Road Trip facts
While investigating facts about Road Trip Planner and Road Trip Games, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A German man drove the same car, nicknamed Otto, 549,000 miles in 177 countries on a 26-year road trip. His wife joined him for most of the journey, where they traveled to nearly every country on the planet.
how to plan a road trip?
From 1936-1966, black Americans going on a road trip often used a "Negro Motorist Green Book" that would list businesses that sold to black people. The book helped travelers avoid one of 10,000 "sundown towns", places it was the law that all non-whites had to leave the town by sundown.
What's road trip?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what road trip in french. Here are 32 of the best facts about Road Trip Movie and Road Trip Cast I managed to collect.
what to do at road trip?
In 2015, Norma Bauerschmidt, a 90 years old woman was diagnosed with cancer. Instead of starting treatment, she, her son, daughter-in-law, and dog, went on a year long road trip around the US, travelling 13,000 miles around 32 states.
Russian Railways president Vladimir Yakunin wants to build a bridge across the Bering Strait from Russia to Alaska. This would make possible an almost 13,000 mile road trip from New York to London.
An optimized road trip stopping at a major landmark in each of the 48 contiguous U.S. states would take roughly 9.33 days of driving to complete
Dolph Lundgren had a Fulbright scholarship to MIT to study chemical engineering, and road-tripped up from NYC on a motorcycle and rolled onto campus with his then girlfriend Grace Jones on the back.
A Norwegian 10 year old once took his 18 month old sister on a trip to his grandparents in his parents car. 10km down the road he ended up in a ditch and when police turned up he claimed to be a dwarf!
An optimized road trip stopping at a major landmark in most of Europe would take roughly 14 days of driving to complete
Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jackson, and Marlon Brando went on a road trip during 9/11, and "Brando allegedly annoyed his traveling companions by insisting on stopping at nearly every KFC and Burger King they passed along the highway." AND this is being turned into a movie.
In 1888, Bertha Benz completed the first long distance road trip in a gasoline powered automobile. On the way she stopped for 'fuel' at a local pharmacy (making it the first filling station in history) and invented brake lining on the way. The trip covered 121 miles.
In 1978, Sam Sloan sued the SEC without a lawyer, arguing his own case before the Supreme Court. He then flew to Germany and took a road trip to Afghanistan, where he was accused of being a US spy. After breaking out of jail, he learned from a US embassy official he had won his case 9-0.
The first road trip in history was undertook by a woman, Bertha Benz and her two kids in 1888. She overcame numerous issues along the 65 mile route after sneaking off with the motorwagen prototype without the knowledge of her husband and inventor Karl Benz.
Road Trip data charts
For your convenience take a look at Road Trip figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why road trips are fun?
You can easily fact check why road trip is good by examining the linked well-known sources.
In August 1888 Bertha Benz, the wife of Karl Benz, undertook the first road trip by car, to prove the road-worthiness of her husband's invention.
Jack Kerouac and his friend Neal Cassady made several cross-country trips by car in the late 1940s. These trips inspired Jack's next novel On the Road, which was published in 1957.
In 1933, a Minor League Baseball Team was so bad, they went on a road trip and never came back - source
Wade Boggs, former third baseman for the Yankees, drank 107 Miller Lites on a single road trip.
A Road Trip Completonist: a person who has traveled to all 3,143 counties in the US. Only 32 people have this distinction - source
What to do when road trips?
Scientists have mapped out the perfect road trip that takes you through all 48 contiguous states.
How to road trip?
America's first cross country road trip happened in 1903 and their companion was a bulldog who wore goggles.
We can comprehend the distance of a Light Year as a road trip. You’d drive roughly 75 miles per minute for nine million years to traverse a Light Year. In our neighborhood the stars are an average of nine light years apart!
The first road trip happened in Germany in 1888, by Bertha Benz to help market her husbands invention. The company went on to become modern day Mercedes-Benz
The lyrics of the song Graceland deal with Paul Simon's thoughts during a road trip to Graceland after his divorce from Carrie Fisher
The Michelin star-rating system for restaurants was invented by the tire company as a way to encourage people to take road trips.
Road trip infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Road Trip numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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