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Trading Cards facts

While investigating facts about Trading Cards Near Me and Trading Cards Value, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Uri Geller believes Nintendo 'stole his identity' for the Pokemon Kadabra, and no agreement has yet been reached between the two parties. As a result, there has not been a Kadabra card released in the Trading Card Game since 2003

how trading cards are made?

In 1999, two nine-year-old boys sued Nintendo because they claimed the Pokémon Trading Card Game caused their problematic gambling.

What trading cards are worth money?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what trading cards are valuable. Here are 37 of the best facts about Trading Cards Steam and Trading Cards Readwritethink I managed to collect.

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  1. Tim Burton's movie, "Mars Attacks" was inspired by an ultra violent trading card set made by pulp novel cover artist Norman Saunders. He made the move very true to the cards as well.

  2. In 1979, a company released Supersisters, a set of 72 trading cards featuring famous women from politics, media, and entertainment. Co-founder Lois Rich got the idea after discovering that students at a local elementary school could not name five famous women.

  3. Saudi Arabia banned Pokémon in 2001 because of some symbols used in the trading cards and games and because it includes gambling which violates Muslim faith doctrine.

  4. In addition to the video games produced by Pokémon there are also Pokémon trading card games, manga series, animated TV shows, many movies, and even soundtracks to movies released around the world.

  5. Pikachu have appeared on at least 95 different playing cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

  6. Kadabra in Pokemon was taken off Pokemon trading cards and hasnt been printed since 2003 due to an unresolved £60 million law suit from a bloke (Uri Geller) who claims he can bend spoons with his mind because Kadabra has a bent spoon.

  7. The Fleer trading card company had to scramble to edit a Billy Ripken card because he had "FUCK FACE" clearly written and easily visible on the base of his bat.

  8. Police horses in Toronto have collectible trading cards

  9. A set of 72 trading cards called "Supersisters" was produced in 1979 and featured successful women from various fields.

  10. The movie Mars Attacks was based on a set of Controversial trading cards from 1962 that a full set in good condition would run you over $10k to acquire today...

trading cards facts
What trading cards are popular?

Why buy steam trading cards?

You can easily fact check why collect steam trading cards by examining the linked well-known sources.

Pulitzer prize winner Art Spiegelman, author of the Holocaust graphic-novel Maus designed the original run of Garbage Pail Kids trading cards

Cartoonist & Holocaust survivor Art Spiegleman, writer and illustrator of Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel 'Maus', also created gross-out trading cards "Garbage Pail Kids". - source

That, at the height of its popularity, Harry Potter had its own trading card game, made by Wizards of the Coast, the same company behind Magic: the Gathering. - source

The physical trading card game "Magic: The Gathering" is a Turing Complete game, meaning that it can be used as a Turing Machine and can solve mathmatical functions.

L that an 8 year old boy named Harvey Flexman offered to trade his 10 month old sister for a rare holographic Vaporean card during a radio phone-in on Ocean FM Station - source

When does target restock trading cards?

There was a Harry Potter Trading Card Game, released in the early noughties, that was supposed to "compete with the Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon and Magic: The Gathering card games."

How trading cards steam?

Mexico prohibits the import of Garbage Pail Kids Trading Cards

In 1999, two nine-year-old boys from Merrick, New York sued Nintendo in because they claimed the Pokémon Trading Card Game caused their problematic gambling.

The movie, "Mars Attacks!" was based on a popular trading card series from 1962 that was notorious for its depictions of extreme violence

In 1978, Topps produced a line of Three's Company trading cards featuring scenes and characters from the TV series

Pit, the popular commodity-trading card game, was developed by "the Sleeping Prophet" Edgar Cayce, who is considered by many to be the founder of the modern New Age movement.

When does walmart restock trading cards?

In the original Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, the main plot focused on Yugi punishing malevolent people's spirits through a variety of games (dice, board games, etc), rather than just on Duel Monsters. The trading card game did not become a plot point until the 60th chapter.

Nintendo was founded as a trading card company!

The reason behind the goverment shoutdown was Barack Obama not trading his Charizard card with John Boehner.


Pokemon Company makes $1.5 billion annually on pokemon related products such as the trading cards.

How to make trading cards?

The film Mars Attacks is based off a set of controversial 1962 trading cards of the same name. The cards are numbered and tell a story.

Nintendo was originally a trading card company.

The Blue Morpho butterfly actually has very little color on its wings. Instead, light reflects off of tiny microscopic structures on its scales to appear blue. This is the same effect for holographic trading cards and the back of CDs/DVDs.

The author of the Pulitzer Prize winning Holocaust graphic novel "Maus" created the Garbage Pail Kids Trading cards

There is a Star Wars trading card showing C3PO with a golden penis from 1977

The 1996 Tim Burton film "Mars Attacks" was based on a series of trading cards from the 1960's. Sets of the cards are now worth thousands.

In 1977, Topps released a Star Wars trading card of C3P0 sporting a big golden penis

The Mars Attacks! film (1996) was based off off of very bizarre trading cards...

Two nine-year old boys sued Nintendo because they claimed the Pokémon Trading Card Game caused their problematic gambling.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Trading Cards. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Trading Cards so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor