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Xbox Controller facts

While investigating facts about Xbox Controller For Pc and Xbox Controller Custom, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The US Navy replaced expensive and clunky periscope controls on submarines with Xbox 360 controllers, which reduced training time from hours to minutes

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The United States military is testing - a laser cannon that can be directed by an Xbox controller, an electromagnetic rail gun that can be placed on future tanks, and a 'smart' sniper rifle that can measure variables like wind conditions.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what xbox controller for pc. Here are 22 of the best facts about Xbox Controller Wireless and Xbox Controller Elite I managed to collect.

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  1. US Army has a working prototype of a land-based laser cannon that can be guided by an Xbox controller

  2. When trying to redesign the Xbox 360 controller for the Xbox One, Microsoft had more than 200 prototypes created.

  3. Accessories for the Xbox 360 included headsets, custom faceplates, wired controllers, wireless controllers, a steering wheel, a webcam, dance mats, memory units, and hard drives.

  4. Microsoft pushes the buttons on new controllers 2 million times to test their durability. This is considered to be equal to about 7 years of play during typical use.

  5. Microsoft spent $100 million for creating Xbox One's Controller. They also experimented with scent-emitters, and had 200 prototypes.

  6. Some EOD (bomb disposal) robots are controlled using XBox controllers

  7. The Kinect in Xbox One is capable of identifying the person holding the controller, detecting a person's emotional state such as happy or sad, and detecting a person's heart rate.

  8. Microsoft's robot arm used to test the controller mimics and angry gamer to test its durability.

  9. The Xbox One has a built in Kinect, making it possible to control the with hand gestures.

  10. The US Navy is testing the periscope control of some of its submarines with Xbox 360 controllers. This method has the advantage of being inexpensive compared to conventional controls, and much easier to use.

xbox controller facts
What xbox controller to buy?

Why xbox controller blinking?

You can easily fact check why xbox controller won't connect by examining the linked well-known sources.

For the original XBOX, Microsoft had to create a smaller controller for the Japanese market due to them having smaller hands - source

The USS Colorado operates its photonics masts via xbox controllers - source

The bomb disposal robot, PackBot (the type that defuses/destroys IEDs), uses an Xbox controller

A guy modded his Xbox controller to give him a 20,000 volt electrical shock whenever he was punched in Mortal Kombat - source

When the xbox controller is blinking?

How to Make Hairtriggers for an Xbox One Controller with Under $10

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Microsoft wasted $100 million designing the Xbox One controller.

Instead of bulky controls, the US navy uses an Xbox controller to control a new submarine.

Steam lets you use and remap nearly any controller you want inside Big Picture mode, and lets you save presets for button mappings per game. It even fully supports the Dualshock 4, though in-game button prompts may still display Xbox buttons.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Xbox Controller. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Xbox Controller so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor