Auto Manufacturers facts
While investigating facts about Auto Manufacturers News and Auto Manufacturers Offering 0 Financing, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Robert Kearns, the inventor of intermittent windshield wipers, tried to sell his idea to the auto industry and was turned away. When they began showing up on new cars, he sued the manufacturers from the industry and won millions of dollars in settlements.
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Volvo invented most important safety device 'Three point seat belt'. Volvo could have netted a fortune on patents alone but gave free license to all other auto manufacturers to use it as free life saving tool than something to profit from.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what auto manufacturers are offering 0. Here are 22 of the best facts about Auto Manufacturers In India and Auto Manufacturers In Usa I managed to collect.
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Volvo invented the three point seat belt, then gave free license to all other auto manufacturers to use it.
The 1990 Lexus LS400 was so ahead of its time that 5% of its sales were from rival auto manufacturers, who were in awe of it's engineering.
Marvin Heemeyer, a man who after fighting a losing legal battle with a large business that was ruining his auto shop business, manufactured a homemade tank equipped with a 50. Caliber anti material rifle, 1 inch armor plating, security cameras and more to destroy the town hall/enemy buildings.
Kentucky's industry includes mining, whiskey manufacturing, auto and truck manufacturing, horse-raising and the manufacture of chemicals.
In 1982 Vincent Chin was beaten to death in a Detroit suburb. The perpetrators were Chrysler plant superintendent Ronald Ebens and his stepson, Michael Nitz. The attack was motivated by U.S. auto manufacturing jobs being lost to Japan, although Chin was Chinese. They served no jail time.
There are African auto manufacturers - 8 of them.
Lamborghini was the first auto manufacturer to accept bitcoin as payment for their cars.
In the 1920s there was a campaign led by auto groups and manufacturers that gave rise to the crime of "jaywalking"
Car manufacturers use a special black and white camouflage wrap, so that details about the Car's shape isn't revealed. These wraps are black and white because the black absorbs infrared light from a camera's auto-focus, so you cant make a clear picture of it.
Mazda wasn't always an auto manufacturer. They started out as a cork manufacturer in 1920. 11 years later, they ditched corks and then started selling tricycle trucks.
Auto Manufacturers data charts
For your convenience take a look at Auto Manufacturers figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why did auto manufacturers leave detroit?
You can easily fact check why are auto manufacturers moving to mexico by examining the linked well-known sources.
In response to better insulated and quieter chassis, performance auto manufacturers (such as BMW M) have resorted to artificial means of creating an engine soundscape. A pre-recorded soundtrack of the engine is played into cabin.
The medical institute for brain damage in 50 First Dates is funded by manufacturer Callahan Auto out of Sandusky, Ohio, the same business taken over by Chris Farley's character in Tommy Boy. - source
In the early 19th century, Detroit was a bustling frontier town, focused on agriculture but with an increasingly diverse economy. By the 1920s, automobile manufacturing was making Detroit boom and powerful unions vaulted auto workers into the middle class - source
The Swedish auto maker Volvo is owned by Geely, a Chinese multinational auto manufacturing company.
The EU has known for 5 years that auto manufacturers were cheating on emissions tests. - source
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In 1895 no auto manufacturer wanted to fit its vehicles with air-filled tires. At that year, the first car ever to be equipped with pneumatic tires, L'Eclair arrived in Paris dead last in the 1,200-kilometer Paris-Bordeaux-Paris race.
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the defunct US auto manufacturer Studebaker, on their Testing/Proving Grounds, landscaped the park by keeping natural features. In 1938 the company planted 8,000 pine trees in a pattern that, viewed from above, spelled "STUDEBAKER".
Chrysler (US Auto Manufacturer) made the first two Stages of the Saturn 1 and 1B Rocket.
Volvo invented the three point seat belt and then gave free license to all other auto manufacturers to use it
Skoda Auto was founded out of spite. German manufacturers refused to respond to a letter written in Czech, so Laurin & Klement founded their own bicycle shop.