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Vegetable Gardener facts

While investigating facts about Vegetable Gardeners Bible and Vegetable Gardeners Handbook, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Roman emperor Diocletian retired in 305 AD to grow cabbages and tend to his vegetable gardens.

how to start a vegetable garden?

The Last Emperor of China lived until 1967, and was a communist prisoner for years tending a vegetable garden simply as "Prisoner No. 981"

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 37 of the best facts about Vegetable Gardener Gifts and Vegetable Gardeners Bible Pdf I managed to collect.

what is vegetable gardener?

  1. The Last Emperor of China lived until 1967, and was a communist prisoner for years tending a vegetable garden simply as "Prisoner No. 981"

  2. St.Jude's Children Research Hospital has their own fresh garden for the cafeteria food. "The St. Jude Garden provides fresh vegetables and herbs right here on campus. What began as a few raised beds has become an expanded garden that yields more produce at lower costs - and it's still growing."

  3. During Emily Dickinson’s lifetime, everyone in Amherst knew her for her gardening rather than her poetry. The garden consisted of flowers, fruits and vegetables that she gifted to others. A third of her poetry relies on imagery from her garden that she tended to at night to avoid encounters.

  4. Garden cress produces white or light pink flowers arranged in multi-branched terminal clusters. Flowers contain both types of reproductive organs (perfect flowers).

  5. Catsear easily occupies golf courses, gardens, lawns and pastures. People use various mechanical (pulling of plant from the ground) and chemical (pesticides) methods to eradicate this plant from the occupied areas.

  6. Some gardeners plant marigold in their vegetable gardens to protect vegetables from the pests. Insect repelling properties of marigold are not scientifically proven yet.

  7. Name "garden rocket" refers to the fact that arugula grows extremely fast (rocket speed). Leaves are ready for the harvest 40 days after sowing of seed.

  8. At one time the land at Skaftafell National Park was used for grazing sheep but since this practice stopped there is an abundance of vegetation emerging. This vegetation includes wild angelica, sea pea, arctic river beauty, garden angelica, and willow.

  9. Garden cress propagates via seed that starts to germinate 2 to 4 days after sowing. Garden cress can thrive on the soil of poor quality, but it requires regular watering for the successful growth.

  10. Garden cress is rarely mixed with other types of plants because it emits strong odor that negatively affects growth of the nearby plants.

vegetable gardener facts
What are the best facts about Vegetable Gardener?

Why do you plant marigolds in a vegetable garden?

You can easily fact check why marigolds in vegetable garden by examining the linked well-known sources.

Arugula is frequently cultivated near the basil and parsley in the gardens because it repels pest with its spicy smell and taste.

Garden cress blooms from June to August. Flowers attract insects which are responsible for the pollination of this plant.

Seeds of garden cress are also edible, but they need to be cooked or roasted before consumption. Seeds of garden cress are excellent source of omega-6 fatty acids.

Garden cress completes its life cycle in one (annual) or two (biennial) years.

Garden cress is mostly consumed as leafy vegetables. Stem and leaves has peppery, tangy flavor and they are often used for the preparation of salads, sandwiches and dishes made of cheese or eggs.

What to plant when vegetable garden?

Former American president Thomas Jefferson was a big fan of lamb's lettuce. He cultivated this plant in his garden in Virginia at the beginning of the 19th centuries.

How to start a vegetable garden from scratch?

Garden cress can regulate menstrual cycle, increase production of milk in breastfeeding women and improve libido. Seeds are used to purify blood, stimulate appetite, boost immune system and memory and in treatment of dysentery, diarrhea, sore throat, asthma and cough.

Garden cress has erect, bluish-green, multi-branched stem that can reach 8 to 24 inches in height.

Built on the site of a pre-Columbian town, Xochimilco is famous for its floating gardens. Locals constructed branch and reed rafts on the lake, covered them with mud from the bottom of the lake, and cultivated fruits, vegetables, and flowers, which they shipped to Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City)

The Roman Emperor Tiberius demanded that he be served a cucumber-like vegetable every day. To have a year-round supply, Roman gardeners planted the cucumbers in wheeled carts which were put in the sun daily, then taken inside to keep them warm at night.

John Adams was the first president to occupy the White House in 1800; one of his first additions was a vegetable garden.

When to apply fertilizer to vegetable garden?

Garden cress should be consumed in moderation because it prevents absorption of iodine by thyroid gland and can induce hypothyroidism. It should be also avoided during the pregnancy because it stimulates uterine contractions and can induce abortion.

Snoop Lion has created a community gardening project called "Mind Gardens" to provide fruits and vegetables to children worldwide.

Garden cress is fast-growing plant. Edible shoots can be harvested one or two weeks after planting.

Gardener Peter Glazebrook has won top prize in all six classes of the giant vegetable contest at the Harrogate show and has broken the world record for the heaviest onion.

Garden cress is valuable source of vitamins K, C, A, B2 and B9 and minerals such as manganese, potassium, iron and magnesium.

How to build a raised vegetable garden?

Basal leaves of garden cress are compound-lobed and equipped with long petioles. Leaves on the upper parts of the stem are usually pinnately lobed. Some varieties of garden cress have curly leaves.

Fruit of garden cress is small pod filled with 2 seed.

Garden cress can be cultivated in the pots filled with water and minerals (hydroponics), or using only moist cotton wool or paper towels (which hold the plant upright).

The ant Myrmelachista schumanni, which inhabits 3 specific trees in the Amazon. It kills all other plants in the area, creating a space largely devoid of vegetation called a "devil's garden"

Gardening Idea Super 30 vegetables you can grow at home in pots

An English organic gardener has done trials to prove that you can grow as many vegetables successfully by total produce weight in a veg patch with no digging as one which has regular digging.

A vegetable garden can legally be seized and destroyed by the US federal government, because they have an interest in supply and demand in the national market for that commodity.

JFK Airport has a 24,000-square-foot vegetable garden farmed by JetBlue employees.

VAMS students gain life skills through vegetable garden

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Vegetable Gardener. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Vegetable Gardener so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor