Walking Dead facts
While investigating facts about Walking Dead Cast and Walking Dead Season 10, I found out little known, but curios details like:
"The Attack of the Dead Men" where after being hit with a wave of chlorine gas, 100 Russian soldiers coved in blood and half-blind, successfully launched a counter-attack against the advancing 7000 Germans, who fled at the sight of the "dead men walking".
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When Spielberg first showed John Williams a cut of Schindler's List, Williams was so moved he had to take a walk outside to collect himself. Upon his return, Williams told Spielberg he deserved a better composer. Spielberg replied, "I know, but they're all dead."
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering where are the walking dead comics at. Here are 50 of the best facts about Walking Dead Season 9 and Walking Dead Characters I managed to collect.
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Betty Robinson, an Olympic runner, was involved in a plane crash in 1931 and was wrongly pronounced dead upon first being discovered. She spend 7 months in a coma and it took her 2 years to learn to walk normally again. In 1936, she returned to the US olympic team and won gold in the relay.
AMC cut the budget of 'The Walking Dead' by 20% for season 2 despite wanting twice as many episodes, and fired the show's creator 3 days after he promoted the show at Comicon
Francis from Malcolm in the Middle (Christopher Masterson), Hyde from That 70s Show (Danny Masterson), and Tara from The Walking Dead (Alanna Masterson) are all siblings.
Betty Robinson, an Olympic runner, was involved in a plane crash in 1931 and was wrongly pronounced dead upon first being discovered. She spend 7 months in a coma and it took her 2 years to learn to walk normally again. In 1936, she returned to the US olympic team and won gold in the relay.
Walking Dead intentionally hires actors from the Wire, because the Walking Dead creator was a huge fan of the Wire.
The Walking Dead" creator Robert Kirkman was only able to get his comic green-lit because he told Image Comics that there would be a plot twist revealing that the zombie apocalypse was caused by aliens who were using the zombies to weaken humanity's defenses. It was a lie.
Uraguay flight 571 crashed in the Andes in the 70s; survivors waited 2 months for help, all while being forced to eat the raw flesh of dead passengers. Two men walked 10 days and 40 miles through the mountain to safety
The reason zombies on The Walking Dead Aren't called zombies is that it's an alternate universe where zombie fiction never existed
Francis from "Malcolm in the Middle," Hyde from "That 70's Show" and Tara from "The Walking Dead" are siblings.
Alnwick Garden, in Northern England, is considered the most deadly garden on earth and is a tourist attraction. Over 100 toxic plants are on walk through display, including species that can cause guests to fall unconsciousness from toxic fumes.
Walking Dead data charts
For your convenience take a look at Walking Dead figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why did the walking dead end by examining the linked well-known sources.
There is a deadly mushroom called ‘Destroying Angel’. Hours after eating it the victim will experience nausea and vomiting. The following day they may experience the ‘walking ghost’ phase where they feel ok, but the damage done to their cells is irreversible and they will almost certainly perish
During the Crusades, at the siege of Acre, the Templar Grandmaster dropped his sword and walked away from the walls, confusing his men. 'I'm not running away', he said 'I am dead. Here is the blow'. He raised his arm to show an arrow penetrating his mail under his armpit, mortally wounding him. - source
Both NBC and HBO had a chance to purchase The Walking Dead, but they passed when the producers refused to tone down the gore and violence - source
In The Walking Dead it's only been slightly over a year and a half since the outbreak, despite airing for nearly 5 years.
Walking Corpse Syndrome" is a mental condition in which sufferers believe they are missing internal organs, have no blood, or that they are dead outright. PET scans of a patient showed he exhibited brain activity similar to someone asleep or under anaesthesia - source
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Laurie Holden (Andrea from the Walking Dead) is a member of Operation Underground Railroad, whose mission is to hunt down sex traffickers. She was recently part of a sting in Columbia which resulted in the arrest of 12 criminals and the rescue of 55 sex trafficking victims.
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Multiple shows including, the walking dead, Malcolm in the middle and breaking bad have used a fictional cigarette brand called morley.
Tyler Perry’s films are so profitable because he uses his own studios (Tyler Perry Studios), which occupy two former Delta Air Lines affiliated buildings including over 200,000 sq ft. of sets and office space. The Walking Dead also utilizes Tyler Perry Studios to film scenes in The Kingdom.
During the Black Plague, some plague doctors were officially commissioned and paid to walk the streets and differentiate between the living and the dead by poking bodies with sticks.
A massive, deadly gas explosion in a Harlem piano shop sent pianos flying across the store, surrounding the technician who lived there in a protective "cocoon" as the five-story building collapsed. He walked away with only a scratch.
Walking dead infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Walking Dead numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

The Walking Dead - Distribution of Popularity by Season