Airways Flight facts
While investigating facts about Airways Flight 1549 and Airways Flights To Bangkok, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2015 someone did a shit so bad on a British Airway flight from Heathrow to Dubai that it had to turn around and land after just 30 minutes.
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After losing all four engines, the pilot of British Airways flight 9 calmly addressed the passengers, telling them "we have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. I trust you are not in too much distress."
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what if jet airways flight gets cancelled. Here are 50 of the best facts about British Airways Flights and British Airways Flight Status I managed to collect.
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A blind man was kicked off a US Airways flight after his service dog repositioned itself several times during a 2 hour delay. The passengers demanded that he be let back on and the flight attendant responsible be kick off instead. The flight was eventually canceled.
Everyone on Helios Airways Flight 522 (2005) passed out due to hypoxia. A flight attendant woke up and tried to control plane but failed. The autopilot kept the plane fly nearly 3hrs until the fuel ran out and crash, killing all 121 passengers and crew on board. This known as “Ghost Flight”
On British Airways Flight 5390 the Captain was sucked out of the cockpit when a faulty window blew out at 17,300 ft. With only his legs remaining in the plane, the quick thinking crew held onto him for 22 minutes till they safely landed. He survived.
After the US Airways Flight 1549 ditching on the Hudson (aka "Miracle on the Hudson"), officials captured and gassed 1,235 Canadian geese and destroyed 1,739 goose eggs across New York City.
A British Airways flight experienced a blown windshield at 17,000 feet, the pilot was thrown out of the cockpit and was left half in the cockpit and half out. The pilot suffered only minor injuries, even after he was presumed dead.
British Airways Flight 5390 suffered the loss of half the windscreen at 17,000 feet, resulting in the pilot being half sucked out of the plane. He survived with relatively minor injuries, despite the crew considering letting him go after presuming he was dead.
Dead passengers on British Airways flights are disguised using sunglasses, a vodka tonic and a blanket
There is a cocktail known as a "Sully," named after the pilot of US Airways Flight 1549, which consists of two shots of Grey Goose and a splash of water.
Airways Flight data charts
For your convenience take a look at Airways Flight figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why jet airways flights are getting cancelled?
You can easily fact check why british airways cancelled flights by examining the linked well-known sources.
The captain of British Airways Flight 9's statement to his passengers after unexplained engine failure was the calm understatement of "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped."
After a bird-strike forced a US Airways flight to land in the Hudson river in 2009, officials captured and gassed 1,235 Canada geese at 17 locations across New York City and coated 1,739 goose eggs with oil to smother the developing goslings in order to prevent similar incidents. - source
In 1990 the pilot was sucked out of the windshield on British Airways Flight 5390 @ 17,000 feet. He was saved only by his knees catching the flight controls on the way out and the 1st officer safely landing the plane. - source
Passengers aboard JetBlue Airways Flight 292 were able to watch their own malfunctioning aircraft circle Los Angeles International Airport on the satellite television screens at each seat until the flight crew disabled the system in preparation for the aircraft's successful emergency landing.
USGlobal Airways founded in August 1989 it has not yet flown a single commercial flight in its 28-year history, nor generated any revenue - source
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Buffalo Airways in Canada operates daily commercial flights with the Douglas DC-3, the last of which was produced in 1942
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British Airways flight 5390. While in flight the left windshield blew out sucking the captain halfway out the window. The co pilot was able to land the plane with no loss of life
It's completely legal to have a fully-grown falcon accompany you in the passenger cabin of certain Emirates, Etihad Airways, Qatar, Royal Jordanian, Gulf Air and Lufthansa flights.
After US Airways Flight 1549 landed in the Hudson, New York officials rounded up and gassed 1,235 Canada geese as well as coated 1,739 goose eggs with oil to smother the developing goslings.
After British Airways flight 9 lost all engines to volcanic ash, the pilot calmly addressed the passengers regarding the 'small' problem, saying they are ' trying our damnedest to get them going again'.