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Zealand Maori facts

While investigating facts about Zealand Maori, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In Maori mythology in New Zealand, there is a story of a land called Hawaiki that their ancestors came from. Some have speculated this to be Hawaii, a journey of 4600 miles.

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During WWII a riot broke out between American and New Zealand soldiers when some Americans objected to Maori not drinking in segregated bars.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 35 of the best facts about Zealand Maori I managed to collect.

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  1. The New Zealand All Blacks rugby team refused to play in South Africa for 10 years due to their forced exclusion of Maori players. This ended in 1970 when South Africa deemed Maori players "honourary whites" and allowed them to play

  2. The Haka, a traditional war dance of the Maori people of New Zealand has been performed by the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team before international games for 111 years

  3. It's likely Polynesians landed in the Americas before even the vikings. The sweet potato, endemic to Polynesia before European contact, is native to South America. Also, the New Zealand Maori word for sweet potato is kumāra while the South American Aymara word is k'umara.

  4. Cliff Curtis, a Maori from New Zealand who has played just about every ethnicity Hollywood has thrown his was including an Arab in Three Kings, a Chicano gangster in Training Day, Pablo Escobar in Blow, and the Lord of the Fire Nation in the Last Airbender.

  5. There are exactly 154 living kakapo (the world's largest parrot) and that they each have their own name (Often Maori names to indicate their New Zealand heritage). Scientists track their parents to encourage genetic diversity.

  6. Indigenous people of New Zealand (Maori) were using blue pollen from the flowers of Fuchsia excorticata as a source of make-up.

  7. Moa became extinct before the arrival of the first European settlers (during the 18th century). Due to lack of written Maori language, story of moa was revealed after discovery of fossils on New Zealand.

  8. Flash floods resulted in so many deaths among European and Maori settlers that drowning became known as "The New Zealand Death".

  9. A Maori activist once used a shotgun to destroy a New Zealand flag whilst staring down a government delegation. He was initially not charged with an offence, and eventually escaped conviction.

  10. The Battle of Manners Street, where in 1943 over a thousand men fought in the streets of Wellington, New Zealand after American soldiers refused Maori from entering the Allied Services Club. It was not the only clash between US and NZ soldiers in New Zealand during the war.

zealand maori facts
What are the best facts about Zealand Maori?

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The New Zealand Army's Maori name translates to "Tribe of the God of War" (Ngāti Tūmatauenga)

During WW2 New Zealand service members and US service member had a brawl because Americans didn't want Maori soldiers from entering the bars, something new Zealanders objected. - source

The Moa, the only wingless bird ever to exist, that was nearly 4 meters tall and lived in New Zealand. Its only predator was a giant eagle that would also eat people after the Maori people settled. - source

The Maori name for the New Zealand army, Ngati Tumatauenga, translates to "Tribe of the God of War".

In Auckland, New Zealand, the subway project was under threat with millions of dollars already pledged because of the Maori people. They feared that the subway disturbs the monster living under the city (the Taniwha) and that it shows its disagreement. An highway was modified for this reason - source

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New Zealand had an official enquiry into inter-racial relationships between Maori and Chinese.

In 1835 Maori from New Zealand hijacked a ship & invaded the Chatham Islands, massacring & enslaving the indigenous Moriori

Shrunken heads served as a valuable trading commodity between the Maori natives of New Zealand and European Traders from the early- to mid-19th century.

Until the Maori arrived in New Zealand in the 1200s, the only mammals on the island were 3 species of bats. It remained that way until settlers came in the 1400s, bringing with them domesticated animals and rodents.

The “Haka” is an ancient dance performed by New Zealand Maori warriors before battle. While traditionally performed during war it is now used at places like schools and sporting events to offer a challenge to an opponent or bid farewell.

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Due to a lack of mammals for millions of years, bird species utterly dominated the South Island of New Zealand, until Maori settlers introduced mammals and hunted the megafauna to extinction in ~1400.

Maori (Indigenous New Zealanders) believe fantail birds are an omen of death. If they enter your house you have to kill it. If you don't then someone will die very soon.

New Zealand's leader of the opposition suffered a heart attack and died during the funeral of the Maori King.

New Zealand infantry soldiers perform the Maori Haka chant to fallen brothers in arms.( and it is incredibly intimidating)

The Maori of New Zealand have a word -Takatapui - which they today use to describe people who are Maori and LGBT. It wasn't used for a long time, but was reinstated with it's current usage in the 1990's.

The Maori received universal male suffrage in New Zealand 12 years before European men received the same rights.

The guy that plays Latino gangster "Smiley" in "Training Day" is a Maori from New Zealand

As well as having the worlds largest flightless bird, the Moa; New Zealand also had the worlds largest eagle which was it's only natural predator. Both went extinct around 1400 shortly after the arrival of the Maori.

American soldiers stationed in New Zealand in WW2 started a riot over the fact that a New Zealand club was not segregated and Maori servicemen were allowed to enter.

The de jure official languages of New Zealand are Maori and NZ sign language

About the Polynesian Panthers in New Zealand, a Maori group inspired by the American black panthers

Maoris are NOT the indigenous people of New Zealand.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Zealand Maori. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Zealand Maori so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor