Winning Powerball facts
While investigating facts about Winning Powerball Numbers and Winning Powerball Numbers From Last Night, I found out little known, but curios details like:
If you drive one mile to the convenience store to buy a Powerball ticket, you are eight times more likely to die than win the jackpot
how winning powerball numbers?
6 months ago, Powerball officials lowered the odds of winning by more than 1 out of 120 Million in order to raise jackpots, generate more excitement, and sell more tickets.
Where was the winning powerball ticket sold at?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what winning powerball numbers. Here are 27 of the best facts about Winning Powerball Ticket Sold and Winning Powerball Results I managed to collect.
what are the odds at winning powerball?
The youngest ever powerball winner was a 19-year-old from South Carolina who won a $35.3 million jackpot after he heard a voice and "the winning numbers in his head"
You have a better chance of getting struck by lightning while drowning than winning the Powerball
You have better odds of being killed by a falling coconut than winning the Powerball.
The chances you dating a Supermodel are 1 in 88,000 while the chances you winning the Powerball Jackpot are 1 in 175 million.
You are more likely to win the powerball jackpot than be one of the 500 million sperm cells released during a single ejaculation. Congrats to all the lucky lottery winners of life reading this post.
The 30 March 2005 Powerball paid out 110 second prizes - not because of foul play, but because a large NY food company had printed the winning white ball numbers in thousands of fortune cookies. The printed Powerball number was only 2 off.
All possible number combinations to the powerball lottery costs approx 584 million dollars and winning it is like flipping heads 28 times in a row
In the United States, you have a 1.5(10^-7)% chance of dying in an elevator accident. That is approximately 3.8 times less likely than winning the Powerball lottery jackpot.
If you spent $584,402,676 on Powerball tickets, you're guaranteed to win.
It is 20x more likely that the entire human race will be wiped out by an asteroid in your lifetime (1 in 700,000) than the chances of you winning the UK Lotto jackpot (1 in 14 million, per play) - and 400x more likely than winning the US Powerball (1 in 292 million).
Winning Powerball data charts
For your convenience take a look at Winning Powerball figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why winning the lottery is bad reddit?
You can easily fact check why winning the lottery ruined my life by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 2005, a record 110 players won $500,000 and $100,000 prizes in the Powerball lottery. All winners drew their winning numbers from fortune cookies.
Winning the Powerball jackpot of $1,3 billion is not enough to put you into the Forbes 400 of the richest Americans, even if you don't have to pay any taxes at all. - source
A woman in TN set up a GoFund Page after blowing ALL her family money on Powerball tickets, thinking she would win the jackpot. - source
If i won the PowerBall and i have $800 million then i can play again and guarantee a win !think with ODD of 1 to 255,000,000 and you have 800,000,000 you can check your numbers here
You have a higher chance of being hit by lightning while drowning, than winning the powerball jackpot. - source
When winning powerball numbers?
You are more likely to flip a coin and get heads 28 times in a row than to win the Powerball
How to pick winning powerball numbers?
You're 100 times more likely to win the Powerball twice in a row than you are selecting a perfect NCAA basketball bracket. The chances of a flawless bracket? 1 in 9.2 quintillion.
In 2005, when a Powerball drawing produced 110 second-prize winners instead of the expected 4-5 winners, officials suspected fraud. However, all 110 winners had played numbers from fortune cookies made by Wonton Food, which had printed the winning numbers on thousands of fortunes.
You have a 1 in 9.2 quintillion chance of filling out a perfect bracket for March Madness. Meaning you are 60 billion times more likely to win the powerball.
A man is 58 times more likely to have two penises than he is to win the Powerball lottery.
Powerball claims a $1.3 billion jackpot while the maximum amount you can win is $487 million