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Voice Siri facts

While investigating facts about Voice Siri Not Working and Voice Siri Online, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The original voice for Siri was a woman named Susan Bennett. She was paid hourly to record nonsense phrases for a third party company, and only later learned that she had provided Apple with "all of the sounds of the English language", which they could then formed into any response.

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The voice of male UK Siri, Jon Briggs, did not know he was the voice of Siri until he recognized his own voice on a iPhone 4s commercial.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened to siri's voice. Here are 19 of the best facts about Voice Siri Android and Voice Siri App I managed to collect.

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  1. Jeff Goldblum was offered to be the voice of Siri by Steve Jobs himself.

  2. Jeff Goldblum was almost the voice of Siri.

  3. The original voice of Siri with a British accent was Jon Briggs. He also did not know what the recording was to be used for Siri.

  4. Karen Jacobsen was the original Australian voice for Siri.

  5. Susan Bennett AKA the voice of Siri didn’t get paid anything from Apple in fact she didn’t even know that they were going to use her voice for Siri

  6. The original voice of Siri with an American accent was Susan Bennett. She recorded her voice in 2005 without knowing it would eventually be used for Siri.

  7. In 1987 Apple released a concept video for technology in 2011 featuring a tablet computer named The Knowledge Navigator with a voice parsing assistant. In 2011 Apple released Siri

  8. Synthesized voices like Siri aren't synthesized from scratch. Instead, parts of speech recorded by voice actors are stored in a database and effectively combined by text to speech systems to form words and sentences not actually recorded by the actor.

  9. "Daniel," the famous text-to-speech voice and UK voice of Apple's Siri, is voiced by Jon Briggs, one the best known commercial voices in the UK. Known as the voiceover statistician in BBC's The weakest Link, and the narrator for the start of the drum and bass song "Blood Sugar" by Pendulum.

  10. Apple didn't inform the woman who is the voice of Siri that they used her, and also didn't pay her

voice siri facts
What is the best siri voice?

Why is siri not responding to my voice?

You can easily fact check why did siri's voice change by examining the linked well-known sources.

The British male voice on Siri is the voiceover guy from The Weakest Link

Apple's Siri and Samsung's S voice had an older sibling named Smarterchild that was founded by ActiveBuddy in 2000 and later acquired and decommissioned by Microsoft in 2007 - source

Susan Bennett (The voice of Siri) is also the Delta Airlines terminal voice and many other different companies. - source

The real voice behind Apple's Siri virtual assistant is Atlanta-based Actress Susan Bennett

The voice behind GPS ( in most devices) and Siri is a woman named Karen - source

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The original voice of Siri still has no clue how she ended up on your iPhones

How do you change siri's voice?

The voice of Siri, Susan Bennett, had no idea that her voice was going to be used for Apple and has not been paid a cent for it

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Voice Siri. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Voice Siri so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor