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Urine Collected facts

While investigating facts about Urine Collected Must Be Processed Within and Urine Collected In, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Ancient Romans would piss on their clothes (or let strangers relieve themselves in a bowl and collect the urine), let it break down into ammonia, mix it with water and stir the mixture with their feet to clean their laundry.

how is coyote urine collected?

NASA changed their urine-collecting condom sizes from Small, Medium, Large, to Large, Gigantic, Humongous because male astronauts who were not well-endowed continued choosing ‘Large’ even though it was too big.

What type of urine specimen is collected for urinalysis?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what type of urine is collected for urine culture. Here are 23 of the best facts about Urine Collected During 24 Hours and Urine Collected In 24 Hours I managed to collect.

what is the most common urine specimen collected?

  1. During the early penicillin era, the drug was so scarce and so highly valued that it became common to collect the urine from patients being treated, so that the penicillin in the urine could be isolated and reused

  2. Ancient Romans used ammonia from urine to wash togas in a manner simillar to modern day dry cleaning, and the collection of urine was taxed.

  3. Whales sometimes turn on their backs and pee upwards into the air creating urine fountains. Scientists would love to sample and measure this undiluted whale-urine (for research), but sadly haven't figured out how to collect it yet.

  4. Robert Wells, who believes drinking young people's urine will help him remain young. He once posed as a maintenance man in a theme park restroom to get fresh urine. He told the young patrons the toilets were broken and had them pee into a funnel, where he'd collect the urine and drink it.

  5. Before alcohol was introduced in Siberia, tribesmen consumed psychoactive mushrooms so rare that the poor who could not afford it would wait round the huts of the rich with a bowl to collect and drink the rich's urine, which they drink off greedily, as having still some of the mushroom in it.

  6. "during the early penicillin era, the drug was so scarce... that it became common to collect the urine from patients being treated, so that the penicillin in the urine could be isolated and reused"

  7. Some reindeer herders feed their deer magic mushrooms, then collect the deer’s urine and drink it so they can hallucinate.

  8. China has always been very meticulous in keeping secret Chinese leaders' health conditions. In the past when Jiang Zemin was visiting abroad, he would not even relieve and urinate in hotels' toilet bowls for fear that foreign governments could collect his excrements for examination

  9. ISS is divided in two parts: American and Russian. Both collect water by recycling, but the American side extracts more water as it recycles urine too while the Russian side doesn't.

  10. Indian yellow pigment, used in oil paintings and watercolors, is claimed to have been originally manufactured in India from the urine of cattle fed only mango leaves and water. The urine would be collected and dried, producing hard dirty yellow balls of the raw pigment, called "purree".

urine collected facts
What are the best facts about Urine Collected?

Why is mid stream urine collected?

You can easily fact check why is a midstream urine sample collected by examining the linked well-known sources.

Spokane, WA collects 300+ bottles of urine weekly along I-90 and state highways

Ancient Romans would collect and sell human urine. It was used as laundry cleaner, general cleaner, and even mouth wash. - source

There is a Chinese delicacy, tong zi dan (also known as virgin boy egg), that is an egg boiled in the urine of prepubescent boys preferably under the age of 10. The urine is collected from school toilets or boys urinate directly into collection buckets set out by vendors. - source

About chamber lye. Stale urine collected from chamber pots, used when washing laundry.

Kenoye Stroman was accused of killing a man in a nightclub before fleeing in a red, white and blue NASCAR-themed limousine. He was acquitted after police were unable to collect gunshot residue from his hands, which he had urinated on - source

When a bacteriologic culture is to be obtained on urine the specimen is collected by?

I learned that human and animal urine was a commodity resource that was taxed by the government of ancient Romans. Urine collected was used as an ancient method of dry cleaning.

How is wolf urine collected?

Hardvard's Art Museum collects thousands of the rarest color pigments in the world. From Mummy(collected from the resin of Egyptian mummies) to Indian Yellow(dried urine from cows who only eat mangoes their entire life) or weird ones like lead soaked in vinegar. Over 2500 colors are collected.

The Romans would clean and whiten their teeth as well as wash their clothes with human urine. They would also collect the urine from public urinals to sell, which also had its own urine tax.

Faced with gunpowder shortages, the Confederacy started a program to collect urine of women. This led to one of the funniest poem battles of all time. See comment.

In Dongyang, China, eggs cooked in the urine of prepubescent school boys is a cultural delicacy. The urine is collected from school toilets or collection buckets set outside by vendors. They sell for twice the price of normal boiled eggs.

About "Watering Can Scrotum" where when the urethra is damaged or diseased urine collects in the scrotum and is discharged through the skin in the manner of a watering can.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Urine Collected. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Urine Collected so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor