Truck Driver facts
While investigating facts about Truck Driver 2 and Truck Driver Salary, I found out little known, but curios details like:
After watching Star Wars in 1977, James Cameron quit his job as a truck driver to enter the film industry
how truck driver pay?
James Cameron decided to quit his job as a truck driver to enter the film industry after watching Star Wars.
What truck drivers make?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's truck drivers. Here are 50 of the best facts about Truck Driver Film and Truck Driver Jobs I managed to collect.
what truck drivers do?
James earl jones once traveled across the us and used his legendary darth vader voice to talk to truck drivers on his cb radio .
In 2007 the I-35W bridge in Minnesota collapsed with a school bus on the deck. As it fell, a truck driver swerved to give them an exit. It cost him his own life but saved over 50 children.
James earl jones once traveled across the us and used his legendary darth vader voice to talk to truck drivers on his cb radio .
Bea Arthur from the TV Show "Golden Girls" was a Marine truck driver in WW2 serving in Marine Corps and Navy air stations in Virginia and North Carolina reaching the rank of Staff Sergeant.
Joseph Trombino, Brinks truck driver, who narrowly survived an armed robbery in 1983 and the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, only to be killed in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001
Rival ice cream truck drivers in Glasgow in the 80s sold drugs from their trucks, shot at each other, and committed arson in the Glasgow Ice Cream Wars.
American garbage truck drivers have an average annual salary of $40,000, greater than the nationwide average of $30,000 among all high school graduates
Two babies were switched at birth, one family was rich and the other poor, the rich couple's biological baby became a truck driver and the poor couple's biological baby became a CEO of a company
The Red Bull was actually created in Thailand in 1976 as an energy drink for truck drivers
A guy dressed up as an armored truck driver and tricked Walmart into giving him $75,000.
Truck Driver data charts
For your convenience take a look at Truck Driver figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why truck drivers are losing jobs?
You can easily fact check why become a truck driver by examining the linked well-known sources.
James Earl Jones once used the handle “Darth Vader” while travelling across the country and spoke, in character, to truck drivers on the CB radio. Apparently, the drivers would really freak out so he stopped doing it. - source
After watching Star Wars for the first time in 1977, James Cameron quit his job as a truck driver to enter the film industry. - source
A truck driver without a college degree has researched and published the most accurate account of the Hiroshima atomic bomb's design
Samsung invented a truck with a screen on the rear, that showed following drivers what the road ahead looks like, for safer overtaking. - source
When do truck drivers get paid?
Anthony Curcio put an ad on Craigslist for 15-20 similarly dressed workers for a fake cleanup project and to meet in a bank parking lot at the time he was to rob an armored truck. Curcio, dressed like the others, worked the grounds, pepper-sprayed the driver, and left with over $400,000.
How much do truck drivers make?
Rival ice cream truck drivers in Glasgow in the 80s sold drugs from their trucks, shot at each other, and committed arson in the Glasgow Ice Cream Wars
Reginald Denny, a dump truck driver, was pulled from his truck by L.A. rioters who smashed his head with a five-pound piece of medical equipment, a slab of concrete and a claw hammer, fracturing his skull in 91 places. The six assailants were cleared of all serious charges.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2012 there were 115,000 janitors, 83,000 bartenders, 323,000 restaurant servers, and 80,000 heavy-duty truck drivers with bachelor’s degrees -- a number exceeding that of uniformed personnel in the U.S. Army.
"that we now have 115,000 janitors, 83,000 bartenders, 323,000 restaurant servers, and 80,000 heavy-duty truck drivers with bachelor’s degrees"
Truck driver infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Truck Driver numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

6 months wages as a Regional Refrigerated Truck Driver