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Acts Kindness facts

While investigating facts about Acts Kindness Advent Calendar and Acts Kindness Pediatrics, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The government of Palau has required all tourists entering to sign a pledge stamped on their passport promising to be environmentally conscious and “tread lightly, act kindly, and explore mindfully.”

how do small acts of kindness impact others?

A man faked mental illness to escape jail, was sent to an asylum and has been trying since to convince doctors he's sane. He's been diagnosed a psychopath 'cause in part, "Faking mental illness to get out of a prison sentence is exactly the kind of manipulative act you’d expect of a psychopath."

What are acts of kindness?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are some random acts of kindness. Here are 27 of the best facts about Acts Kindness Ideas and Acts Kindness Book I managed to collect.

what are random acts of kindness?

  1. Since 1995, 7-Eleven has provided more than 6 million coupons to police departments across the country to "ticket" young people "caught in random acts of kindness" dubbed Operation Chill.

  2. Lemurs use a certain kind of millipede to get high. The millipedes also act as a kind of insect repellent too, keeping mosquitos away from the lemurs for a bit

  3. About Bastoy, the Norwegian prison that treats inmates kindly with guards who act like social workers, and boasts a 16% reoffending rate (compared to 70% elsewhere in Europe and the US).

  4. KIND, which makes energy bars, relies in part on spreading acts of kindness. Employees are given plastic cards that they can give out if they see random acts of kindess. Kind will then send the samaritan a couple bars as well as another card to pay the kindness forward to someone else.

  5. In the state of Alabama it is illegal to buy or sell any kind of sex toy "designed or marketed as useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs". The Anti-Obscenity Enforcement Act was passed into law in 1998.

  6. In a first-of-its-kind case, a Newfoundland man who ordered a child-sized sex doll from Japan to replace his deceased infant son was charged with possessing child pornography, mailing obscene matter, and two charges under the federal Customs Act of smuggling and possession of prohibited goods.

  7. About "emotional labour", the act of forcing emotions (like faking smiles in the service industry), can be as mentally or physically taxing as any other kind of work place stress.

  8. Canadians say sorry so much, they passed the "Apology Act" in 2009, which states than an apology of any kind "means an expression of sympathy and regret" and not "an admission of fault or [legal] liability".

  9. There's a Japanese ex-wrestler who dresses in an all-PVC fetish outfit to perform random acts of kindness while singing Ricky Martin's "Living La Vida Loca".

  10. A man, self-styled as 'The Good Giraffe' dresses up in a giraffe suit his mother made him, to perform acts of random kindness across Scotland. He hitchhikes to his destinations, but can only be picked up by convertibles due to his long-necked suit.

acts kindness facts
What are some acts of kindness?

Why do random acts of kindness?

You can easily fact check why is it important to do acts of kindness by examining the linked well-known sources.

About the "Apology Act," passed in Ontario, Canada, in 2009, which stipulated that an apology of any kind “means an expression of sympathy or regret” and cannot be used to establish guilt or liability.

The Tea Act of 1773 was Designed to Prop Up the East India Co, Imposed No New Taxes on the Colonies, & Would Cut the Price of Tea from England by a Third. However, Local Merchants (and Smugglers) were Undercut, also Parliament Manipulating Commodities was not Looked On with Kindness. - source

There is a specific day to celebrate "Randome Act of Kindness", which was yesterday. February 17th. - source

The State of Hawaii has an "Aloha Spirit" law requiring business & government officials to act with kindness, harmoniousness, agreeability, humility, and patience

Participating in - or even witnessing - an act of kindness, releases Oxytocin in the brain, which then in turn inspires more acts of kindness. - source

When is random acts of kindness week 2019?

About a police officer's beautiful last act of kindness before his tragic death

How does the peddler interpret the acts of kindness?

about a police officer's beautiful last act of kindness

Alec Balwin is actually a kind hearted guy who supports Random act of Kindness projects

The a certain kind of Fruit Bat is the only non-primate observed in the act of fellatio

Ray Dolin, who claimed to be the victim of a drive-by shooting while hitchhiking along a rural Montana highway as a desperate act of self-promotion while working on a memoir called "Kindness in America". He shot himself.

Today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day.

When is random acts of kindness day?

There is a robot called "Jibo" that will act as a personal assistant/entertainer/etc. It is kind of creepy.

It's Random Acts of Kindness Week! You can see what others are doing here/ share your deed!

This plumber has been providing low to no cost service to people in need while putting himself into debt. His latest act of kindness finally caught the attention of the media and it is so heartwarming.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Acts Kindness. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Acts Kindness so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor