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Evening News facts

While investigating facts about Evening News And Star and Evening News Norwich, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Jesters were asked to tell bad news to the king that no one else dared deliver. The best-known example was in 1340 after the French fleet was destroyed by the English. The French King's jester told him the English sailors "don't even have the guts to jump into the water like our brave French".

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Eddie Vedder wrote 'Jeremy' after reading a brief newspaper article about a 15-year-old boy in Texas who brought a gun to class and shot himself, in front of his teacher and thirty students. Vedder wanted to show how even such a dramatic gesture would only get a few words in the daily news.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time is cbs evening news. Here are 46 of the best facts about Evening News Obituaries and Evening News Ratings I managed to collect.

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  1. Trains in Japan are so punctual, that if they are even 5 minutes late, the passengers get a formal apology, and most times they'll even get a "delay certificate." Delays that are over an hour will also appear on the news.

  2. If Train in Japan is even 5 minutes late, the passengers get a formal apology, and most times they'll even get a "delay certificate." If a Train delays over an hour, its reported on the news.

  3. Finding evidence of even microbial life on Mars could be very bad news for humanity. One of the most popular solutions to The Fermi Paradox is that there exists a "Great Filter" for life. Finding evidence of life elsewhere would mean the the filter is most likely still ahead of us.

  4. That, in 2004, 21 percent of people aged 18 to 29 cited "The Daily Show" as where they learned presidential campaign news, even though the show's own producers (including Jon Stewart) ridiculed the very idea of people looking to their programme as a primary news source.

  5. The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus was a hoax designed by the U of Conn. to test 7th graders ability to decipher fake news on the internet presented as real. They all failed. Some even maintained it was real even after confronted with the hoax, a phenomenon called belief perseverance.

  6. Death row inmate, Hank Skinner was transported to his execution room, and even finished his "final meal" before news broke of a rare Supreme Court reprieve, just minutes before his scheduled execution. He awaits hearing results.

  7. Airborne tablets have never been proven to improve your immune system, and may even cause kidney stones. In 2006, ABC News discovered that the "lab" that Airborne had hired to complete a study had not a single scientist or doctor on staff, and was actually just comprised of two men.

  8. The first use of the phrase "May the Fourth be with you" was by a Danish political party which placed a congratulatory advertisement in The London Evening News when Margaret Thatcher took office as Prime Minister on May 4th 1979, "May the Fourth Be with You, Maggie. Congratulations."

  9. In 1999 Kevin Smith joined in a protest against his own movie Dogma, and was even interviewed by the local news under his friends name, Bryan Johnson.

  10. The director/writter of the movie "Dogma" Kevin Smith went to a catholic protest at a movie theater against his own movie and even got interviewed by a local news reporter

evening news facts
What happened to cbs evening news tonight?

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You can easily fact check why change in cbs evening news anchor by examining the linked well-known sources.

When the Queen of England dies, Operation London Bridge will commence. It is an originally secret protocol meant to handle the news and organize the country's 12-day mourn. Several news channel rehearse this even every year, replacing her name with "Mrs. Robinson".

In Bulgaria, where it is illegal to announce exit poll results during the day of an election, news agencies conducting exit polls routinely circumvent the law by posting spoof "rankings" of books, computer games, or even brothels, whose names allude to the names of candidates. - source

A gunman named James Hoskins held reporters at Cincinnati news station WCPO hostage in 1980. In a taped interview, he confessed to killing his girlfriend earlier in the evening. - source

In an era decades before the Internet and even cable news, the government was able to control news of the test. The testing was not reported until after the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The first reference to May 4th and Star Wars occurred on May 4th, 1979. Margaret Thatcher became the United Kingdom's Prime Minister that day and her Conservative party congratulated her with an ad in the newspaper The London Evening News that said, "May the Fourth Be with You, Maggie. Congratulations."

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Truman didn’t even know the atomic bombs would be used on civilians and was originally happy after receiving news that the “Military Base” Hiroshima had been destroyed

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King George V's death was actually the result of euthanasia; after a brief illness, his personal physician administered a shot of a gram of cocaine and a 3/4 gram of morphine, resulting in his death. This was done in part for the news to make the morning papers as opposed to the evening edition.

S. Koreans believe that leaving a fan on in a room while sleeping can kill you. Even the news occasionally alludes to this, supporting this urban legend.

Peter Jennings first hosted ABC's evening news in 1965. The 26 year-old Canadian mispronounced words and was unfamiliar with American culture. After three years Jennings quit and became a foreign correspondent; the role trained him for when he got the evening-news anchor job again in 1983.

In 1977, an Italian filmmaker named Luigi Cozzi re-released the famous movie "Godzilla", with substantial edits including psychedelic colorization, electronic music, and footage borrowed from other disaster movies and even WWII news reels depicting actual destruction and human death.

In 1982, VANGELIS (The famous composer behind Chariots of Fire, Blade Runner, Cosmos etc) composed the evening news opening theme for the Greek national TV channel. The track is still in use today

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Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc self-immolated himself to defend his religion in 1963. The picture of this is also Rage Against The Machine's debut album cover. JFK even said, "No news picture in history has generated so much emotion around the world as that one."

Researchers turned not to IQ tests, but to cognitive reaction time--the news is not good--"very, very robust trend with time, toward slowing speeds of reaction". What that suggests is that even as IQ scores rise with education and health, humanity's capacity to get smarter is shrinking.

On April 18, 1930, BBC had nothing to report for their 8:45 evening bulletin, so they said “there is no news” and played piano music for 15 minutes.

Most British newspapers used to run advertisements on front pages, with even the most important news starting inside. American influence and the desire for higher circulation slowly changed this; The Guardian did not do so until 1952, for example.

About the Gell-Mann amnesia effect, which is when experts believe news articles outside of their field even after acknowledging that articles written in the same publication, that are within the experts' fields of expertise, are error-ridden.

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King George V was euthanized on his death bed so the news could be reported in the morning papers rather than "less appropriate field of the evening journals"

In 2009 a few College kids wrote a joke article linking beer pong to herpes. The rumor caught national attention, making its way to several news stations and even the Colbert report.

Valentin Bondarenko. Among the first Soviet cosmonauts, he accidentally started a fire on Earth and died in agony. The USSR did not release the news for more than two decades, even erasing him from photographs, causing rumors that Bondarenko was among "lost cosmonauts" dying in space.

The Guinness World Record of holding the longest talk show belongs to Rabi Lamichhane who stayed live on air a Nepali TV news channel for more than 62 hrs straight. He ate on air and was allowed 5 mins break every hour; he even began growing a beard over the two-and-a-half day program.

When the news of the end of WWII came to the soldiers, some passed out, and even accidentally shot themselves from excitement!

Barbara Walters became the first lady co-anchor in the evening news and HAS interviewed many great leader including Russia's Boris Yeltsin, Shah of Iran, Libya's Muammar al-Gaddafi China's Jiang Semen, and India's Indira Gandhi

There was a business man who filed a law suit against someone, lost in court, lost his money, and lost his sanity. His next actions were either really smart business tactics or him going insane, but he made himself the emperor of the U.S via news and even met up with actual world leaders.

Mexicans aren't the typical people we see in the news...they are blue eyed, Asian and even Black. I would hate to be Mexican and stereotyped in the news.

Mark Proksch, who plays Pryce on Better Call Saul, went on a bunch of local news shows and pretended to be a yoyo master even though he knew nothing about yoyoing.

A study asked over 5,000 people about five fabricated political events: 50% remembered the false event while 27% even remembered to have seen it on the news.

Google probably doesn't care about small or middle-level publishers. It has removed 1000s of sites from Google News without even giving a notice.

The former president of Togo faked news headlines to make him look the sole survivor of a 1974 plane crash, seeing this as an opportunity to make a cult of personality, during his 38 YEARS of rule, there were even superhero comics with him as the protagonist with invulnerability and strength.

Fox News doesn't even officially label itself as a "news" network. It labels itself as an "entertainment" network, as per now deceased former network head Roger Ailes' own words.

An elderly Florida man was arrested for failing to keep his lawn green. He watered, fertilized and even re-sodded three times to try and satisfy authorities. But after repeated warnings he was put in jail. When news got out, dozens of people volunteered to re-sod his lawn for him.

Breitbart News is right wing - but not Nazi or White nationalist - as it was founded by Jews, Andrew Breitbart and Larry Solov, with a Jewish editor at large, Joel Pollak, and even has a Jerusalem bureau.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Evening News. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Evening News so important!

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