Trends Continue facts
While investigating facts about If These Trends Continue and , I found out little known, but curios details like:
50% of US marriages end in divorce" statistic is very misleading. In reality, divorce rates peaked in the early 1980s and have been steadily decreasing since then. If current trends continue, only one third of today's marriages will end in divorce.
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The "50% of US marriages end in divorce" statistic is misleading. In reality, divorce rates peaked in the early 1980s and have been steadily decreasing since then. If current trends continue, only a third of today's marriages will end in a divorce.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what if these trends continue. Here are 12 of the best facts about Trends Continue I managed to collect.
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Fans promoting the TV show Supernatural got #LuciferIsComing trending to promote Lucifer's return, prompting it to be blocked by Twitter following complaints. Actor Misha Collins tried to continue it with #PDiddyIsScaredOfHisTV, which too was blocked.
Japan's total fertility rate (although still below replacement level) has been increasing since 2005 and the UN believes the trend will continue.
Due to overfishing around the world, fishing stocks are rapidly declining. If the current trend continues it is estimated that in 50 years fishing stocks will be depleted.
Half the world’s population — about 5 billion people — will be nearsighted by 2050 if current trends continue. Nearsightedness, or myopia, is a common eye condition that is determined by the shape of the eye. It lets people see nearby objects clearly, but not distant objects, which appear blurry
About the molecular biology blots: a man named Ed Southern developed a DNA blotting technique that he coined the Southern Blot after himself. In the years to come, two other scientists developed blotting techniques and named them the Western and Northern Blots to continue this trend.
Every episode in season 5 of "That '70s Show" is named after a Led Zeppelin song. They continued this trend for the following seasons using The Who, Rolling Stones and Queen.
The 10th US President, John Tyler ( served 1841-1845) still has two living grandsons. After his first wife died, he remarried and had children in his 60's. His son would continue the trend, having children in his 70's. Two of John Tyler's grandsons (born in the 1920's) are still alive.
Reproduction, in economics, is to ensure the continuity of production, distribution, and consumption cycle. Thus, it requires a market, and to create or expand one, trends are made.
In 1996 the Florida Panthers NHL Hockey team would get thousands of real and fake rats thrown onto the ice every time they scored a goal. This trend grew and grew (out of superstition) with the Panthers continued success to the championship final that year.
A major underlying belief of Jehovah's Witness members is to "avoid independent thinking", because such thinking "was introduced by Satan the Devil." Meanwhile membership continues to trend upward with their most recent memorial attendance world wide estimated at over 19,000,000. WTF....
Trends Continue data charts
For your convenience take a look at Trends Continue figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.