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Bbc Radio facts

While investigating facts about Bbc Radio 2 and Bbc Radio 4, I found out little known, but curios details like:

One of the checks which a British nuclear submarine makes to see whether the government is still functioning is whether BBC Radio 4 is broadcasting.

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Douglas Adams, creator of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, wanted Slartibartfast's name to sound very rude. He was originally called "Phartiphukborlz", and changed it gradually until the BBC accepted it for radio broadcast.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what on bbc radio 4 today. Here are 50 of the best facts about Bbc Radio 1 and Bbc Radio 5 Live I managed to collect.

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  1. Than on the 18th of April, 1930, a slow news day, the BBC's 6:30 PM radio announcer said “There is no news” and went off the air.

  2. The role of Frodo in a 1981 bbc radio dramatization of LOTR was played by Ian Holm, who went on to appear as Bilbo in Peter Jackson's films.

  3. The BBC does not use a recording of Big Ben's chimes for radio, instead the audio is sent live from the tower to broadcast

  4. Ian Holm, the actor for Bilbo in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy, was the voice actor for Frodo in BBC's 1981 radio drama adaption of The Lord of the Rings.

  5. On April Fools Day 1976, English astronomer Patrick Moore stated to radio listeners that due to "a conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto" gravity would noticeably decrease on Earth. Shortly after, the BBC received hundreds of calls from people reporting they had felt the decrease in gravity.

  6. As part of the British Royal Navy's 'Last Resort Letters', in the event of a catastrophe submarine commanders will verify annihilation of civilised society in Great Britain by checking if BBC Radio 4 is still broadcasting.

  7. One of the ways by which the UK's Trident nuclear submarines determine whether the British government is functioning is to check whether or not BBC Radio 4 continues to broadcast.

  8. BBC Radio 4 shut down for 15 minutes in 2004 - causing UK nuclear submarines patrolling the world to reach a high alert status, as this is a sign that the UK has been hit by a nuclear attack.

  9. Before firing nuclear missiles, a British Trident commander must first confirm the government is not functioning by checking whether BBC Radio 4 is broadcasting

  10. In 1984 a BBC radio DJ stopped a song mid-way, once he realised that the lyrics were pro gay. The rest of the BBC followed suit. Two weeks later, "Relax" by Frankie goes to Hollywood reached No.1.

bbc radio facts
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You can easily fact check why is bbc radio not working on alexa by examining the linked well-known sources.

The UK can use nuclear weapons if BBC Radio 4 stops broadcasting.

Lord Reith, creator of the BBC, was a Nazi sympathiser and tried to stop Churchill from being on the radio - source

E. M. Forster became a broadcaster on BBC Radio from the 1930s to the 1940s. George Orwell commissioned his weekly book review, establishing E. M. Forster as a critic. In 1937 Forster received the Benson Medal.

The term "Big Bang theory" was first coined by astronomer Fred Hoyle on a BBC radio programme in March 1949. Hoyle was a prominent critic of the theory.

The BBC had an emergency radio broadcast system in case nuclear war wiped out or incapacitated the main transmitters, and would broadcast instructions and music for at least 100 days. - source

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The Shipping Forecast, a BBC radio program about maritime weather, is so immensely popular in the UK that a 1995 decision to move the 12.48 am broadcast by 12 minutes caused angry editorials, a public backlash, and even debates in parliament. The BBC ultimately scrapped the decision.

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Ian Holm, the actor who played Bilbo Baggins in the Peter Jackson Middle Earth films, also played Frodo Baggins 20 years earlier in a BBC radio series.

BBC Radio broadcasted an April Fool's Day hoax in 1973 about Dutch Elm Disease infecting redheads due to the similarity between their blood count and the soil conditions suitable for the plant disease. Therefore, redheads were advised to stay away from forests for the foreseeable future.

Neo-classical composer Max Richter produced an album titled "SLEEP", which runs 8:24:21. Also, during a live performance of it in London, it set a record for BBC Radio 3 for the longest broadcast of a single piece of music.

Annie nightingale, a 76 year old radio DJ, still has a regular slot on BBC Radio 1. She started presenting in 1970.

All commercial radio stations in England have a blue 'Obit Light', which will be turned on by the London government when the Queen dies. The BBC also keeps a special Black tie on hand for the occasion for the reporters.

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The Frankie Goes to Hollywood track "Relax" was pushed to Number 1 in the charts thanks to the BBC banning it from radio & TV

Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols alluded to the sordid conduct by Jimmy Savile in a 1978 BBC Radio 1 interview.

In the absence of other communications, British nuclear submarines are advised to listen to BBC Radio 4 as an indicator of whether Britain is under attack.

UK nuclear submarine captains monitor BBC radio broadcasts to make sure the country hasn't been destroyed

During a 1993 BBC Radio 1 broadcast, Rage Against The Machine's "Fuck you" version of "Killing in the Name" was accidentally aired including 17 iterations of "Fuck."

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There was a BBC radio comedy called It's That Man Again. The title refers to a contemporary phrase concerning the ever more frequent news-stories about Hitler in the lead-up to World War II.

From 1926 to 1939 BBC radio announcers were required to wear formal dinner jackets while broadcasting.

The BBC Symphony Orchestra gave an orchestral performance of John Cage's "4'33". The performance was broadcast live on BBC Radio 3, and the station's emergency backup systems had to be shut off in order to ensure silence.

In 1975 four IRA gunmen took two people hostage. The police managed to end the siege with no loss of life by feeding the BBC misinformation. Upon hearing over the radio that the SAS were to be sent, the gunmen surrendered immediately

The first time that Big Ben was heard over BBC Radio in the United Kingdom was New Year's Eve, 1923.

BBC Radio 1 once accidentally played the uncensored version of "Killing in the Name", which has 17 instances of the word "fuck"

Despite John Lennon being credited for saying that Ringo Starr "wasn’t even the best drummer in The Beatles”, there is no evidence of him saying it. The quote likely came from a 1981 episode of BBC comedy show "Radio Active".

Top Gear was originally a BBC radio show that showcased new music talent not new cars. The name was chosen by a contest winner with “Gear” being a reference to cool clothing.

The Shipping Forecast, a daily BBC radio program consisting of concise weather forecasts for 48 sea areas around the British Isles. It was featured in the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony, and a plan to move its midnight broadcast by 12 minutes sparked fierce debates in the Parliament.

One play of "Somewhere Only We Know" (Lily Allen) on BBC Radio 2 generates £76.20 in royalties

Kodachrome by Paul Simon was banned from BBC Radio because it mentions a brand name

BBC Radio had a day with no news in 1930.

BBC Radio 4 is used as a test to see if the British government continue to function

Toby Stephens, who played Bond Villain Gustav Graves in Die Another Day, went on to voice act as James Bond for BBC Radio versions of 5 James Bond novels

BBC Radio stations pay out incredible amounts of money for music royalties - around £3,070 a week to play ONE 4-minute song 15 times on Radio 1.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Bbc Radio. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Bbc Radio so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor