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Abc News facts

While investigating facts about Bbc News and Abc News Australia, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During the 1995 OJ Simpson trial, the ABC, NBC and CBS networks nightly news broadcasts gave more air time to the details of that case than to the Bosnian War and the Oklahoma City bombing combined.

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ABC News interrupted regular scheduled programming to announce the reintroduction of Coke Classic in 1985.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what channel is abc news. Here are 18 of the best facts about Abc News Live and Abc News Just In I managed to collect.

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  1. Airborne tablets have never been proven to improve your immune system, and may even cause kidney stones. In 2006, ABC News discovered that the "lab" that Airborne had hired to complete a study had not a single scientist or doctor on staff, and was actually just comprised of two men.

  2. Peter Jennings first hosted ABC's evening news in 1965. The 26 year-old Canadian mispronounced words and was unfamiliar with American culture. After three years Jennings quit and became a foreign correspondent; the role trained him for when he got the evening-news anchor job again in 1983.

  3. Casey Anthony's defense team was paid primarily by way of ABC News $200,000 purchase of family photos and videos

  4. Lionel Richie is a phenomenon in the Arab States, with ABC news stating "Grown Iraqi men get misty-eyed by the mere mention of his name"

  5. In 1990, the ABC news show 20/20 interviewed a man who claimed he was the character "Buckwheat" from the 1950's show 'The Little Rascals' and was currently working as a bag-boy at an Arizona supermarket. However, the man was an impostor; the real actor, Billy Thomas, had died 10 years earlier.

  6. Hans Zimmer composed ABC World News main-theme

  7. ABC News unwittingly perpetuated the Toyota acceleration scandal myth

  8. Lalo Schifrin, the composer for Cool Hand Luke (1967), sold the track from the movie "Tar Sequence" to ABC News Stations which became the now iconic theme of most opening news segments.

  9. In 2003 During the broadcast ABC's World News Tonight, it was accidentally reported via the scroll that "Alan Greenspan in the hospital for an enlarged prostitute" rather than "prostate"

  10. 3 years ago ABC news was covering up the Epstein story while Hillary was running for president.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

St. Louis was chemically sprayed with radioactive material in the cold war. Was told it was a smokescreen test. (ABC News 5; St. Louis)

The Drudge Report is the #2 most viewed online US media publication, with more views than CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, Wall Street Journal, Yahoo News, Slate, Reuters, Sports Illustrated, MSNBC, CNBC, and Rolling Stone COMBINED - source

The White House once characterized Fox News as "not a real news organization" and tried to ban it from a news pool it has belonged to since 1997, the other pool members ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC refused to participate unless Fox News was included. - source

In 1997 Bill Maher’s “Politically Incorrect” moved from Comedy Central to ABC and was replaced by another comedy news show, this one was hosted by former ESPN SportsCenter co-anchor Craig Kilborn and was called “The Daily Show.”

The doll advertised as Normal Barbie is larger than usual and comes with a sticker pack for cellulite, acne, and stretch marks. And the doll is supposed to look like the average 19-year-old woman. It has been advertised in TIME, USA Today, thousands of newspapers, and featured by ABC News. - source

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ABC News and Diane Sawyer apologized after showing footage of a destruction scene in Gaza and saying it is in Israel.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Abc News. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Abc News so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor