War Worlds facts
While investigating facts about War Worlds Bbc and War Worlds Epix, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Hundreds of love letters between two gay World War II soldiers were found and are being made into a book. In one, one of them wrote, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if all our letters could be published in the future in a more enlightened time. Then all the world could see how in love we are."
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The world's oldest man is celebrating his bar mitzvah at age 113. His first one, 100 years ago, was cancelled due to World War 1.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what channel is war of the worlds on. Here are 50 of the best facts about War Worlds Review and War Worlds Bbc Review I managed to collect.
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The autistic spectrum and the distinction between "high functioning" and "low functioning" autism was discovered by Hans Asperger in an attempt to save children in his clinic from the Gestapo during World War 2, who killed disabled children in preparation for the Holocaust.
During World War 1, the Germans disguised one of their ships as a British ship, the RMS Carmania, and sent it out to ambush British vessels. In a hilariously bad stroke of luck, the first ship it encountered was the real RMS Carmania, which promptly sank them.
Pokémon is the highest-grossing media franchise in the world with $59 Billion in revenue, $16 Billion more than Star Wars
Queen Elizabeth II is the only living head of state to have served in World War II
During World War II, young black musicians started calling each other "man" as a sign of respect, in part because they were so tired of being referred to as "boy".
An American lieutenant during World War II, realizing his position was being overrun by enemy troops, called in an artillery barrage on himself. When U.S. troops managed a counterattack later that day they found the lieutenant's body along with those of about a hundred German soldiers.
Gay men incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps during World War II were forced back into prison even after the Allied forces won that conflict.
Robert Campbell, a World War One soldier who was a German prisoner, he learned that his mother was dying, and wrote to the Kaiser, asking to be released. His request was granted, with the condition that he had to return. Campbell spent a week with his mother, then returned.
Vera Lynn, a British pop singer who entertained troops during World War II. In 2017, she released a new album to celebrate her 100th birthday, making her the oldest recording artist in the world and the first centenarian to have an album in the charts.
The top flying ace for the United States during World War II was Dick Bong, who shot down 40 Japanese aircraft.
War Worlds data charts
For your convenience take a look at War Worlds figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check war of the worlds why did they die by examining the linked well-known sources.
A school in Poland is named after an Indian Maharaja, in honour of him providing shelter and free education to hundreds of Polish women and children after they had to escape Poland due to the World War 2.
During World War I, French prostitutes with severe cases of syphilis charged higher rates than uninfected prostitutes, because soldiers infected with syphilis were removed from the front line - source
The term "Third World" originated during the cold war, and was used to refer to countries that were neither aligned with NATO (the "first world") or the Communist Bloc (the "second world"). Under the original definition, Sweden, Finland and Austria are "third world countries". - source
During World War 2, Hershey made a bar for US soldiers that was meant to taste so bad, soldiers would only eat it if they were starved
A Russian family who were cut off from all human contact for 40 years in the Siberian wilderness. They were completely unaware that World War 2 had occurred. - source
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Larry Fine of the Three Stooges burned his arm with acid as a child. His parents gave him violin lessons to strengthen the damaged nerves. He became so proficient on the violin that his parents planned to send him to a European music conservatory but the plan was thwarted by World War I.
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In Indiana Jones and the last crusade, Most of the uniforms, worn by the Nazis in the Berlin book burning scene, are authentic World War II uniforms, and not costumes. A cache of old uniforms was found in Germany, and obtained by Costume Designer Anthony Powell to be used in the film.
After J.D Salinger, author of The Catcher in the Rye, served in World War Two, he was hospitalized with combat stress reaction for a few weeks. He later told his daughter "You never really get the smell of burning flesh out of your nose entirely, no matter how long you live."
Lafayette, a Frenchman from the revolutionary war who later toasted "to the perpetual union of the united states. it has always served us in times of storm. one day it will save the world". American troops sent to France in world war 1 visited the grave and said "Lafayette, we are here"
John 'Mad Jack' Churchill, a British Army officer who fought throughout the Second World War armed with a longbow, bagpipes, and a basket-hilted Scottish broadsword. He holds the last recorded kill with a bow and arrow in action.
In 1919, William Little, an African American soldier who fought in World War I, was lynched because he refused to take off his uniform when he got back home to Blakey, Georgia.
War worlds infographics
Beautiful visual representation of War Worlds numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Minimum World War II deaths by country/territory