Incredible and fun facts to explore

Vitamin Supplements facts

While investigating facts about Vitamin Supplements For Skin and Vitamin Supplements For Male Menopause, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A Scottish man fasted for 382 days, living on vitamin supplements and non-caloric beverages. He was morbidly obese, weighing 456 pounds, and lost 276 pounds. The fast was monitored by doctors, who detected no ill-effects. He never regained the weight. It was the longest recorded fast in history.

how vitamin supplements are made?

The FDA tried to regulate vitamin supplements in high doses (>150% DV) due to potential health risks. Regulations were fought by the Vitamin Industry, who then funded a bill preventing all FDA regulation of supplements, which has been law since in 1976.

What vitamin supplements do vegans need?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what vitamin supplements should vegans take. Here are 27 of the best facts about Vitamin & Supplements Stores and Vitamin Supplements Good Or Bad I managed to collect.

what vitamin supplements should i take?

  1. Studies of Vitamin D supplements show they offer a significant chance of preventing cold & flu, while Vitamin C actually has little to no benefit.

  2. Numerous studies find no evidence for Vitamin C (or other cold supplements) reducing/preventing colds and flu

  3. The spray tan industry confused food grade DHA (found in vitamin supplements) with self tanning chemical DHA (dihydroxyacetone) which may be a cancer causing toxin.

  4. Research shows vitamin supplements don't make us healthier, and in some cases, may do more harm than good.

  5. Brewer's yeast is often used as food supplement due to high content of vitamins of the B group.

  6. The FDA doesn't effectively regulate supplements, vitamins or herbal medicine and most who get inspected fail quality and safety guidelines, many of which contain chemicals and unlisted allergens.

  7. Vitamin D supplements are made by extracting the fat from sheeps' wool

  8. Supplements like zinc and vitamin C support the immune system and can help fight infection.

  9. Leaving a mushroom in the sun creates a super vitamin D supplement

  10. Vitamin D supplements come in two different forms - vitamin D2 and vitamin D3.

vitamin supplements facts
What vitamin supplements should vegetarians take?

Why vitamin supplements don't work?

You can easily fact check why vitamin supplements are important by examining the linked well-known sources.

Vitamin D-3 is a hormone with deep effects on sleep and metabolism. Ideal level is 60-80 ng/ml, but being indoors, most of us are deficient. We can supplement it, but it takes more than single pill dose. Fixing D-3 fixes sleep, which fixes a host of conditions associated with lifestyle.

Taking one vitamin C supplement is equal to the amount of vitamin C one would get from eating seven to eight entire cantaloupes. - source

Vitamin D can help the immune system to fight cancer. It's essential to processes in both 'innate' and 'adaptive' immune cells, and appropriate supplementation may provide an anti-cancer boost. - source

Diet supplementation can be optimised in a number of ways e.g. High dose minerals like Ca, Mg and Zn are best taken at separate times to avoid multi-vitamin/mineral competition. While vitamins A,D,E and K are far better absorbed when accompanied by fatty meals (dinner rather than breakfast).

In order for humans to absorb calcium, we need a special vitamin = Vitamin D. Without the vitamin D, we can drink as much milk, or take as many supplements of calcium as we want - we won"t be able to use it!

When to take vitamin supplements?

Researchers in Christchurch studied whether Vitamin D supplements helped against the adverse effects of earthquakes.

How vitamin supplements work?

During WWII the U.S. were afraid the Nazis were restricting vitamins in conquered people’s foods, and giving their men vitamin supplements to advance their "master race" agenda. Today's obsession with vitamins is largely the result of the marketing frenzy the U.S. helped create to counter it.

Depression is a possible (albeit rare) side effect of taking vitamin b complex supplements

The FDA has little power over "dietary supplements" such as vitamins and weight loss pills; pills don't require approval before ads and sales, nor do they need to provide any evidence that they do what they say they will or that they are even safe!

Vitamin supplements not only usually don’t do any good, but they can increase the risk of getting ill.

When is the best time to take vitamin d supplements?

Numerous studies find no evidence for Vitamin C (or other cold supplements) reducing/preventing colds and flu

Vitamin D(3) supplementation during the winter may reduce the incidence of influenza A

The National Institute of Health spent $2.4 billion studying vitamins and supplements only to find out they really don’t work...

Vitamin Manganese helps form bones, metabolize amino acids, cholesterol, and carbohydrates. If you take supplements or have manganese in your drinking water, be careful not to exceed the upper limit. Those with liver damage or whose diets supply abundant manganese should be especially vigilant.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Vitamin Supplements. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Vitamin Supplements so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor