Anime Characters facts
While investigating facts about Anime Characters Database and Anime Characters Female, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Alan Tudyk has had a role in every Disney animated film since "Wreck-It Ralph, including the Duke of Weselton in "Frozen", and a character named Duke Weaselton in "Zootopia"
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Iron Man was considered such a minor character when Marvel Studios began developing the 2008 movie that about 30 writers passed on writing the script, and Marvel produced three animated "advertorials" to introduce the character and show audiences that he wasn't simply a robot.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what anime characters are sagittarius. Here are 50 of the best facts about Anime Characters Birthdays and Anime Characters Names I managed to collect.
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Harley Quinn wasn't originally a comic book character. She was actually first introduced in Batman: The Animated Series and was so popular that the comic writers decided to add her into the comic universe.
Yogi Bear was one of several Hanna-Barbera characters to have a collar. This allowed animators to keep his body static, redrawing only his head in each frame when he spoke—a method that reduced the number of drawings needed for a seven-minute cartoon from around 14,000 to around 2,000.
Kathryn Beaumont was 13-15 years old when she voiced Alice and Wendy in the original 1950s animated Disney films Alice in Wonderland (1951) and Peter Pan (1953). She returned 50 years later to voice the same characters in 2002 for KingdomHearts at the age of 64.
Frank Welker is the original voice for the animated cartoon character Fred from Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! (1969) and 47 years later continues to voice him (and now Scooby) for the new cartoon adaptations.
While animating Ratatoullie, a Pixar employee jumped into a pool while wearing a chef's outfit and hat to determine how it would cling to a character's body and what parts would become translucent.
Scrappy-Doo, widely considered to be one of the most hated characters in fiction, has not appeared in an animated Scooby-Doo production since 1988 due to audience backlash.
The "Take On Me" video used a pencil-sketch animation / live-action combination called rotoscoping, in which the live-action footage is traced over frame by frame to give the characters realistic movements. Approximately 3,000 frames were rotoscoped, which took 16 weeks to complete.
Walt Disney personally hated the Goofy character and found its cartoons to be 'stupid'. The only reason he didn't axe the character is because it gave work to so many animators.
Dr. Seuss was confronted by a feminist who claimed there were no strong female roles in his books. He remarked that most of his characters are animals, and if she could identify their sex, he would remember her in his will.
There is no floating timeline in the animated series "Adventure Time." Meaning the characters age as the show progresses. For example, Finn the Human was 12 during the first season and is now 16 years old.
Anime Characters data charts
For your convenience take a look at Anime Characters figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why anime characters don't look japanese by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Disney animated Jungle Book character, King Louie, is an Orangutan but in the live action version they changed him to a Gigantopithecus. Although extinct they once lived in forest throughout India, which avoids the movie perpetuating a geographic fallacy.
Dr. Seuss was confronted by a feminist who stated there are no strong female roles in his books. He then remarked his characters are animals, and "if she can identify their sex, I'll remember her in my will." - source
A Korean man fell in love and eventually married a pillow with an anime character printed on it - source
Fred Flintstone, Yogi Bear, and many other Hanna-Barbera characters had collars in order to make them easier (and cheaper) to animate.
Many Hanna-Barbera characters had collars in order to make them easier (and cheaper) to animate. Redrawing only their heads in each frame when they spoke. - source
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Jonathan Freeman, the original voice actor for Jafar in Aladdin, also plays Jafar in the Broadway version of Aladdin. That makes him the only actor in the Disney broadway shows to play the animated and real life version of a Disney character.
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While animating Ratatouille, a Pixar employee jumped into a pool while wearing a chef’s outfit and hat to determine how it would cling to a character’s body and what parts would become translucent.
Clyde Frog was a real TV show character in the 1970s, and not just one of Eric Cartman's stuffed animals.
The character Arnold from "Hey Arnold!" existed long before the shows 1996 premiere, going back to 1988 being a clay animation featured on several episodes of Sesame Street.
Stan Lee created an adult animated series called Stripperella where the lead character was a stripper superheroine/ secret agent voiced by Pamela Anderson
During development of the Star Wars prequels, George Lucas was warned by his animation team that the character Jar Jar Binks came across poorly. Lucas responded by saying he specifically wanted to keep the character in to appeal to small children age 12 and younger