year old daughter.

Right after the We shall fight on the beaches speech Churchill said in private "And we’ll fight them with the butt ends of broken beer bottles because that's bloody well all we've got!"

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Beer Bottle. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Beer Bottle so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor