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Wireless Technology facts

While investigating facts about Wireless Technology Ppt and Wireless Technology Pdf, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Hedy Lamarr, an actress in the 40's and 50's and "the most beautiful woman in the world", co-patented the technology that would lead to Wi-Fi, GPS, wireless phones, and others.

how wireless technology works?

The Japanese are working on developing technology to transmit electricity wirelessly. Their goal is to transmit energy from orbiting solar panels to Earth by 2030. They have successfully transmitted 10 kW of energy 500 meters away.

What is wireless technology?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is 5g wireless technology. Here are 15 of the best facts about Wireless Technology Notes and Wireless Technology Ppt Pdf I managed to collect.

what wireless technology is associated with wi-fi?

  1. Marconi, inventor of the radio (and wireless technology) was an active Facist and a supporter of Italian colonialism

  2. Over 700 people survived the sinking of the titanic due to the newest communications technology of the time: The Wireless Telegraph.

  3. Bluetooth" technology was named after a 10th century king with a dead tooth. He united all of Scandanavia just like the wireless technology united computers and cell phones.

  4. The retina display on the iPhone is the phone's most expensive feature. The next most expensive feature are Qualcomm wireless chips.

  5. A classical composer and a hollywood actress used a player piano to invent technology that is fundamental to wireless communications used to this day

  6. Bluetooth is named after Denmark's King Harald Bluetooth who is known for uniting Scandinavia into a single kingdom just as Bluetooth technology unites PC and cellular industries with a short-range wireless link. The Bluetooth logo is his initials "HB" written in old Nordic runes.

  7. The Negroponte Flip. Professor Nicholas Negroponte of MIT predicted in the 1980s that technology that had previously been wireless would become wired and wired technology would become wireless.

  8. Despite widespread perception, Wi-Fi doesn’t stand for “wireless fidelity.” Instead, it is a brand name for the underlying technology based on the IEEE 802.11b standard for radio-based wireless networking.

  9. Bluetooth wireless technology is developed and managed by a special interest group that oversees the development of Bluetooth standards and the licensing of the technologies and trademarks to manufacturers.

  10. Hedy Lamarr, considered the most beautiful woman in the world in her day, Invented Early Wireless Technology

wireless technology facts
What type of wireless technology is used for 802.11b networks?

Why are businesses slow to adopt wireless technology?

You can easily fact check why 4g wireless technology by examining the linked well-known sources.

Over 200 scientists have signed an appeal to the WHO, UN and the UN Member States to address the harmful effects from wireless technology like cell phones and cell phone towers.

A French startup, called Energysquare, has created a new type of technology that can wireless charge almost any device. This includes devices that don't have wireless charging capabilities built-in, such as Apple's iPhone and iPad. - source

Hedy Lamarr, an actress in the '40s, tried to defuse a potential military threat during World War II by theorizing an early version of spread spectrum communication to prevent remote-controlled torpedoes from being hijacked which is now used in wireless technologies such as Bluetooth and WiFi. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Wireless Technology. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Wireless Technology so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor