Marine Biology facts
While investigating facts about Marine Biology Jobs and Marine Biology Colleges, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Because of a botched surgery intended to repair a severely perforated eardrum, that actually caused permanent inner ear damage, Stephen Colbert wasn't able to scuba dive for a marine biology job he wanted which pushed him to comedy. The damage to his eardrum also left him deaf in his right ear.
how to get into marine biology?
Whilst working as a marine-biology teacher in 1986, Stephen Hillenburg was asked to create an educational comic about anthropomorphised sea life. He later adapted the characters within it, such as "Bob the Sponge", into one of the most popular and longest-running children's series of all time.
What marine biology all about?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what can you do with a marine biology degree. Here are 22 of the best facts about Marine Biology Courses and Marine Biology Salary I managed to collect.
what's marine biology?
Director James Cameron reached the Challenger Deep, the deepest part of the Mariana Trench. He is the first person to accomplish the trip solo. The data he collected resulted in interesting new finds in the field of marine biology, including new species of sea cucumber and squid worm.
Jason Momoa who is due to portray Aquaman completed his major in Marine Biology...
Stephen Hillenburg designed the show SpongeBob SquarePants off of a comic he created while studying marine biology to teach kids about creatures that lived in intertidal pools with the main character being “Bob the Sponge”
In order to get the look and feel of Finding Nemo’s characters and world just right, Pixar’s art team was required to take courses in marine biology, oceanography, and ichthyology in addition to enrolling in scuba diving classes.
Alcala's thirty-year career in research included hundreds of scholarly publications in herpetology, marine biology, and other minor related fields, as well as the addition of fifty more species to the known list of reptiles and amphibians.
The Galapagos Islands became a National Park in 1959, A UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978, and was named a Biological Marine Reserve in 1986.
Biological activity has been found to exist in the rock estimated to be 2.5 billion years old. 24 single-cell marine plants have been found in the form of microscopic fossils.
She accepted a temporary job with the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries where she wrote a series of radio scripts on marine biology entitled, "Romance Under the Waters."
There is a great deal of diverse biology in the Bay of Bengal. It is considered one of the 64 largest marine ecosystems in the world.
The creator of SpongeBob Squarepants has a degree in marine biology
Marine Biology data charts
For your convenience take a look at Marine Biology figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why marine biology is a good career?
You can easily fact check why study marine biology by examining the linked well-known sources.
The name Celtic Sea was proposed in 1921 by E.W.L. Holt. A common name was sought because of the common hydrology, geology, and marine biology of the region's waters.
Other professional scuba divers use their skills to allow them to perform underwater photography, videography, scientific research, marine biology, oceanography, hydrology and even archaeology underwater.
The oldest message in a bottle was just found after 108 years at sea. Because the message promised a reward of 1 shilling for finding and returning it, a shilling coin was procured on eBay so the Marine Biological Association could pay the reward. - source
The summer of 1890 he worked at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole.
The creator and writers for Spongebob have Marine-biology degrees. - source
When is marine biology important?
The Smithsonian Institute research facilities include the Smithsonian Tropical research Institute and the Marine Station, Smithsonian Institution Archives, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Museum Conservation Institute, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, and the Archives of American Art.
How to study marine biology?
The French-accented voice who narrates when time passes in SpongeBob is an homage to Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who was a leading influence on creator Stephen Hillenburg and his interest in marine biology.
In October, 1955 Houghton Mifflin published The Edge of the Sea, which was the third of her books on marine biology.
The creator of Spongebob, Stephen Hillenburg, was a marine biologist and was a professor of marine biology.
Japanese Emperor Showa had a marine biology lab in the Imperial Palace and published several papers under his personal name, "Hirohito"