Harley Davidson facts
While investigating facts about Harley Davidson Near Me and Harley Davidson Canada, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Harley Davidson motorcycles have a failure rate over twice that of the top three motorcycle manufacturers in the world
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Harley Davidson paid a $15M fine for cheating on EPA emissions in 2016
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what harley davidson is in sons of anarchy. Here are 38 of the best facts about Harley Davidson India and Harley Davidson Parts I managed to collect.
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Keanu Reeves gave his share of ticket sales for the Matrix sequels (which was contractually his right and was around $38 million) to add to the special effects budget of the movies. He also gave each member of the stunt department for Matrix:Reloaded a Harley Davidson as a thank you.
A Harley washed up onshore in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia after being swept away in the 2011 Japanese Tsunami. It was sent back to Japan to be restored by Harley-Davidson and returned to its owner. He instead opted it be placed in a museum as a memorial to the victims of the disaster.
Keanu Reeves gave all 12 Hugo Weaving stunt doubles a custom Harley Davidson motorcycle as a surprise gift on the day they wrapped the huge fight scene in “The Matrix Reloaded.”
Harley Davidson tried unsuccessfully to trademark the sound of their motorcycles. During litigation, a Yamaha spokesman countered, "There's no difference between the sound their engine makes and the sound our engine makes. The pistons go up and down. They all sound the same."
In the aftermath of 9/11, the entire House Leadership was evacuated to Mt.Weather. One reporter travelling to Mt. Weather on 9/11 reported ''finding a traffic jam of limos carrying Washington and government license plates and even a motorcade led by eight Harley Davidson U.S. Park Police.''
The folks that make the bowling pin resetters started as the inventors of the cigarette rolling machine; they also made nuclear reactors, scuba gear and the Harley Davidson motorcycle, then they died in a hostile takover in the 80's
Motorcycle maker Harley Davidson attempted to trademark their syncopated "Potato, Potatoe Potatoe" engine chug but gave up when it failed to prove the sound is unique to Harley-Davidson products.
The former leader & a founding member of the Hells Angels has a strong dislike for Harley-Davidson motorcycles, he only rides them because of the clubs image
Harley-Davidson made a 'scooter' called a Harley-Davidson Topper from 1960-65, with a 10 cu in (164 cc) 2-stroke single-cylinder engine, and a top speed of 46 mph (74 km/h)
Harley-Davidson Inc., the Milwaukee manufacturer of big bikes, tried to obtain federal trademark protection for the syncopated "potato-potato-potato" chug of its idling V-twin motorcycle engine.
Harley Davidson data charts
For your convenience take a look at Harley Davidson figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why harley davidson sound?
You can easily fact check why buy a harley davidson by examining the linked well-known sources.
Harley-Davidson produced a motorcycle for WW2 that was copied from BMW.
The last words of Arizona death-row inmate Robert Towery were "potato, potato, potato," which references the sound made by a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. It was apparently his way of telling his nephew that everything was okay. - source
Harley Davidson wanted to trademark the noise revving a motorcycle makes. - source
President Reagan saved Harley Davidson Motorcycles by raising tariffs 45% on Japanese bikes entering the country.
Keanu Reeve's gave each of the Matrix stuntmen a Harley Davidson motorcycle. - source
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Harley-Davidson voided warranty because the American flag caused unneeded wind resistance
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Harley Davidson got caught in a similar scandal as VW for emissions dodging, but barely faced any backlash from the media
Harley Davidson Motorcycles got caught last year cheating emissions almost the same way Volkswagen did
In 2014 a man was buried with his prized 1967 Harley-Davidson motorcycle that took up 3 burial plots.
Harley-Davidson once unsuccessfully attempted to trademark the term "hog"
In the 1980s tariffs on imported japanese motorcycles were increased from 4.4% to 49.4% due to Harley-Davidson not being able compete with japanese manufacturers.