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Lyme Disease facts

While investigating facts about Lyme Disease Symptoms and Lyme Disease In Dogs, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Lyme disease was not as common in the past as it is now, and its prevalence is actually due to an explosion in the white-footed mouse population at the turn of the 20th century. This in turn coincides with the extinction of the mouse's primary ecological competitor: the passenger pigeon.

how lyme disease is transmitted?

The Western Fence Lizard's blood kills Lyme disease in Ticks that feed on them. The lizard is credited for the relatively low incidents of Lyme disease in the Western United States.

What's lyme disease symptoms?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what lyme disease test is most accurate. Here are 47 of the best facts about Lyme Disease Rash and Lyme Disease Treatment I managed to collect.

what's lyme disease?

  1. Kris Kristofferson was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, but experienced a complete reversal of symptoms when he was treated for Lyme Disease.

  2. Opossums help defend against lyme disease by attracting ticks and killing the vast majority of them while self-grooming

  3. Japanese barberry, a commonly sold invasive species is helping to spread lyme disease by giving the ticks an ideal habitat.(it's also really bad for the environment as it displaces other native plants and is SUPER ANNOYING to remove)

  4. Being stung by a swarm of Africanised Bees can cure Lyme disease in the fatal stages where normal medicine can't

  5. Factors that contribute to world health, that many previous World Health Days have addressed include: vector-borne disease such as malaria, Wet Nile, Lyme and disease; contaminated drinking water which can lead to dengue, malaria, and hepatitis; blood pressure, which is a silent killer and affects one in three adults; and aging in a healthy way, which involves staying active.

  6. Deer tick transmits Lyme disease, which is very dangerous bacterial disease. 9 out of 10 people do not know that they are infected with Lyme disease because initial symptoms resemble flu.

  7. Lyme disease infected ticks that bite the Western Fence Lizard basically get cured of it because of a protein in the lizard's blood that kills the bacterium.

  8. Blue-belly lizards have a protein in their blood that cures tics of lyme disease; protects humans.

  9. Lyme disease was first diagnosed in 1975 within sight of a biological weapons facility

  10. Syphilis and Lyme disease are caused by the same corkscrew-shaped genera of bacteria--spirochetes--and that left untreated, both can cause permanent, neurological damage.

lyme disease facts
What lyme disease causes?

Lyme Disease data charts

For your convenience take a look at Lyme Disease figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

lyme disease fact data chart about Number of confirmed cases of lyme disease over a ten year pe
Number of confirmed cases of lyme disease over a ten year period by state

Why is it called lyme disease?

You can easily fact check why is lyme disease bad by examining the linked well-known sources.

The blood of the Western Fence Lizard can cure ticks of Lyme's disease.

Researchers have found the pathogens that cause Lyme disease in mosquitoes for the first time in central Europe - source

Bee Venom Therapy is used to treat multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease and chronic fatigue syndrome. - source

Lyme disease can be transmitted sexually and over 300,000 people get Lyme disease in the US every year.

Ticks transmit numerous bacterial and viral diseases such as Lyme disease, Q fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick paralysis and bovine anaplasmosis, among others.

When lyme disease is left untreated?

It is possible to have secondary arthritis, which is a symptom of another disease such as hepatitis, Lyme disease, celiac disease, psoriasis, sarcoidosis, Whipple's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and several others.

How lyme disease is diagnosed?

Pennsylvania has the most Lyme Disease cases, but Vermont and Maine have significantly higher incidence rates.

Lyme disease made its first appearance in 1975 in the town of Lyme, Connecticut.

The FDA approves Lyme disease tests without requiring proof that they're accurate

Opossums typically don't transmit disease, are resistant to rabies, and kill ticks that spread Lyme disease

Henry Heimlich, the inventor of the Heimlich maneuver and flutter valves for saving shooting victims, also supports Malaria as a cure for Lyme Disease, AIDS, and Cancer.

When lyme disease discovered?

The rise of Lyme disease is a consequence of the extinction of passenger pigeons.

Contrary to popular belief, Irene McGee, the cast member who was famously slapped on the Seattle season of MTV's The Real World, didn't leave the show because she had Lyme disease but in fact because she had serious ethical objections with the show's production

Blue belly lizards (fence lizards), eradicate Lyme disease from the ticks that bite them. This is believed to be the reason why Lyme is less prevalent in California and other western states.

Lyme disease may have originated from Plum Island run by the US government

Many medical professionals believe Lyme disease only lasts up to 30 days and some insurance companies promise to seek discipline against doctors who diagnose and treat "chronic" Lyme disease.

How lyme disease is contracted?

Henry Heimlich, who popularized the abdominal thrusting, has suggested that malaria parasite injections are effective against cancer, Lyme disease, and HIV/AIDS and that abdominal thrusting can be used to threat asthma and drowning despite there being no evidence to suggest it.

Dementia may be caused by Lyme Disease (watch for 3min).

There are caucases in Congress beyond the Black/Freedom Caucus. Among them: Lyme Disease, Bourbon, Horses, Estuaries, various Interstates, Ready Mixed Concrete, GOP Doctors, Small Brewers, etc.

From Men's Muscle & Fitness Magazine that the newest STD is Lyme Disease as research from the Journal of Investigative Medicine revealed that you can contract lyme disease from rolling around in bed with your partner.

Bee stings can cure chronic Lyme disease

The U.S. Government may be responsible for the spread of Lyme disease in the U.S. via an outbreak near a Homeland Security animal research lab.

Lyme Disease is Now More Prevalent than Breast Cancer and AIDS: Get 20 Lyme Prevention Tips You Can't Afford to Miss

Erich Traub, a scientist who worked for 3rd Reich doing biowarfare, was the force behind Plum Island's founding as he was brought to U.S. under Operation Paperclip in ‘49. In "Lab 257" Michael Carroll Esq documented a Nazi connection to the establishment of the island and Lyme Disease’s origin

Ticks are not great at reducing human populations, tickborne Lyme disease only killed 114 people in the US between 1999 and 2003.

There is a research facility on a tiny island by New York that is the supposed source of outbreaks in 1967, 1975, and 1999 of Dutch duck plague, Lyme disease, and West Nile Virus.

There is a weekly radio show dedicated exclusively to sufferers of Lyme disease - Lyme Light Radio - broadcast on WBLQ (1230 AM).

Some people use bee venom to manage their Lyme disease. It has not been scientifically proven although a friend of mine said he felt like his Lyme disease was temporally gone after he stepped on a wasp hive. I looked it up and found that he was not the only one this has happened too.

Ticks are born uninfected with Lyme Disease and only acquire it from the hosts they feed on

Lyme disease may be sexually transmitted.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Lyme Disease. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Lyme Disease so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor