Lightning Storm facts
While investigating facts about Lightning Storm Yugioh and Lightning Storm Ds3, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Ewa Wiśnierska, a German paraglider that survived lightning, pounding hail, -40°C temperatures and oxygen deprivation after a storm system sucked her to an altitude higher than Mount Everest.
how lightning storms are formed?
About 'The never-ending lightning storm' in Venezuela. A lightning storm strikes most nights for eight months of every year, and has been flashing for thousands of years. Scientists still don't know why.
What not to do during a lightning storm?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to do in a lightning storm outside. Here are 50 of the best facts about Lightning Storm Skyrim and Lightning Storm Mtg I managed to collect.
what to do in a lightning storm?
There is an area in Venezuela where lightning strikes 280 to 3,600 times an hour, 300 nights per year. It is called Relámpago del Catatumbo, or "the everlasting storm".
There is a phenomenon in Venezuela called "Everlasting Storm" in which a lake hosts thousands of lightning strikes every hour 260 days per year
There is an "everlasting lightning storm" that rages continuously for up to 10 hours a night, in exactly the same place, 260 nights a year
323 reindeer were killed in a single lightning storm in Norway. Reindeer huddle together in bad weather, and their close proximity explains why so many were killed at once.
There is an area that has 10 hour lightning storms up to 260 days per year. The storms are so bright sailors use them for navigation.
Nikola Tesla was born 159 years ago today during a fierce lightning storm. Happy Nikola Tesla Day!
The Catatumbo lightning storm of Venezuela.At least 300 days of the year a vast raging storm forms at the mouth of the Catatumbo River. It's lightning, unequaled in strength, can be seen from 250 miles away and was used as a navigational beacon by colonial sailors.
There is an ongoing electrical storm in Venezuela ( Catatumbo lightning ) that's been going on for years
Gardeners like lightning storms because the lightning fertilizers the rainwater with nitrogen.
In 2008 a violent electrical storm resulted in a lightning strike to the statue. The head, eyebrows and fingers were damaged. The soapstone exterior of the statue prevented severe damage as it acted as an insulator. The Rio de Janeiro state government began a restoration effort. They replaced some layers of soapstone and repaired the lightning rods on the statue.
Lightning Storm data charts
For your convenience take a look at Lightning Storm figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is it safe to be in a car during a lightning storm?
You can easily fact check why are you safe in a car during a lightning storm by examining the linked well-known sources.
The National Weather Service recommends not to shower during a lightning storm, for if it strikes your house and electrifies your water pipes. It can kill you
If a cumulonimbus cloud develops into a supercell, it can last several hours or longer. This type of storm often results in lightning, hail, strong and damaging wind, and tornadoes.
As soon as thunder is heard it is best to find safe shelter. Thunderstorms can begin very quickly and if you are able to hear the thunder then you are close enough to be struck by the storm's lightning.
Lightning detectors are important for civilian safety but are also important for professional safety as well. Pilots, military personnel, boaters, and anyone outdoors is at risk for a lightning strike during a storm.
Reindeer huddle during storms and 300+ Reindeer died from a lightning strike in 2016 - source
Why turn off tv when lightning storm?
During a monsoon there are weather hazards that people should be aware of including downburst winds, lightning, dust storms, thunderstorms, wildfires, extreme heat and flash floods.
How long do lightning storms last?
It's unsafe to use a landline telephone during a lightning storm.
Red Sprites, which are red-colored bursts of electricity that very briefly occur over storm clouds as lightning strikes.
Lightning storms make it rain diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter