Annual Earnings facts
While investigating facts about Annual Earnings Calculator and Annual Earnings Limit 2020, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Jerry Seinfeld's annual earning from Seinfeld in 2004 was $267 million. Between June 2008 & June 2009, Seinfeld earned $85 million AND as of May 2014, his estimated net worth is $820 million.
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Michael Jackson's estate continues to earn more than $100M annually, peaking at $825M in 2016.
What's annual earnings mean?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the annual earnings limit for social security. Here are 28 of the best facts about Annual Earnings Test and Annual Earnings By Education Level I managed to collect.
what's annual earnings?
Having a shorter first name is correlated with earning a higher salary. On average, annual salary drops by $3,600 for each additional letter in a person's name.
Jerry Seinfeld holds the record for Highest annual earnings ever for a television actor
All of the 34 largest inflation-adjusted corporate annual earnings of all time were made in the 21st century, and 28 of them were made in the 2010s.
Children in Kenya can fetch between $2,000 and $3,000, depending on their gender, race and tribe — far more than the $1,246 annual income the average Kenyan earns.
Dwayne Johnson ‘The Rock’ Net Worth is $394 million USD and earns an annual income of $27 million dollars. The net Worth of Dwayne Johnson has seen a hike of 35% over the last few years. He is one of the highest paid actor in the World
Despite being retired for 12 years, Michael Jordan continues to outpace current athletes in annual earning and makes > $100M USD/ year on royalties alone
That, according to the Harvard Business Review, women control about $20 trillion in annual consumer spending despite earning only $13 trillion in total yearly earnings.
Bounty Hunter" is a legitimate profession in most states. They're hired by bail bondsman to apprehend fugitives who skip bail and can earn an annual salary upwards of 80,000.
Scientists interviewed over 1.7 million individuals to find out annual earnings beyond 75k do not contribute towards emotional well-being and earnings beyond 95k do not contribute towards life evaluation.
Annual Earnings data charts
For your convenience take a look at Annual Earnings figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about annual earnings?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
About the "Black List", a Hollywood's annual survey that lists the "most liked" unproduced screenplays by executives from film industry. Founded in 2005, several featured scripts on the list stand out for having won Oscar awards; the joint earnings of the films produced totals $25.54 billion.
In 2004 Edward Lampert became the first Wall Street financial manager to earn an annual income of more than $1 billion. - source
Mr. Whipple, Charmin toilet paper spokesperson, earned $300k annually but worked only 12 days per year - source
The average salary of a megachurch pastor is $147,000 annually, with some pastors earning as much as $400,000.
The Clean Air Act of 1970 reduced air pollution 10% in 3 years, lead workers to earn an additional 1% in annual earnings from working more, resulting in a lifetime gain of $4300 per person. - source
When are annual earnings reported to social security?
5 big banks all plead guilty to rigging currency markets. No one went to jail, and the $5.89 billion they were collectively required to pay in penalties didn't even get at 3% of their annual earnings.
How to calculate annual earnings?
Each primary cast member of the show 'Friends' still earn 2% of syndication profits. Due to the show earning $1 billion annually, that comes out to $20 million for each actor every year
The two-time Olympic javelin thrower Cyrus Hostetler earns less than $3,000 a year and that fifty percent of track athletes who rank in the top 10 in the U.S. earn less than $15,000 annually from the sport.
A one-point increase in high school GPA corresponds to an average increase in annual earnings by 12-14%.
WNBA players have been going overseas to play, increasing their earnings from $100k annually, to around $1.5 million
Google's ad service DoubleClick for Publishers went down for 1.5 hours today. Usually google earns $568.000 per hour due to this ad supply service, according to their annual report of 2013. That's $4.975.680.000 annually. That is a bit less than the gross national income of Mongolia in 2010.