Episodes Aired facts
While investigating facts about Episodes Aired Yesterday and Episodes Aired This Week, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In an episode of the Simpsons that aired in 2003, Homer gave his email address as ChunkyLover53@aol.com. The episode's writer, Matt Selman, signed up for the ChunkyLover53 email address beforehand and within minutes of the show's airing found his inbox packed to its 999-message limit.
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The real Casa Bonita restaurant has to track when the Casa Bonita South Park episode airs to ensure their staffing levels will meet the increased demand that day.
What tv show has aired the most episodes?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what tv show aired the most episodes. Here are 50 of the best facts about Episodes Aired Today and New Episodes Aired Yesterday I managed to collect.
what new episodes aired last night?
The X-Files episode "Home" was so twisted, dark, and disturbing that it only aired on Fox once, was banned from re-runs on the network, and disappeared until the show re-aired on cable channel FX.
Simpsons Director David Mirkin tried to leak fake endings for the Two Part Episode Who killed Mr. Burns, but to his surprise all news outlets rejected him, stating it would be immoral to air spoilers
Cindy Stowell had a lifelong dream to be a Jeopardy! contestant. In 2016 she made the show and in spite of the fact that she had Stage 4 cancer during the filming she became a six-time champion. She died shortly before her episodes aired and donated her $103K winnings to cancer organizations.
When Will Lee, who played Mr. Hooper on Sesame Street, died in 1982, the show had an episode where Mr. Hooper died. The writers extensively researched how to teach young kids about death. The episode aired on Thanksgiving 1983 so parents were home to discuss it with their kids. It never reran.
Jonah Hill created an animated series in 2011. It lasted seven episodes before being cancelled by FOX and is considered one of the worst animated shows to ever air on television.
For Star Trek's groundbreaking interracial kiss, NBC worried that Southern affiliates might refuse to air the episode, so they filmed the scene with and without the kiss, but stars Nichols and Shatner consciously sabotaged the non-kiss takes so they could only air the kiss version.
In an episode of star trek TNG aired in 1989 Picard states that Fermat's last theorem would still be unsolved 700 years in the future. Picard was wrong. The theorem was solved in 1995.
The Dana Carvey Show, which aired just 7 episodes in 1996, had a writing team that included Louis C.K., Stephen Colbert, Steve Carell, Bob Odenkirk, Charlie Kaufman. Robert Smigel, Dino Stamatopoulous (Starburns from Community) and more.
The ABC TV show Turn-On, which debuted February 1969. The first episode was so bad, one affiliate refused to return to it after the commercial break. Several west coast affiliates refused to air the show at all. Before the first episode had finished playing, the show was cancelled.
After the first 4 episodes of Seinfeld aired in the summer of 1990, NBC took a leap of faith and ordered 13 more. Larry David said, "I don't have any more stories to tell, Jerry turn the order down." Jerry didn't listen and said "Yes" to the pickup.
Episodes Aired data charts
For your convenience take a look at Episodes Aired figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about episodes aired?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Comedy Central only agreed to air the word “shit” uncensored in the South Park episode “It Hits the Fan” (the first South Park to do so) if the word was used an absurdly high number of times. The episode had 200 total shits, 162 spoken, 38 written.
On a 1983 episode of Three's Company, John Ritter's scrotum falls out of his shorts. Viewer complained in 2001 and it was edited out. Ritter's quote on this: "I've requested that they air both versions, edited and unedited, because sometimes you feel like a nut, and sometimes you don't." - source
There is an episode of Dexter's Laboratory called "Rude Removal", in which Dexter and DeDe's niceness and rudeness turn into two separate people. The many swear words used by the rude clones caused this episode not to be aired, but it is available to stream online. - source
Matt Groening hated the Simpson's/The Critic crossover episode "A Star is Burns", believing that it "violates the Simpson's universe", and was an advertisement for The Critic. He even tried to get the episode pulled from the air, and removed his name from the credits when he failed to do so.
In 2002, South Park made an episode about how The Simpsons had already adapted nearly every possible story, called "Simpsons Already Did It". The Simpsons have now made more episodes since that time than they had before it aired. - source
When will new episodes of general hospital be aired?
The pilot episode of the Lone Gunmen was about a conspiracy of the US government to hijack an airline and fly it into the World Trade Center to start a profit making war. It aired March 4, 2001.
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Will Smith did Bad Boys and Independence Day while the Fresh Prince of Bel Air was still releasing new episodes.
ABC only aired "Clerks: The Animated Show" twice before canceling it. They aired the fourth episode first, and then aired the second episode despite the fact that the second episode is a 'flashback' episode, and derives much of its humor from the fact that it flashes back to the first episode.
The pilot episode of an offshoot of The X-Files called The Lone Gunmen featured its heroes racing to stop a plane getting hijacked by govt agents and flown into the World Trade Center to increase defense spending while blaming foreign enemies. Aired 6 months before 9/11.
That, following Kanye West's infamous interruption of Taylor Swift at the MTV VMA's, Comedy Central aired the South Park episode "Fishsticks", which prominently lampoons West's ego problems, four times back-to-back.
The first episode of an X-Files spin-off called "The Lone Gunmen", which aired March 4, 2001, involves a US government conspiracy to hijack an airliner, fly it into the World Trade Center, and blame it on terrorists - thereby gaining support for a new profit-making war