Aerospace Engineering facts
While investigating facts about Aerospace Engineering Salary and Aerospace Engineering Jobs, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Aerospace engineer and author Judith Love Cohen (worked on the Hubble Space Telescope) had two well known sons. The first son, Neil Siegel, developed GPS receivers in mobile devices and the US Army's first unmanned air vehicle system. The second son is a rather famous actor... named Jack Black.
how hard is aerospace engineering?
Murphy's law is named after aerospace engineer Edward A. Murphy Jr., and it's a misinterpretation of his statement "If there's more than one way to do a job, and one of those ways will result in disaster, then he [his assistant] will do it that way."
What aerospace engineering is all about?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what aerospace engineering means. Here are 17 of the best facts about Aerospace Engineering Colleges and Aerospace Engineering Schools I managed to collect.
what's aerospace engineering?
Liviu Librescu, a Romanian-born internationally renowned professor of aerospace engineering at Virginia Tech. He survived the holocaust. At age 76 he held the door of his classroom shut while the gunman attempted to enter it. Although shot 5 times, only 1 of his 23 students died that day.
Glenn Howerton, of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, was born in Japan, is the son of a decorated fighter pilot, is fluent in Mandarin, Korean, French, Spanish and can speak some German and Farsi, and considered studying Aerospace Engineering at Auburn before pursuing acting
Both of Jack Black's parents were Aerospace Engineers who worked on the Apollo 11 mission.
Qian Xuesen, a Chinese aerospace engineer who was a founding member of JPL. When he was stripped of his security clearances during the Red Scare despite protests by his colleagues, he moved back to China where he became well known as the "Father of Chinese Rocketry"
In 1981 Atari told aerospace engineer Ken Yankelevitz about a quadriplegic kid who was depressed because he couldn't play video games. Ken decided to dedicate his life to create accessible controllers for people without use of their hands.
Planetary Resources, a space mining company lead by two aerospace engineers and billionaire investors. They plan to create a fuel depot in space by 2020 by using water from asteroids, splitting it to liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen for rocket fuel. They launched two test satellites to orbit
While working at the NASA Ames Research Center Ellen Ochoa supervised a large group of engineer scientists who worked on developing computational systems for aerospace missions.
Neil Armstrong worked as an aerospace engineer professor at the University of Cincinnati.
of Clarence Johnson, the aerospace engineer who helped create "the first production aircraft to exceed Mach 3, the first fighter capable of Mach 2, as well as the first U.S. fighter to exceed 400 mph, and the 1st operational U.S. jet fighter."
McDonald's collaborated with a bunch of aerospace engineers to create a futuristic Straw. They named it... Suction Tube for Reverse Axial Withdrawal
Aerospace Engineering data charts
For your convenience take a look at Aerospace Engineering figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why aerospace engineering as a career?
You can easily fact check why aerospace engineering is good by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Super Soaker was accidentally invented by an aerospace engineer trying to invent a refrigeration system that ran on water instead of Freon. - source
High school dropout Marvin Hewitt successfully impersonated several physics professors before being exposed as a fraud. He was later approached by an aerospace firm to become an engineer for Project Vanguard. - source
The Iron man's characters looks and personality were based on a man named Howard Hughes. Howard was an American business tycoon, entrepreneur, investor, aviator, aerospace engineer, inventor, filmmaker and philanthropist. He was one of the wealthiest, self-made people in the world at the time.
The popular rideshare blogger behind "The Rideshare Guy" blog used to be an Aerospace Engineer before he switched to driving an Uber. - source