Marry Cousin facts
While investigating facts about Marry Cousin Uk and Marry Cousin Legal, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Charles Darwin married his first cousin with whom he had ten children. Three died as infants and three were infertile. He was the first to raise the question if incest may cause weaknesses in offspring after studying inbred plants in his garden.
how can i marry my first cousin in india?
Edgar Allen Poe married his 13 year old cousin at 27. His obsession with her and her early death, led to him becoming an alcoholic ,a laudanum addict, and the creation of his best known poems "Annabell Lee", "The Raven", and "Ligeia"
What states can you marry your cousin?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what states allow first cousins to marry. Here are 50 of the best facts about Marry Cousin Australia and Marry Cousin States I managed to collect.
what states can 1st cousins marry?
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born woman who was a victim of genital mutilation and married off to her cousin. She escaped and sought asylum in the Netherlands, eventually being elected to Dutch parliament. She is now an activist for women's rights and opposes honor violence and child marriage.
Charles Darwin wrote a pros and cons of marriage ( including the positivity of “female chit-chat) before marrying his cousin
Charles Darwin married his first cousin Emma Wedgwood, before having 10 children, three of which died before the age of 11. This lead him to wonder whether close genetic matches had an impact on health, adding to his theory of evolution and the passing of traits to offspring.
Charles Darwin married his first cousin, Emma. They had 10 children; 3 died at a young age. Whenever they fell ill, Charles feared that they might have inherited weaknesses from inbreeding.
Einstein was married to Elsa Einstein - his first cousin on his mother's side and second cousin on his father's side
Einstein married his first cousin, Elsa Löwenthal. (Not only were their mothers sisters, but their fathers were cousins too, making the married couple second cousins as well.) The relationship began while Einstein was still married to his first wife, physicist Mileva Marić.
Although considered by many to be taboo when cousins get married, the risk of them having offspring with genetic defects is not significantly higher than two random strangers having kids.
Kevin Bacon is married to his distant cousin, Kyra Sedgwick. The couple apparently first found out while both were participating on the PBS show “Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr.” back in 2012.
Louis XIV of France, who had many bastard children and mistresses while married to his cousin, Queen Maria Theresa of Spain, settled down and married a common woman named Francoise when the Queen died. He stayed faithful to her until the day he died, despite his adulteress past.
Not only was King Tut a product of incest (his parents were either siblings or cousins) but he also married his half-sister. King Tut had many birth defects and they had two children, both of which were stillborn.
Marry Cousin data charts
For your convenience take a look at Marry Cousin figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why can't you marry your cousin?
You can easily fact check why is it illegal to marry your cousin by examining the linked well-known sources.
First cousins can marry in Utah, provided they are both 65 years of age or older, or if they are 55 or older, a district court finds that either person is not able to reproduce.
More than 10% of the married people in the world are married to their second cousin or closer. - source
H.G. Wells married his cousin Isabel Mary Wells in 1891. They were only married for three years, until H.G. Wells fell in love with a student.
In 1892 Wassily Kandinsky married Anna Chimyakina, his cousin.
That it is banned by statute to marry your first cousin in several US states such as Mississippi, Kentucky, and West Virginia. However, it is perfectly legal to marry your first cousin in California, New York, Florida, and almost all European Countries outside the Balkans. - source
When cousins marry?
Barbara Cartland married Hugh McCorquodale, her first husband's cousin, in 1936. She had two sons with him named Ian and Glen.
How many states allow first cousins to marry?
The real life Christopher Robin, modified a cap gun to shoot real bullets, married his first cousin, and was estranged from his mother at the time of his death.
It is legal to marry your first cousin in 34 states.
Over half of Pakistanis are married to their first cousin [PubMed]
Eleanor Roosevelt didn't change her name when she married Franklin D. Roosevelt because they were both from the same family (albeit 5th cousins)