Traffic Jam facts
While investigating facts about Traffic Jam Paragraph and Traffic Jam And Snug, I found out little known, but curios details like:
An IKEA in the Netherlands had to cancel their 1 euro breakfast special because it attracted too many customers and caused traffic jams on the highway.
how traffic jams start?
Phantom traffic jams (queues of traffic not caused by vehicle collisions or roadworks) are the result of a single driver braking suddenly, causing each successive car to break to a greater degree, creating a wave of stopped or slowed traffic.
What traffic jam means?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what causes traffic jams. Here are 50 of the best facts about Traffic Jam Game and Traffic Jam Movie I managed to collect.
what's traffic jam?
Millionaire Michael O'Leary, CEO of airline Ryanair, has his own taxicab company with just one cab so he can legally use the bus lanes and avoid traffic jams
Researchers at MIT studied phantom traffic jams (jams that arise in the absence of any obstacles) and found they are inevitable at a certain vehicle density threshold. The waves of traffic are named Jamitons, and are similar to the equations that describe detonation waves produced by explosions.
An Ikea in the Netherlands had to cancel their 1 euro breakfast special because it attracted too many customers and caused traffic jams on the highway.
Ants do not have traffic jams because they don't have egos, don't mind collisions, and are very disciplined in crowded pathways.
On April 1st, 1993 a San Diego Radio station reported that the space shuttle Discovery had to make an emergency landing at the local airport at 8:30 am. Over 1000 people headed for the landing site to catch a glimpse, crowding the airport and causing traffic jams. It was an April Fools hoax.
As their senior prank, a group of 90 students walked (between two buildings) across the same street continuously for 15 minutes, using an underground tunnel that connected the two buildings. They continue long enough to cause a traffic jam, and the line of cars extended far down the road.
Ants do not have traffic jams because they don't have egos, don't mind collisions, and are very disciplined in crowded pathways
There was a traffic jam in Beijing, China that lasted 9 days and 100km
A British Radio sports commentator's on-air innuendo was so funny, it caused a 2 mile long traffic jam because drivers who were listening couldn't stop laughing.
A Chinese traffic jam that lasted 10 days, with some individual drivers taking up to 5 days to get out. This took so long that a small micro economy developed on the highway
Traffic Jam data charts
For your convenience take a look at Traffic Jam figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why traffic jam today?
You can easily fact check why traffic jam in delhi today by examining the linked well-known sources.
In Russia, some rich people hire "ambulance taxis" to beat Moscow's traffic jams
Tailgating is the Primary Cause of Traffic Jams - source
In 2005, Houston was struck by Hurricane Rita, which resulted in 3.7m people evacuating the area. The evacuation caused a traffic jam that spanned 100 miles, lasted days, and killed dozens of people. Hurricane Rita then ended up changing course and only dealt Houston a glancing blow.
There was a traffic jam in China that started on August 13th 2010; it lasted two weeks, jammed traffic for over 100km and allowed drivers to move roughly 1km a day. It inspired people to sell noodles in the jam for 3x the normal price and bottled water for ¥15, it normally sold for ¥1. - source
When traffic jammed?
Tailgating, or riding someone’s bumper, actually causes traffic jams, slowing everyone down
How traffic jams start gif?
In 2010 there was a traffic jam in China so huge that it lasted 10 days, with drivers only being able to move .6 miles a day.
The traffic to Woodstock ‘69 ranks in the top 5 worst traffic jams in history. The gridlock was 20+ miles long, and took a few days to clear. Most got out and walked. The jam was caused by a miscalculation of attendance...instead of the anticipated 250,000 —500,000 showed up.
In China you can pay someone 60$ to sit in a traffic jam for you and drive your car home and you get a ride on a bike to wherever u want
In the aftermath of 9/11, the entire House Leadership was evacuated to Mt.Weather. One reporter travelling to Mt. Weather on 9/11 reported ''finding a traffic jam of limos carrying Washington and government license plates and even a motorcade led by eight Harley Davidson U.S. Park Police.''