Waffle House facts
While investigating facts about Waffle House Menu and Waffle House Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
People who work for Waffle House Corporate spend one day a year working in a Waffle House restaurant.
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WWE’s The Undertaker is afraid of cucumbers. Paul Bearer watched The Undertaker, “throw up all over a Waffle House because there was a cucumber floating in his iced tea.” Bearer used to prank the Deadman by placing cucumber slices in his hat and gloves.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is gluten free at waffle house. Here are 50 of the best facts about Waffle House Delivery and Waffle House Index I managed to collect.
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Waffle House serves 2% off all the eggs eaten in America
The Waffle House Index, An Informal Scale Used By The United States Government To Determine Severity of Storms Based on Opening/Closing of Waffle Houses
A Florida man butt-dialed 911 while discussing murder plans. He was charged with 1st degree murder after man discussed was found shot in car after getting into an argument with murderers at a Waffle House restaurant
Fema sometimes measures disasters impact using a thing called the waffle house index. This is because there are so many of them and they have the unique ability to operate completely off gas for power/heat/cook. So if the waffle house is closed then its tantamount to complete disaster!
2% of all eggs (produced in the USA) are purchased by Waffle House...
Waffle House has its own record label, Waffle Records
There is an informal "Waffle House Index" FEMA uses regarding the severity of natural disasters. If Waffle House is closed, FEMA gets to work.
Waffle House has its own record label called Waffle Records. You can hear all their greatest hits at your local Waffle House.
FEMA monitors Waffle House's decision to close restaurants to gauge storm response
Waffle House data charts
For your convenience take a look at Waffle House figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Atlanta has 132 Waffle Houses. Cartersville, GA is a close 2nd with 45.
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FEMA has a Waffle House Index to gauge the severity of natural disasters
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Waffle House has branded vans and RVs that dispatch after a natural disaster, providing what damaged restaurants need to remain open: generators, extra manpower, IT support, and, a food safety team to make sure its food is actually safe to eat once the restaurant is serving again.
FEMA uses the Waffle House as an informal metric to gauge the severity of a disaster. This is because of the corporate policy to remain open in any disaster, whenever possible. What they're serving can help gauge how much assistance an area needs.
Waffle house infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Waffle House numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.