Voter Registration facts
While investigating facts about Voter Registration Texas and Voter Registration Status, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1952 Cesar Chavez began to work for the CSO (Community Service organization). While working at this job he began to work for Latino civil rights, spearheaded voter registrations and fought against economic and racial discrimination.
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While with the SNCC, Carmichael participated in the 1961, the 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches, and numerous other black voter registration campaigns across the deep south.
What is my voter registration number?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is automatic voter registration. Here are 23 of the best facts about Voter Registration Lookup and Voter Registration Card I managed to collect.
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During the Freedom Rides of the early 1960s and during voter registration campaigns for blacks, SNCC members were subjected to violence.
Some of Randolph's tactics in the civil rights movement included mass voter registration and encouraging blacks to vote as a bloc, which were both advocated by later civil rights leaders and still are today.
Only 11 states plus D.C. allow same day voter registration.
After the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed, black and Hispanic voter registration greatly increased and there was a realignment in the political parties: white southerners switched to the Republican Party while blacks and Hispanics overwhelming registered and voted as Democrats.
North Dakota is the only state with no voter registration for any city, state, or federal election.
Minnesota does not require any identification for voter registration, only the testimony of a registered voter or an employee of your residence.
In 1993 R.E.M. made use of the wasteful 'longbox' style of CD packaging by requesting fans sign them and send them to Congress as a petition to support the Motor Voter Bill, which sought to to ease voter registration. 10,000 boxes were submitted.
Each principal of a public or private high school in Texas also serves as a deputy registrar which allows them to distribute and receive voter registration applications submitted to them from students
Voter registration records for 14 US States (including personal info) are publicly available for anyone to view
When the leaked user data from Ashley Madison were linked to voter registration rolls, it was found that Democrats were least likely to use Ashley Madison, Libertarians were most likely, and Republicans, Greens, and unaffiliated voters were in between.
Voter Registration data charts
For your convenience take a look at Voter Registration figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is voter registration public record?
You can easily fact check why is voter registration public by examining the linked well-known sources.
There is no voter registration in North Dakota. You just show up and vote.
Most U.S. states have online voter registration - source
31 states have online voter registration - source
Voter Registration Lists are Public Record (in my US State of NV) Name, Party, Age, Address, Specific Years Voted. So My Vote Really isn't that Secret...
A 19 year old MF Doom (Zev Love X) testified in front of congress to help pass the National Voter Registration Act - source
When voter's registration?
States are joining a registry called the ERIC, where they share data to weed out duplicate registrations, deceased and voters who have moved.
How to check voter registration?
32 states offer on line voter registration. That makes it pretty easy
31 states have online voter registration
In 2009 Conservative activists James O'Keefe & Hannah Giles released heavily edited undercover video to incriminate ACORN - An NPO that advocated for poor people and voter registration for 40 years - in illegal activities. ACORN was defunded and shut down. O'Keefe received a misdemeanor charge.
Texas ranked #1 in hazardous waste generated, population uninsured, executions, #2 in births, uninsured children, #3 in subprime credit, population living in hunger, #4 in teen pregnancy, % of women living in poverty, #8 in obesity, #47 in voter registration, #50 in % of high school graduates
Nikki Haley identifies herself as "white" on her voter registration card even though she is Indian-American.
Voter registration infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Voter Registration numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Voter Registration and Turnout by Age Group for Each State in the 2016 Presidential Election