Microwave Ovens facts
While investigating facts about Microwave Ovens At Walmart and Microwave Ovens Tesco, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A typical microwave oven consumes more electricity powering its clock than it does heating food.
how microwave ovens work?
In 1945, a school dropout and self-taught electrical engineer named Percy Spencer was working at Ratheon. He stepped in front of a magnetron, a device that powers radars. He noticed a chocolate bar in his pocket had melted. Later that year, he filed a patent for the first microwave oven.
At which stage of the product life cycle are microwave ovens?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what microwave ovens are made in the usa. Here are 50 of the best facts about Microwave Ovens Argos and Microwave Ovens At Home Depot I managed to collect.
why do microwave ovens operate at 2.45 ghz?
Microwaves are "non-ionising" radiation, meaning they are too low-energy to damage DNA. So your microwave could give you a nasty burn (enough to kill you, even), but only in the same manner as your oven.
A typical microwave oven consumes more electricity powering its digital clock than it does heating food.
There is a "Quiet Zone" in the United States where radio transmissions are restricted, and microwave ovens, wifi routers, and cell phones are prohibited.
"Perytons" were mysterious radio signals detected only at the Parkes radio telescope. They were found to be caused by the premature opening of a microwave oven door at the visitor center.
In December 2005, a doctor in England published research suggesting that girls often go through a stage where they hate their Barbie dolls and subject them to a range of punishments, including decapitation and placing the doll in a microwave oven.
Australian astronomers discovered a mysterious signal to be their microwave oven after 17 years
Original Microwave Ovens were 6 ft tall, weighed 750 pounds and had to be water cooled to keep them from overheating.
No amount of radiation will escape from your microwave oven if you open the door without stopping it first - it takes just 64 nanoseconds to decay to 0.1% [PDF]
The screen on the window of your microwave oven keeps your face from melting. The size of the holes in the screen are vastly smaller than a the wavelength of a microwave, effectively blocking them.
Not only do microwave ovens not "cook out" nutrients in food, they can sometimes do a better job of preserving nutrients.
Microwave Ovens data charts
For your convenience take a look at Microwave Ovens figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why microwave ovens are bad for you?
You can easily fact check why microwave ovens are bad by examining the linked well-known sources.
Microwave ovens have clearly delineated "hot" and "cold" spots, and you can easily map out the hotspots of any given oven using a simple informal experiment.
Food Babe once claimed that microwave ovens cause water molecules to form crystals that resemble crystals exposed to negative thoughts or beliefs. - source
The microwave oven was invented by accident. In 1945, Percy Spencer, an American self-taught engineer, was working in a lab testing magnetrons, the high-powered vacuum tubes inside radars that produced microwaves, where he noticed a peanut butter candy bar in his pocket had begun to melt - source
The inventor of the microwave oven only received $2 for his discovery
The turntable in a microwave oven switches directions on each use because it is easier for the motor to build up torque (like getting a running start) in the opposite direction, instead of pushing right against the previous load. - source
When microwave ovens were in the introduction stage?
The first commercial microwave oven was created in 1946, and by the mid-1990s 90% of the homes in the United States owned one.
How microwave ovens were invented?
The type of radiation that is used in microwave ovens is also used in speed cameras used by police, radar, and cell phones.
Microwave ovens do not heat food by operating at a special resonance of water molecules. Instead, in a phenomenon known as dielectric heating, molecules in food rotate as they try to align themselves with the alternating electric field, colliding with other molecules and heating the food.
A professional clown offered a microwave oven to a hit man as a down payment for murdering his wife.
The first microwave oven that was made by Raytheon was 6 feet tall and weighed at least 750 pounds. Most people did not buy them because they cost about $5000.
The mesh in a microwave oven door lets you see through it while shielding you from microwaves because the size of the perforations is a lot smaller than the microwaves' wavelength. The visible light however, can still pass through the holes and lets you see the inside of the oven.