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Academic Articles facts

While investigating facts about Academic Articles Free and Academic Articles Online, I found out little known, but curios details like:

27-yr-old grad student, Alexandra Elbakyan, put 50 million stolen research articles online for free. Her reason?...Worldwide liberation of knowledge from the tyranny of for-profit publishers. Many academics and longtime advocates for open scholarly research seemed to support her ideology.

how to read academic articles?

"The unsuccessful self-treatment of a case of writer's block" is the shortest academic article ever: it has no words

What are academic journal articles?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are peer reviewed academic journal articles. Here are 19 of the best facts about Academic Articles Examples and Academic Articles Database I managed to collect.

what are academic articles?

  1. One of this site’s co-founders committed suicide in 2013 after facing up to 50 years in prison for illegally downloading over 4 million academic articles. He was 26 years old.

  2. The lead singer of The Offspring holds a PhD in Molecular Biology, and has published academic articles contributing to HIV studies

  3. Meme culture as it exists today was predicted in an academic article in 1997

  4. As much as 90% of all academic articles are not cited

  5. In 1996, Alan Sokal submitted a nonsense article to a leading academic journal, Social Text, as a test to see if the journal would "publish an article liberally salted with nonsense if (a) it sounded good and (b) it flattered the editors' ideological preconceptions". It was published.

  6. Margaret's research and ideas were published in dozens of books and academic articles.

  7. In 1996 prof. Sokal published an article in the academic journal Social Text. In it he says that gravity is a fiction that people are made to believe. Later he revealed the Hoax to prove that 1) editors take more importance to academic authority 2) damage of post modern philosophy in science

  8. Alan Sokal, who famously fooled a postmodernist academic journal into publishing a nonsensical article, was a socialist who objected to postmodernism because it didn't help the working class.

  9. The Conversation is a non-profit news organization that sources content from 40,000+ academic researchers around the world, and that all authors are required to disclose conflicts of interest and sources of funding each time they submit an article

academic articles facts
What is the purpose of an abstract in academic journal articles?

Why are scholarly articles more appropriate for academic research?

You can easily fact check why are academic articles so expensive by examining the linked well-known sources.

Beall’s List is an annual report that identifies Predatory Open Access Publishers that charge fees to publish articles in illegitimate academic journals.

Sci-Hub, a repository of over 46,000,000 scientific academic papers and articles, is run by a Russian Neuroscientist, as a reaction to the high cost of research papers behind paywalls, typically US$30 each when bought on a per-paper basis. - source

A physics professor published an article in a peer reviewed academic journal that argued quantum theory is a social construct. He did this to expose the bias in certain academic circles. - source

3 scholars James A. Lindsay, Peter Boghossian, and Helen Pluckrose trolled major academic journals by purposefully writing gibberish articles on topics such as rasoee culture among dogs & using direct quotations from Mein Kampf to support feminism to show the rut in academia.

Academic research isn't free to public. Scholarly articles, filled with indubitable knowledge and analysis, only exist for the general public behind pricey paywalls. - source

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Elsevier, the largest academic publishing company in the world, has been systemically suing companies, such as Sci-Hub and Libgen, which aim at granting free access to their articles to college students from less privileged countries and institutions.

How to search for academic articles?

From 1665 to 2006 an estimated 50 million academic journal articles have been published, an average of over 110,000 articles per year

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Academic Articles. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Academic Articles so important!

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