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Virtually Impossible facts

While investigating facts about Virtually Impossible Meaning and Virtually Impossible The Resident, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The biggest infrastructure project in the U.S. ($512 BILLION), the Interstate Highway System, was built and championed by Eisenhower in 1956, because he thought it was virtually impossible to travel US roads after experiencing the German Autobahn in WW2 during his experience as General.

how is normal life virtually impossible?

Paper seat liners in public restrooms are essentially just placebos to make people feel less anxious; it's virtually impossible to catch something from a toilet seat and nearly every other surface is far dirtier

What does the term virtually impossible mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does it mean when someone says virtually impossible. Here are 17 of the best facts about Virtually Impossible Tv Show and Virtually Impossible Definition I managed to collect.

what does virtually impossible mean?

  1. Stonehenge has been deconstructed and rebuilt multiple times, making it virtually impossible to know precisely how the monument was originally oriented.

  2. It is virtually impossible to die from quicksand in the way movies portray this.

  3. After Russia made it virtually impossible for people to cross the Berlin Wall on foot, one group of East Germans crashed a stolen tank into the wall to get through to the other side.

  4. If you pirate "Game Dev Tycoon," the virtual games that the player develops will be virtually pirated, and the player will go bankrupt, making it impossible to win.

  5. Prions, the infectious proteins that caused Mad Cow Disease, create impossible to cure, 100% deadly brain diseases, and are extremely resistant to multiple forms of sterilization. There is virtually no way to reliably detect the form that infects humans.

  6. About the Shelley Jackson Skin Project. Over 2000 volunteers from around the world got one word of short story tattooed on themselves. The completed story has never been published anywhere other than on the volunteers, making it virtually impossible for one to piece together the whole story.

  7. The Antarctic Snow Cruiser built in 1937 and designed for the United States Antarctic Service Expedition. However when they got the cruiser to Antarctica, the giant tread-less tires made using it virtually impossible and the machine was abandoned and buried still till today.

  8. Cow tipping is load of bull. Modern Farmer did the math, and it's virtually impossible for one or two people to tip a cow.

  9. the White Australia policy in the early part of the 20th century kept non-Europeans out of Australia for a few decades through a dictation test which is virtually impossible to pass if the officers really wanted to keep a person out.

  10. Eurasian Milfoil is an aquatic invasive plant that is virtually impossible to remove from the waters it has colonized

virtually impossible facts
What does the saying virtually impossible mean?

Why is it virtually impossible for a girl to be born with dmd?

You can easily fact check why is an erp signal from the thalamus virtually impossible to detect by examining the linked well-known sources.

It's virtually impossible for a New Yorker to be anywhere, anytime without being within 5 feet of a rat" Mike Rowe (@~2:30)

The energy and matter density within our region of space is coincidentally responsible for its 'flatness' (within +/- 0.4%) and that negatively curved (hyperbolic) regions of space yield simple things like sports virtually impossible. - source

Spock's Brain" is referenced in the book "Modern Principles: Microeconomics" as an example of how it is virtually impossible to have a command economy; in that not even Spock's brain could run an economy and many fans consider the episode the worst ever. Phish wrote a song called Spock's Brain. - source

If you are able to hold your breath for a long time it is "virtually impossible" that you suffer from many modern hypoxia-related diseases (heart disease, cancer, etc.)

The entire country of Switzerland is boobytrapped, making invasion pointless, if not virtually impossible. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Virtually Impossible. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Virtually Impossible so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor