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Answering Phone facts

While investigating facts about Answering Phone Calls Script and Answering Phone Calls Etiquette, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The newest member of the US Supreme Court must take notes, answer the phone, hold the door and pour the coffee for the more senior members during private meetings.

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The word Hello became popular after Thomas Edison suggested its use when answering the phone. Alexander Graham Bell, his competitor, preferred Ahoy.

When answering the phone at work?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to say when answering the phone. Here are 50 of the best facts about Answering Phone With Airpods and Answering Phone Calls Customer Service I managed to collect.

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  1. During his last days, Hitler used a Berlin phone directory to determine how the battle was going. He would call a number. If it was answered in Russian he'd hang up. If it was answered in German, he'd ask what the person was seeing.

  2. TV show Scrubs, used a real phone number on an episode, that went to a prepaid cell phone the cast would hand around to each other, and would answer

  3. During the 80’s, drunken calls to Hanna-Barbera studios from Flintstones fans curious to know what Barney Rubble did for a living were so common that the security guard in charge of answering the phones at night would simply reply: ‘‘ He worked in the quarry’’.

  4. On Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the audience's top responses are correct 91% of the time. Phone-a-friend answers are correct only 65% of the time.

  5. Japanese people answer the phone by saying "moshi moshi" (to friends & family) because foxes cannot say it.

  6. The word Hello only began being used as a greeting when the telephone was invented, credited as a suggestion by Thomas Edison to be used when answering the phone. Alexander Graham Bell, his competitor, preferred Ahoy.

  7. The Germans answer their phone by stating their surname. No "hello". No "bueno". No "moshi moshi". Just [insert last name].

  8. The first person to win the game show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" used none of his lifelines until the million dollar question. He used phone-a-friend to call his dad and tell him that he was about to win and then answered the question correctly without help.

  9. On Christmas Day in 1900 the first international phone call was made. John W. Atkins called to Cuba testing to see if it would be possible for voice to be heard through the telegraph lines. After a long silence, Cuba answered with a simple “I don’t understand you.”

  10. Telemarketers have caused some people to begin only answering calls from numbers that they actually recognize on their caller-ID displays, preventing emergency calls and calls from loved ones using pay-phones or someone else's phone from getting through

answering phone facts
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Answering Phone data charts

For your convenience take a look at Answering Phone figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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Verizon Analysis Results: My family sucks at answering their phones, and I think mom hates me.

Why do we say hello when answering the phone?

You can easily fact check why is my phone not answering calls by examining the linked well-known sources.

The first person to win $1M on the US version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire used only one of his lifelines—he phoned his dad on the final question to let him know he knew the answer.

A way to go on strike without leaving work. In "work-to-rule", employees do the minimum possible required of them, and precisely follow all safety and other regulations. Examples: Refusing overtime, nurses not answering phones, police not issuing citations, taking every legally entitled break - source

A man, instructed by the “holy spirit”, spent 32 days answering more than 500 calls at the Mojave Phone Booth, located 8 miles from the nearest paved road and 15 from the nearest numbered highway. These calls included several from someone who ID themselves as "Sergeant Zeno from the Pentagon" - source

When the phone was first invented, Alexander Bell insisted that saying "Ahoy" was the correct way of answering the phone.

ELO's first album "The Electric Light Orchestra" has a different name in the US. The american record company tried to call and confirm the name of the album. When they failed to reach anyone on the phone, they wrote down "No Answer", which someone misconstrued as the name of the album. - source

When answering phone this is she or this is her?

The "Phone-a-Friend" lifeline on Who Wants to be a Millionaire was removed because the friend would often use the internet (instead of their own knowledge) to find the correct answer.

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Marlon Brando had his assistants answer his phone as a Chinese Restaurant or a laundry place to screen people that shouldn't have his number.

Former NFL player Al Cowlings, who drove OJ Simpson in the Ford Bronco chase, held a press conference during the murder trial where he announced a $2/minute 900 phone number where he would answer questions on everything other than the murder and trial. He reportedly made over $1 million

Retired Supreme Court Justice David Souter has a decidedly low-tech lifestyle: He writes with a fountain pen, does not use e-mail, and has no cell phone or answering machine.

Amish phonebook" is not an oxymoron. Some Amish have a shared phone in a phone shack or "phone shanty". A phone shanty typically contains a telephone with answering machine, phone book, pen and paper, and call log.

In 2005, Don LaFontaine better known as “Thunder Throat” the famous voice over guy, offered a free service to anyone that contacted him to record their answer phone message.

When answering phone is it this is she?

Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the the telephone, wanted "Ahoy!" to be the greeting when answering a phone. But Thomas Edison, Bell's rival, coined the term "hello" to be the greeting.

The word "hello" wasn't really used as a greeting until the invention of the telephones when Thomas Edison expressed his surprise when answering the phone with a misheard "hullo".

Ideomotor apraxia (IMA), a neurological disorder where people are unable to mentally picture and perform something by command (please pretend to answer a phone) but can instinctively do the same thing when not asked (phone rings, person proceeds to pick up phone instinctively)

People used to answer the phone with, "Ahoy"

How to set up answering machine on at&t cordless phone?

Man who identified as "Sergeant Zeno" spent 32 days at an obscure Mojave phone booth, answering over 500 calls. He claims the Holy Spirit instructed him to do it.

German music group Kraftwerk had the ringer turned off on their telephone and the only way to reach them was to call at a specific time where they would answer despite never hearing the phone ring

Over 75 percent of Americans are Toilet Texters with a quarter saying they won't even "go" without their phones and 63% admitting they have answered calls while enthroned. Did I post this during my potty time? I shall never tell.

The first "computer dating service" in the U.S. was started in 1965 - clients mailed in a questionnaire and their answers were transferred to punch cards for processing. They were sent back names and phone numbers of their matches.

In the New York Public Library, there are a team of librarians that will answer any question you may have over the phone.

While Wayne Gretzky was babysitting Robin Thicke, he got a call that he had been traded to the LA Kings and suddenly had to leave. Robin Thicke's father didn't find out his son was home alone until he called home the next morning and Robin answered the phone.

About Roger Anderson, and the ultimate answer to telephone spam! The Jolly Roger Phone Company.

Robin Thicke was babysat by Wayne Gretzky and answer the phone call when he was traded to LA.

On a lark I decided to phone the attorney general candidate to ask questions as a citizen! I ended up with answers in person...Ron Gold flew up to see me and tour Sacramento Cannabis dispensaries in my car! Slide show of the day and astounding video interview!

Patches the horse: The car riding, beer fetching, phone answering, bed making horse!

Ghost Protocol ended with Ethan Hunt answering the phone about "the Syndicate" which is like the big villain for movie 2. So like, the first movie predicted it!

Family feud polls people by phone. The #1 answer has a margin of error + or - 10%

According to a survey from the condom manufacturer Durex, 5 percent of United Kingdom residents check Facebook during sex. An additional 15 percent also said they would answer their phones or check their text messages during intercourse.

The Beastie Boys album ‘Hello Nasty,' is named after New York-based publicity firm Nasty Little Man for the way the receptionist answered the phone.

Trivial Pursuit used to list the White House's phone number as an answer to a trivia question. They've since removed the number. TIalsoL that the number is (202) 456-1414

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Answering Phone. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Answering Phone so important!

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